Examples of the the word, nitrogen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nitrogen ), is the 6245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In drug discovery through high-throughput screening. Biosynthesis In plants, nitrogen ,is first assimilated into organic compounds in the form of glutamate, formed
  2. In the breathing or decompression mix, to speed the elimination of dissolved, nitrogen ,from the blood. See Argos. Lighting Incandescent lights are filled with argon
  3. Acids. The key elements of an amino acid are carbon, hydrogen,oxygen, and, nitrogen , They are particularly important in biochemistry, where the term usually refers
  4. Bonded to hydrogens, and may contain other elements such as sulfur, oxygen or, nitrogen , Except glycine, naturally occurring amino acids are chiral and
  5. The valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VS EPR theory). The central, nitrogen ,atom has five outer electrons with an additional electron from each hydrogen
  6. Nutrients with crop rotation and animal manure less necessary. Synthetic, nitrogen , along with mined rock phosphate, pesticides and mechanization, have greatly
  7. From coal, the CO2 can be readily sequestered (the combustion products are, nitrogen ,and water). In 1981 a Canadian company converted a 1981 Chevrolet Impala to
  8. Ranging from 16 % to 25 % are used in the fermentation industry as a source of, nitrogen ,for microorganisms and to adjust pH during fermentation. Minor and emerging
  9. Is – 382.81 kJ/MOL. Di nitrogen is the thermodynamic product of combustion: all, nitrogen ,oxides are unstable with respect to nitrogen and oxygen, which is the principle
  10. Green Revolution exported the technologies (including pesticides and synthetic, nitrogen ,) of the developed world to the developing world. Thomas Malthus famously
  11. At least one carbon atom is replaced by one of the heteroatoms' oxygen, nitrogen , or sulfur. Examples of non-benzene compounds with aromatic properties are
  12. In wet soils such as rice paddies. Further, wet or anaerobic soils also lose, nitrogen ,through denitrification, releasing the greenhouse gases nitric oxide and
  13. Role in biological systems and human disease Ammonia is an important source of, nitrogen ,for living systems. Although atmospheric nitrogen abounds (more than 75 %)
  14. And pyridine, a hetero cyclic compound with a six-membered ring containing one, nitrogen ,atom. Benzene ring model Benzene,C6H6,is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon
  15. Nitrogen by enzymes called nitrogen izes. The overall process is called, nitrogen ,fixation. Although it is unlikely that biomimetic methods will be developed
  16. Its composition. The Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia from the, nitrogen ,in the air was developed by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch in 1909 and patented in
  17. Solubility in water as oxygen gas and is 2.5 times more soluble in water than, nitrogen ,gas. Argon is colorless, odorless,and nontoxic as a solid, liquid,and gas.
  18. Trichloride (NCl3) is also formed. The ammonia molecule readily undergoes, nitrogen ,inversion at room temperature; a useful analogy is an umbrella turning itself
  19. Tumors, and to correct eye defects. It has also used experimentally to replace, nitrogen ,in the breathing or decompression mix, to speed the elimination of dissolved
  20. Liquid air in a cryogenic air separation unit; a process that separates liquid, nitrogen , which boils at 77.3 K, from argon, which boils at 87.3 K and liquid oxygen
  21. Is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. Although atmospheric, nitrogen ,abounds (more than 75 %),few living creatures are capable of using this
  22. Effort has been directed toward understanding the mechanism of biological, nitrogen ,fixation. The scientific interest in this problem is motivated by the unusual
  23. On: * Production techniques (e.g., irrigation management, recommended, nitrogen , inputs ) * Improving agricultural productivity in terms of quantity and quality
  24. As an" ATS ". Agricultural Research Service scientists found that 60-90 % of, nitrogen ,runoff and 70-100 % of phosphorus runoff can be captured from manure effluents
  25. From or parallel to the Greek. Characteristics Properties Antimony is in the, nitrogen ,group (group 15) and has an electronegativity of 2.05. As expected by
  26. Product of combustion: all nitrogen oxides are unstable with respect to, nitrogen ,and oxygen, which is the principle behind the catalytic converter. However
  27. Abounds (more than 75 %),few living creatures are capable of using this, nitrogen , Nitrogen is required for the synthesis of amino acids, which are the building
  28. Elements. Ignition occurs when chlorine is passed into ammonia, forming, nitrogen , and hydrogen chloride; if chlorine is present in excess, then the highly
  29. Symbiotic relationships with phobia which create ammonia from atmospheric, nitrogen , Ammonia also plays a role in both normal and abnormal animal physiology.
  30. On the natural classification of human knowledge" ). Ammonia is a compound of, nitrogen ,and hydrogen with the formula. It is a colorless gas with a characteristic
  31. Water and nitrogen from a sample of clean air. They had determined that, nitrogen ,produced from chemical compounds was one-half percent lighter than nitrogen
  32. Pressure and temperature, = 10 M. Combustion The combustion of ammonia to, nitrogen ,and water is exothermic:: 4 NH3 + 3 O2 → 2 N2 + 6 H2O (g) (Her = – 1267.20
  33. Nitrogen produced from chemical compounds was one-half percent lighter than, nitrogen ,from the atmosphere. The difference seemed insignificant, but it was important
  34. The use of argon over comparatively less expensive nitrogen is preferred where, nitrogen ,may react with the experimental reagents or apparatus. Argon may be used as the
  35. An inert gas is needed. In particular, argon is the cheapest alternative when, nitrogen ,is not sufficiently inert. *The electronic properties (ionization and/or the
  36. Expected for a regular tetrahedral arrangement, but is measured at 107.8°. The, nitrogen ,atom in the molecule has a lone electron pair, which makes ammonia a base, a
  37. And oxygen, which is the principle behind the catalytic converter. However, nitrogen ,oxides can be formed as kinetic products in the presence of appropriate
  38. To produce the desired end-product ammonia, the hydrogen is then reacted with, nitrogen ,(derived from process air) using a magnetite catalyst under high pressure to
  39. In the form of molecules, including carbon dioxide and diatomic oxygen and, nitrogen , At the surface of the Earth, atoms combine to form various compounds
  40. Hydrogen chloride; if chlorine is present in excess, then the highly explosive, nitrogen ,trichloride (NCl3) is also formed. The ammonia molecule readily undergoes
  41. Function as Lewis bases due to the lone pairs of electrons on their oxygen and, nitrogen ,atoms. Definitions and concepts Modern definitions are concerned with the
  42. Experiment in which they removed all the oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and, nitrogen ,from a sample of clean air. They had determined that nitrogen produced from
  43. In 1919,Ernest Rutherford used artificial disintegration to convert, nitrogen ,into oxygen. From then on, this sort of scientific transmutation is routinely
  44. Months. They concluded that there was another gas in the air mixed in with the, nitrogen , Argon was also encountered in 1882 through independent research of H. F.
  45. Plants, planting trees for shade in the desert, hydroponics,fertilizer, nitrogen ,fertilizer, pesticides,reverse osmosis water processors, PET film insulation
  46. Lines and glove boxes. The use of argon over comparatively less expensive, nitrogen ,is preferred where nitrogen may react with the experimental reagents or
  47. Prevent the graphite from burning. For some of these processes, the presence of, nitrogen ,or oxygen gases might cause defects within the material. Argon is used in
  48. Biosynthesis In certain organisms, ammonia is produced from atmospheric, nitrogen ,by enzymes called nitrogen izes. The overall process is called nitrogen fixation
  49. By cryogenic fractional distillation, a process that also produces purified, nitrogen , oxygen, neon,krypton and xenon. Isotopes The main isotopes of argon found on
  50. Since it is a byproduct of the production of liquid oxygen and liquid, nitrogen ,from a cryogenic air separation unit, both of which are used on a large

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