Examples of the the word, celebrated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( celebrated ), is the 7573 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who, I was sorry to see, now limped badly, had been in his time one of the most, celebrated ,members of the Belgian police. " (though many of his screen incarnations are
  2. Descent from Neoptolemus, son of Achilles; Alexander was a second cousin of the, celebrated ,general Pyrrhic of Virus, who was ranked by Hannibal as, depending on the
  3. Functions. There have been claims that Magic collaborated with Einstein on his, celebrated ,1905 papers, but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no
  4. Later, a doctor of the town named Plato and his brother Antioch us also became, celebrated ,martyrs under Galleries. Herodotus of Ankara is also venerated as a saint.
  5. Follow traditional Roman Catholic practices. The Eucharist may be sometimes be, celebrated , in the form known as High Mass, with a priest, deacon and subdeacon dressed in
  6. Day on which National Heroes' Day can fall, while August 28 is the latest;, celebrated ,on the fourth Monday in August. (the Philippines) External links *
  7. Earliest day on which Sechseläuten can fall, while April 21 is the latest;, celebrated ,on the third Monday in April. (Zurich) * Hillsborough Disaster Memorial (
  8. Deal at age ten and went to Bradenton, Florida,to train at Nick Bollettieri's, celebrated ,tennis academy. She debuted in professional tennis at 14 in the Fed Cup for
  9. Of these, a tale of multiple homicide upon a Nile steamer, was judged by the, celebrated ,detective novelist John Dickson Carr to be among the ten greatest mystery
  10. April 29 is a Japanese national holiday, as Show Day since 2007. It has been, celebrated ,as The Emperor's Birthday from 1927 to 1988,then renamed as Greenery Day
  11. By Film Art Association and released by Shinto, was Stray Dog. The most, celebrated ,of Kurosawa's works from this period, it is a detective movie (perhaps the
  12. The Greek fests were celebrated at full-moon, all the fests of Apollo were, celebrated ,at the seventh day and the emphasis given to that day of the month (Mobutu)
  13. 29TH DAY OF AUGUST, AT THE OVAL:" ITS END WAS PEACE" On 2 September a more, celebrated ,mock obituary, written by Reginald Brooks under the pseudonym" Blooms "
  14. Work Day, usually fourth Thursday (United States) *Record Store Day – usually, celebrated ,on the third Saturday April symbols *April's birthstone is diamond, which
  15. The original date of the establishment of the short-lived National Army is, celebrated ,as Army Day (26 June) in today's Azerbaijan. As of 2002,Azerbaijan had
  16. Repression. Ginsberg is best known for his epic poem" Howl ", in which he, celebrated ,his fellow" angel-headed hipsters" and harshly denounced what he saw as the
  17. In January 1981,Slaves married Lena Callers, and manager Sting Anderson, celebrated ,his 50th birthday with a party. For this occasion, ABBA recorded the track "
  18. Was a tapered stone or column. However, while usually the Greek fests were, celebrated ,at full-moon, all the fests of Apollo were celebrated at the seventh day and
  19. Or Anglo-Catholic service, by contrast, is usually a more formal liturgy, celebrated ,by clergy in distinctive vestments and may be almost indistinguishable from a
  20. It takes with its source material, quickly earned a place among the most, celebrated ,Shakespeare adaptations. Another adaptation of a classic European theatrical
  21. Anglican chaplain, Robert Wolf all, with Martin Frobisher's Arctic expedition, celebrated ,the Eucharist in 1578 in Frobisher Bay. The first Anglican church in the
  22. 1896 – In Athens, the opening of the first modern Olympic Games is, celebrated , 1,500 years after the original games are banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I.
  23. The anniversary of the emancipation (previously August Monday in the Park), celebrated , as the Summer Festival. British festivities, such as the Queen's birthday, are
  24. Baillie de Suffren, who recaptured Trincomalee from the British and fought five, celebrated , but largely inconclusive, naval engagements against British Admiral Sir Edward
  25. The last Friday before Easter *Easter, or Resurrection Day (Christians) -, celebrated ,the First Sunday after the first full moon on or after March 21st *Buddha's
  26. However, most Protestant acknowledgment of the holiday is generally secular, celebrated ,in the form of Halloween festivities. Folklore The origins of All Souls' Day
  27. At the mouths of the Danube. There the Achaeans raised a cumulus for him and, celebrated ,funeral games. Pliny's Natural History (IV.27.1) mentions a cumulus that is
  28. Not belong to the Alps; geologically, however,they do This was one of the most, celebrated ,achievements of any military force in ancient warfare.
  29. Church and the Maronite Church Aaron is venerated as a saint, with a feast day, celebrated ,on September 4,together with Moses (for those churches which follow the
  30. Of the Continental Congress on November 10, 1775,a date regarded and, celebrated ,as the birthday of the Marine Corps. At the beginning of 1776,Washington's
  31. Independence of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965. *National Peacekeepers' Day, celebrated ,on Sunday closest to the day (Canada) External links *
  32. Nor revealed as Harry's father until #37 (June 1966). Probably the most, celebrated ,issue of the Lee-Ditko run is #33 (Feb. 1966),the third part of the story
  33. Test cricket series played between England and Australia. It is one of the most, celebrated ,rivalries in international cricket and dates back to 1882. It is currently
  34. Delegates took place in Philadelphia at noon time on March 1,1781, and was, celebrated ,in the afternoon. With these events, the Articles entered into force and the
  35. Can rate this as death, when none believes it calls for vengeance? " Then they, celebrated ,a strata (lamentation) over his burial place with great feasting. Legend says
  36. In 1980,the former Soviet Union, which then ruled his birthplace Bukhara, celebrated ,the thousandth anniversary of Avicenna's birth by circulating various
  37. A service of evening prayer, sometimes in the form of sung Evensong, usually, celebrated , between 3 and 6 pm The late-evening service of Compline was revived in parish
  38. Earliest day on which Sirrah Bear can fall, while April 2 is the latest;, celebrated ,on the 13th day after vernal equinox. (Iran) *The Capture of Braille, marked
  39. Their plentiful" pluck" and berated the Englishmen for their lack thereof. A, celebrated ,poem appeared in Punch on Saturday,9 September. The first verse, quoted most
  40. Monks. Once chosen, he must request blessing: the blessing of an abbot is, celebrated ,by the bishop in whose diocese the monastery is or, with his permission
  41. Purpose of self-indulgence. " Worldwide impact Reputation among filmmakers Many, celebrated ,directors have been influenced by Kurosawa and/or have expressed admiration for
  42. Still read inscriptions in Greek and Latin, in which Achilles is praised and, celebrated , Some of these are worded in Patrols’ honor, because those who wish to be
  43. Stones" of that castle by having photographs taken of actual stones from a, celebrated ,castle, then painting Styrofoam blocks to exactly resemble those stones and
  44. Scholar (and future politician) Audio Bock claimed that not even Kurosawa’s, celebrated ,prowess as an editor could save one particular scene from bathos:“ The last
  45. The sermon and the intercessory prayers). The Order for Holy Communion may be, celebrated ,bi-weekly or monthly (in preference to the daily offices),by priests attired
  46. David Lean, as the producers had led Kurosawa to believe, but the much less, celebrated ,special effects expert, Richard Fleischer. The budget was also cut, and the
  47. And incense may be used. Nowadays, in most Anglican churches, the Eucharist is, celebrated ,in a manner similar to the usage of Roman Catholics and some Lutherans though
  48. Only gradually simplified and abandoned. The City Dionysian and the Denied were, celebrated ,in honor of Dionysus, a god who represented Man's darker nature (Euripides '
  49. Any country except Britain would have long ago recognized his importance, and, celebrated , it with postage stamps and statues and street-names. But that's the way with
  50. Eisteddfod of Wales is held, in which many aspects of Welsh art and culture are, celebrated , * During the first week of August in Sweden, the Medieval Week of Wispy in

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