Examples of the the word, awkward , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awkward ), is the 7572 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At a short distance where the longer arms of their opponents make punching, awkward , However, several fighters tall for their division have been relatively adept
  2. Others) Experiences. " The words" down" and" up ", according to Fuller, are, awkward , in that they refer to a planar concept of direction inconsistent with human
  3. TV show and actually speaking the language in it) and introduced a lot of, awkward ,puns into the dialogue, whereby they often completely killed the original
  4. That the vocabulary is too restricted, and,as a result, the text ends up being, awkward ,and more difficult than necessary. He also notes that the words in the Basic
  5. For customizing a system. In addition, a new user would have to learn an, awkward , slow, and inflexible menu-based user interface which appeared to be radically
  6. Gave the new show and its host poor reviews. His mannerisms on camera were so, awkward ,that some viewers believed the host suffered from Bell's palsy. And frequent
  7. The function to be 0 at the zero element of R, but the result is somewhat, awkward ,in the case of KM. The definition is sometimes generalized by allowing the
  8. In 1970) Increasing numbers of comet discoveries made this procedure, awkward , and in 1994 the International Astronomical Union approved a new naming system.
  9. His fortune gambling.: :Though to myself I often seem::: A bright chap and not, awkward ,: :None comes close to Ananias, ::: Son of Sells of the Bigwig: :Clan, a man I
  10. Raised arch around 12 cm with three grooves to rest the cue in and for the most, awkward ,of shots, the 'giraffe' ( or 'swan' in England) which has a raised arch much
  11. Ensued placed Bosnia and Herzegovina and its three constituent peoples in an, awkward ,position. A significant split soon developed on the issue of whether to stay
  12. Columbia ". The problems of" the United States of America" as a name (long, awkward , imprecise) were discussed; the Constitution ignores the matter, using " the
  13. For rapid 2D and limited 3D effects such as in motion graphics, but becomes, awkward ,for more complex composites entailing many layers. A partial
  14. Are aided by an excellent sense of smell, and despite their heavy build and, awkward ,gait, they can run quickly and are adept climbers and swimmers. In autumn some
  15. A time" ).; contre-coup: against the blow; contre-jour: against daylight;: an, awkward ,clash; a delay; coquette: a flirtatious girl; a tease; cordon sanitaire: a
  16. School in Rome (c. 1700) consisted of one hour of singing difficult and, awkward ,pieces, one hour practicing trills, one hour practicing ornamented passage
  17. Middle Ages improvements were few and second rate. Transport became slow and, awkward ,to use. The early modern period saw great improvements. There was a very quick
  18. The Senate as brief and measured, at the same time noting his ability to elude, awkward ,questions. When news arrived of Cereals' victory over Civil is, Mucianus
  19. Said that he was appalled and could not accept what had happened. Pop parody An, awkward ,submission to the German entertainment show TV Total was aired to the amusement
  20. With the wrong hand requires a throwing motion that many throwers may find, awkward , For right-handed boomerangs, throwers first establish the wind and launch
  21. But Keaton, who was in a relationship with Pfeiffer, believed it would be too, awkward , She went on to portray Cat woman in Batman Returns. Young's departure
  22. Unable to adjust and found their careers severely curtailed or even ended. This, awkward ,period was fairly short-lived. 1929 was a watershed year: William Hellman with
  23. Abalone is called Paul (from the Māori language),this can be a particularly, awkward ,problem where the right to harvest Paul can be granted legally under Māori
  24. And all the surrounding buildings are thus made to sprawl in a very, awkward ,fashion. The church follows the plan adopted by the Austin canons in their
  25. Their Hearts Were Full of Spring ", but failed to impress the Morgans. After an, awkward ,pause, Dennis mentioned they had an original song," Surfing' ". Brian was
  26. First six months following the rank's reintroduction. This was considered an, awkward ,title and the rank was renamed a few months later to its current title of rear
  27. New episodes will start on October 27, 2011. The show centers on two socially, awkward , rock/metal-loving teenage delinquents, Beavis and Butt-head (both voiced by
  28. Professional orchestras. Other modifications The horn, although not large, is, awkward , in its shape and does not lend itself well to transport, especially transport
  29. On the Amiga allowed all 4096 colors of the 12 bit color system, but it was, awkward ,to use and had restrictions on color combinations between adjacent pixels.
  30. Because it can be prone to feedback" howls ". The upright bass is large and, awkward ,to transport, which also created transportation problems for touring bands. In
  31. See real APL characters as used in Iverson's notation and not be forced to use, awkward ,English keyword representations of them. Falloff and Iverson had the special
  32. Realizing that Max was not a promising character, and after finding it was, awkward ,that Max could not address Calvin's parents by name. Recurring elements There
  33. To George Reeves' intellectual Clark Kent,Reeve's version is much more of an, awkward ,fumbler and bungler, although Reeve is also an especially athletic, dashing and
  34. Can remove many dynamic bound and type checks, but poor implementations and, awkward ,cases can significantly decrease performance. Software engineers must carefully
  35. Notorious for their seemingly careless dubbing which included poor lip sync and, awkward ,dialogue. Since the results were frequently unintentionally hilarious, this has
  36. Sanction of his patriotic efforts. Nixon, who apparently found the encounter, awkward , expressed a belief that Presley could send a positive message to young people
  37. It on the pyre and set it alight. He was well-connected at home; but, after an, awkward ,interval, he was recalled. * In 1984,Libyan dissidents protested outside the
  38. To the next, ever ready to engage in a fight or an argument, so that it is most, awkward ,to get along with him. " In 1606 he killed a young man in a brawl and fled from
  39. Had been pleased by the Excursions and summoned him to court, leading to some, awkward ,incidents when he failed to observe proper court protocol. Lear then returned
  40. The wrong ". Despite his inelegant appearance—many in the audience thought him, awkward ,and even ugly—Lincoln demonstrated an intellectual leadership that brought him
  41. That makes this range possible can make the playability of some passages, awkward , The bottom of the clarinet’s written range is defined by the keyword on each
  42. At Wendy’s. However, by 1985,several company business decisions, including an, awkward ,new breakfast menu and loss in brand awareness due to fizzled marketing efforts
  43. In that order),and each miss means a penalty loop of 150 m. To prevent, awkward ,and/or dangerous crowding of the skiing loops, and overcapacity at the shooting
  44. Pace from having to take part in the Civil War; it would have been very, awkward ,for him to do so, as the Boston Brahmin Parcel sympathized with the
  45. And sentence structure that are native to the foreign language but would appear, awkward ,if translated literally. English dubs of Japanese animation, for example, must
  46. Messages. This citation is incomplete Often, the extended ellipses indicate an, awkward ,silence or a" no comment" response to the previous statement made by the
  47. From Kansas with the charm, grace and humor of George Reeves, but without the, awkward ,meekness of Christopher Reeve. Emphasis is laid on the comic elements of his
  48. Adjectives derived from" United States" ( such as United Statesman) are, awkward ,in English, but similar constructions exist in Spanish (estadounidense)
  49. On the right side of the machine where the disk now sat, had to be moved to an, awkward ,location in a cramped niche underneath the keyboard. The 1040ST was the first
  50. Ambiguous and odd questions. *Mr. Bentham (played by Mark Heap): An extremely, awkward ,man who requires one-to-one consultations with what seems to be his

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