Examples of the the word, mammal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mammal ), is the 6244 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bunsen or Tells burners. The blue whale (Balaenoptera muscles) is a marine, mammal ,belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mystic). In length and
  2. Effect. The giraffe (Giraffe Camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate, mammal , the tallest of all extant land-living animal species, and the largest ruminant
  3. Around the world. In the United States, the best known are the SeaWorld marine, mammal ,parks. Welfare Organizations such as the Mote Marine Laboratory rescue and
  4. Of Equus ferns, or the wild horse. It is a single-hooved (ungulate), mammal , belonging to the taxonomic family Equine. The horse has evolved over the past
  5. The brains of mammal s and other vertebrates is in terms of size. On average,a, mammal ,has a brain roughly twice as large as that of a bird of the same body size, and
  6. Traced back 65 million years, as one of the oldest of all surviving placental, mammal ,groups. The oldest known primate-like mammal species, the Plesiadapis, come
  7. Garcia, and no record of bats. Other than rats (Rattus),all" wild ", mammal ,species are feral descendants of domesticated species. During the plantation
  8. From cat to mammal to animal, and see that animal is more abstract than, mammal ,; but on the other hand mammal is a harder idea to express, certainly in
  9. 5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep, and the first, mammal ,to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.
  10. Calls. Cats' hearing is also extremely sensitive and is among the best of any, mammal , This sensitivity is further enhanced by the cat's large movable outer ears (
  11. Of water (to in one drink). Oval red corpuscles are not found in any other, mammal , but are present in reptiles, birds,and fish. Camels are able to withstand
  12. Mammal Program. The Russian military is believed to have closed its marine, mammal ,program in the early 1990s. In 2000 the press reported that dolphins trained to
  13. These there are over 350 bird species,330 freshwater and marine fish and 80, mammal , species. There are some 91 globally threatened species found within the country
  14. Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations (OBIS-SEAMAP),a collation of marine, mammal ,sighting data from around 130 sources. Threats other than hunting Due to their
  15. Terrestrial crocodiles like Pristichampsus, and a handful of primitive large, mammal ,groups like untethered, mesonychids, and pontoons. But as the forests began
  16. Weeks. Tapir Belize's National Animal is the Baird's Tapir, the largest land, mammal ,of the American tropics. It is also known as the mountain cow, although it is
  17. Changed the duplicated embryo images to a single image captioned" embryo of a, mammal ,or bird ". Duplication using galvanoplastic stereotypes (clichés) was a
  18. Together. Sleep The giraffe has one of the shortest sleep requirements of any, mammal , which averages only 4.5 or 4.6 hours per day. Necking Male giraffes often
  19. Around 250 reptiles and amphibians, more than 700 bird species, and 110, mammal , species,half of them being bats. In the northeastern region of La Mosquito
  20. Teeth adapted for chewing. Dwarf forms reigned. All the members of the new, mammal ,orders were small, under 10 kg; based on comparisons of tooth size, Eocene
  21. Is for pest control in New Zealand particularly for possums, an introduced, mammal ,that threatens the conservation of native species and spreads Tb amongst cattle
  22. Which in turn is the sole living genus in the family Eschrichtiidae. This, mammal ,descended from filter-feeding whales that developed at the beginning of the
  23. Of their surroundings at all times. They have the largest eyes of any land, mammal , and are lateral-eyed, meaning that their eyes are positioned on the sides of
  24. Heavier than the females, making them among the most sexually biomorphic of all, mammal ,groups. Behavior and ecology of the embryo. While northern fur seal males
  25. Members of the following genera: * Alone: Arctic fox, although the definitive, mammal ,taxonomy list as well as genetic evidence places it in Rules, and not as a
  26. Precisely the clade defined by the common ancestor of a specific amphibian and, mammal ,(or bird or snake). This definition gives us the Crown group tetrapods (or
  27. Mother. Dolly was the first clone produced from a cell taken from an adult, mammal , The production of Dolly showed that genes in the nucleus of such a mature
  28. Vast stretches of tundra. Fauna The oldest known fossils of most of the modern, mammal ,orders appear within a brief period during the early Eocene. At the beginning
  29. Calf" is used by extension for the young of various other large species of, mammal , In addition to other cattle (such as bison, yak and water buffalo),these
  30. Even earlier order Simplest, were true carnivores. The earliest carnivorous, mammal ,is considered to be the Completes that existed during the Late Cretaceous and
  31. Dean Martin. The Adolf (Proteges cristate) is a small, insectivorous, mammal , native to Eastern and Southern Africa. The name means" earth wolf" in
  32. Is found in the northern Amazon River Basin and its tributaries. It is a, mammal ,and a herbivore. Its population is limited to fresh water habitats and unlike
  33. The edible dormouse, and the Cretan shrew, a unique endemic species of, mammal ,in Greece, that is unfortunately threatened with extinction. Bat species
  34. Oldest of all surviving placental mammal groups. The oldest known primate-like, mammal ,species, the Plesiadapis, come from North America, but they were widespread in
  35. Finland is a mere 120 adult individuals. The arctic fox is the only native land, mammal ,to Iceland. It came to the isolated North Atlantic island at the end of the
  36. Better sense of smell in fact than the dogs (Candidate),or possibly any other, mammal , This sense of smell is used for signalling between bears (either to warn off
  37. Visible from shore. The whale watching industry provides ecotourists and marine, mammal ,enthusiasts the opportunity to see groups of gray whales as they migrate. By
  38. That it could be impossible to tell whether an unlabeled specimen was of a, mammal , a bird, or of a reptile, and Darwin's own research using embryonic stages of
  39. And basal metabolic rates (from 40 to 60 % of that expected in a placental, mammal ,of their mass). This is particularly true of types that specialize on using
  40. Other fields and felines, is a small, usually furry, domesticated,carnivorous, mammal ,that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt
  41. Animal, and see that animal is more abstract than mammal ; but on the other hand, mammal ,is a harder idea to express, certainly in relation to marsupial or Montreal.
  42. Pups to endure these remarkable fasts, which are among the longest for any, mammal , remain an area of active study and research. Taxonomy In the 1980s
  43. Is exhaled, it condenses as it meets colder external air. As with a terrestrial, mammal ,breathing out on a cold day, a small cloud of 'steam' appears. This is called
  44. Period during the early Eocene. At the beginning of the Eocene, several new, mammal ,groups arrived in North America. These modern mammal s, like artiodactyls
  45. Bad-smelling substances. Evolutionary variations A paw is the soft foot of a, mammal , generally a quadruped, that has claws or nails. A hard foot is called a hoof.
  46. Of. This round trip of is believed to be the longest annual migration of any, mammal , By mid-December to early January, the majority are usually found between
  47. In graph 1 above. We might look at other graphs, in a progression from cat to, mammal ,to animal, and see that animal is more abstract than mammal ; but on the other
  48. Then anywhere else in its range (339 crabs/ha).; Mammals There are no native, mammal ,species on Diego Garcia, and no record of bats. Other than rats (Rattus
  49. Hypernym. Examples Biological generalization An animal is a generalization of a, mammal , a bird, etc. Cartographic generalization of geospatial data Generalization
  50. Genera described. An early ancestor of the giraffes was a tall antelope-like, mammal ,that roamed Europe and Asia some 30–50 million years ago (MYA). Closer

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