Examples of the the word, mitigate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mitigate ), is the 7574 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Resources, they store carbon, aid in regulating our climate, purify water and, mitigate ,natural hazards such as floods. Forests also contain roughly 90 % of the world
  2. In order to permit the defendant to speak or present any information to, mitigate ,the sentence. " The Federal Public Defender recommends that defendants speak in
  3. Can include direct losses (such as amounts the claimant had to spend to try to, mitigate ,problems) and consequential or economic losses resulting from lost profits in
  4. Light, countries market themselves to populations abroad in a manner that could, mitigate ,prior public impressions. See: Soft Power *See also: International Travel
  5. S confessions were only brought up during his sentencing in an attempt to, mitigate ,the sentence he would receive, and he later recanted them. History The
  6. To Christians today, and that it is therefore a moral obligation to work to, mitigate ,climate impacts and support communities in adapting to change. The euphonium is
  7. They claim that agricultural carbon sequestration has the potential to, mitigate ,global warming. When using biologically based regenerative practices, this
  8. And the public at large who consider it littering. Some geocaches try to, mitigate ,this perception by picking up litter while they search for geocaches.
  9. The usefulness of email as a practical tool. A number of anti-spam techniques, mitigate ,the impact of spam. In the United States, U. S. Congress has also passed a law
  10. Damage and death. * Warrior: the prototypical" tank" class, able to avoid and, mitigate ,more damage than any other class. In a way, this is offset by their inability
  11. Formed horizontal blocks, generate excessive heat and associated expansion; to, mitigate ,these effects post-cooling is commonly provided in the design. An early example
  12. Notably WordPerfect documents. The native file format, Abw, uses XML,to, mitigate ,vendor lock-in concerns with respect to interoperability and digital archiving.
  13. Program (MSI) was conducted to evolve new capabilities for the F-16, mitigate , risks during technology development, and ensure the aircraft's worth. The
  14. Cancer-related fatigue. It may produce mild to severe anemia. Treatments to, mitigate ,anemia include hormones to boost blood production (erythropoietin),iron
  15. In which information is kept from either the experimenter or the participant to, mitigate ,the placebo effect or observer bias. The expression" blind leading the blind "
  16. FAO focuses on strengthening capacity for disaster preparedness and ability to, mitigate ,impact of emergencies on food security, by forecasting and providing early
  17. Risk and incorporate security into the lifecycle of Bluetooth devices. To help, mitigate ,risks, included in the NIST document are security checklists with guidelines
  18. May lead to the failure of an exploitation attempt. These manipulations can, mitigate ,the threat of exploitation, but may not make it impossible. Manipulations could
  19. To the single memory bus creates additional electrical load on its drivers. To, mitigate ,the resulting bus signaling rate drop and overcome the memory bottleneck, new
  20. William of Chapeau and the authority of the general chapter could make him, mitigate ,the austerities. The monastery, however,made rapid progress. Disciples flocked
  21. Size of certain data types and byte endangers. Compliance detectability To, mitigate ,the differences between K&R C and the ANSI C standard, the __SDC__ ("
  22. Stays in or out of a specified range, reaches a certain level); *hedge or, mitigate ,risk in the underlying, by entering into a derivative contract whose value
  23. S own best interests (e.g., a sports coach betting against his own team to, mitigate ,the financial repercussions of a losing season). *Situations where the
  24. The least elements of the list, it tends (compared to the arithmetic mean) to, mitigate ,the impact of large outliers and aggravate the impact of small ones. The
  25. And fire protection have failed to prevent damage, fire insurance can, mitigate ,the financial impact. Restoration Different restoration methods and measures
  26. Replace good agronomic practices such as crop rotation. Agriculture can both, mitigate ,or worsen global warming. Some increase in CO2 in the atmosphere comes
  27. Management strategies can be employed by a government or organization to, mitigate ,risks and prepare for consequences. Historical views From the lifetime of the
  28. Works badly and the project is abandoned. Correct development methodology can, mitigate ,these problems. There exists software to interview the expert step by step
  29. Fiefdoms by their management; corporate governance rules are an attempt to, mitigate ,this tendency. Studies of hierarchical organizations The organizational
  30. For the invasive species interdiction and eradication program in order to, mitigate ,these species on Guam and prevent it from spreading to other jurisdictions in
  31. Law countries. In many other jurisdictions it is for the defense lawyer to, mitigate ,on his client's behalf, and the defendant himself will rarely have the
  32. Main goal of the CRDP's activities is supporting the Government of Ukraine to, mitigate ,long-term social, economic and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl
  33. In 1955 to early 1956,Hemingway was bedridden. He was told to stop drinking to, mitigate ,liver damage, advice he initially followed but then disregarded. In October
  34. Countries in which it operates. Emergency response FAO helps countries prevent, mitigate , prepare for and respond to emergencies. FAO focuses on strengthening capacity
  35. The movie is released in that market. A simultaneous worldwide release would, mitigate ,this problem to some degree. Simultaneous worldwide releases on film have been
  36. Coating," buffering" is the other main method companies have used to try to, mitigate ,the problem of gastrointestinal bleeding. Buffering agents are intended to work
  37. Of the departments of Agriculture and Interior to end wasteful land-use, mitigate ,the effects of the Dust Bowl, and efficiently develop natural resources in the
  38. Also called" submissions on penalty" ) wherein he or she will attempt to, mitigate ,the relative seriousness of the offense and heavily refer to and rely upon the
  39. May have fought barefoot. Regular massage and high quality medical care helped, mitigate ,an otherwise very severe training regime. Part of Galen's medical training was
  40. 18 % of all carbon dioxide added by fossil fuels. Tropical reforestation can, mitigate ,global warming until all available land has been reforested with mature forests
  41. Success, in contrast to other criminal tyrants, was due to his ability to, mitigate ,his crimes by limiting them to those that" are applied at one blow and are
  42. American and Canadian usage),and in Europe social democracy, seek only to, mitigate ,the problems of an unrestrained free market, and accept its existence as such.
  43. CRT, using a process called Van Deck phreaking. Special TEMPEST shielding can, mitigate ,this effect. Such radiation of a potentially exploitable signal however occurs
  44. Total installed drives. Eventually all mechanical hard disk drives fail, so to, mitigate ,loss of data, some form of redundancy is needed, such as RAID or a regular
  45. Prices and therefore moved faster and with less caution than usual, choosing to, mitigate ,the risk by starting many contenders and letting the market decide which would
  46. Is now strongly discouraged. While BIND 9 was a complete rewrite, ostensibly to, mitigate ,these ongoing security issues, it has also experienced many
  47. Backstop technologies that could potentially limit escalation of oil prices and, mitigate ,the effects of transportation energy shortage that will occur under peak oil.
  48. As its principal goal. ECM WF can contribute to the development of strategies to, mitigate ,and adapt to climate change. In particular, ECMWF’s emphasis on the provision
  49. Program, which " encourages buildings to dim unnecessary exterior lighting to, mitigate ,bird mortality during spring and summer migration. " Size comparisons The CN
  50. U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in August 2006. The project includes measures to, mitigate ,environmental damage; for instance, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers must

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