Examples of the the word, isolated , in a Sentence Context
The word ( isolated ), is the 6232 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Into the leafy fastnesses of the hills, till we reached a little hamlet and an, isolated ,white villa high on the hillside. " Christie strongly implies that this" quiet
- Name" spirit of harts horn" was applied to ammonia. Gaseous ammonia was first, isolated ,by Joseph Priestley in 1774 and was termed by him alkaline air. 11 years later
- So far from water and arable land is defense against enemies. He asserts that, isolated ,communities relied on raiding for food and supplies, and that internal conflict
- Or classical Pyramus river) and near its tributary the HEMPAS SU. A lofty, isolated ,ridge formed its acropolis. Though some masonry in the ruins is
- His uncle was the political economist Charles Gide. Gide was brought up in, isolated ,conditions in Normandy and became a prolific writer at an early age, publishing
- Islands such as the Aegean Sea. Types of archipelago Archipelagos may be found, isolated ,in bodies of water or neighboring a large land mass. For example, Scotland has
- In previous nuclear experiments, it was first intentionally synthesized, isolated ,and identified in late autumn 1944,at the University of California, Berkeley
- Thermal decomposition of sodium aside. Potassium Pure potassium metal may be, isolated ,by electrolysis of its hydroxide in a process that has changed little since
- Aqueducts mentioned above have been nearly completely destroyed. Only small, isolated ,sections are left standing with the largest portion lying in a pile of rubble
- Caster process of electrolyzing sodium hydroxide. Very pure sodium can be, isolated ,by the thermal decomposition of sodium aside. Potassium Pure potassium metal
- Abnormalities, overlapping cerebellar and sensory ataxia. Causes of, isolated ,sensory ataxia Peripheral naturopathies may cause generalized or localized
- That while it is appropriate in the natural sciences where factors can be, isolated ,in laboratory conditions, the actions of humans are too complex for such a
- Discrimination because it" perpetuates unwarranted assumptions that persons so, isolated ,are incapable or unworthy of participating in community life. " The court added
- Polonium, radium and radon were observed before actinium, but they were not, isolated ,until 1902. Actinium gave the name to the actinide series, a group of 15
- In 1806,the French chemists Louis-Nicolas Jacqueline and Pierre Jean Sobriquet, isolated ,a compound in asparagus that proved to be disparaging, the first amino acid to
- More and more sparse. At these higher altitudes, the plants tend to form, isolated ,cushions. In the Alps, several species of flowering plants have been recorded
- Through the electrolysis of caustic soda. Potassium metal was first, isolated ,in 1807 in England by Sir Humphry Davy, who derived it from caustic potash (
- Occidental, central,and oriental). In the northern part of the Andes,the, isolated ,Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta range is often considered to be part of the Andes.
- Promptly beat Alex. Dazed and bloodied, Alex collapses at the door of an, isolated ,cottage, realizing too late that it is the house he and his druids invaded in
- Joyriding through the countryside in a stolen car, they break into an, isolated ,cottage and maul the young couple living there, beating the husband and raping
- According to Speer, SS chief Heinrich Himmler tried to have him physically, isolated ,by having Himmler's personal physician Karl Gerhard treat him, though his "
- Isomorphic alternation of generations and were probably filamentous. Fossils of, isolated ,land plant spores suggest land plants may have been around as long as 475
- Limits. There are no communities along the road's course, apart from small, isolated ,structures. Archaeological interpretations of the Chico road system are divided
- Regiments. The 75th Motor Rifle Division, part of the 7th Guards Army, was, isolated , in Nakhichevan. The 75th Division's stores and equipment were apparently
- Daily activity and depresses the spirit of the townspeople, who begin to feel, isolated ,and introverted, and the plague begins to affect various characters. One
- Called" soda" in English) has long been recognized in compounds, it was not, isolated ,until 1807 by Humphry Davy through the electrolysis of caustic soda. Potassium
- Narrow joins him they swim side by side," with the same zest, the same rhythm, isolated ,from the world, at last free of the town and of the plague. " Film adaptations
- Because of these natural conditions, the Black Sea coast historically has been, isolated ,from Anatolia. Marmara Region The western coast of Anatolia that borders the
- With the newly discovered voltaic pile. Potassium was the first metal that was, isolated ,by electrolysis. Later in the same year, Davy reported extraction of the metal
- Point and some amino acids (in particular, with non-polar side-chains) can be, isolated ,by precipitation from water by adjusting the pH to the required Selectric
- State repression, in the first place, may have played a role in these, isolated ,acts. The dismemberment of the French socialist movement, into many groups and
- Analogous to europium, Eu,of the lanthanide series. " The new element was, isolated ,from its oxides in a complex,multistep process. First plutonium-239 nitrate (
- Has operated a rat-control program, which has been so successful that only, isolated ,instances of wild rat sightings are reported, usually of rats arriving in the
- Not possessed by the symbiont species alone (they can be experimentally, isolated ,). It is possible that the photoing triggers otherwise latent genes in the
- Was suspected to be present in air by Henry Cavendish in 1785 but was not, isolated ,until 1894 by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay in Scotland in an experiment
- Discovered in 1899. It was the first non-primordial radioactive element to be, isolated , Polonium, radium and radon were observed before actinium, but they were not
- In winter. Transport in Antarctica has transformed from explorers crossing the, isolated ,remote area of Antarctica by foot to a more open area due to human technologies
- Railroad tunnel recently upgraded to provide a paved roadway link with the, isolated ,community of Whittier on Prince William Sound to the Seward Highway about
- Allowed the arsenate-reducing bacteria to thrive. One strain PHS-1 has been, isolated ,and is related to the γ-Proteobacterium Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii. The
- Physics (or atom physics) is the field of physics that studies atoms as an, isolated ,system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily concerned with the
- Makes it the second-rarest element in the crust after astatine. Which are then, isolated ,by the magneto-optical trap (MOT). Eka-francium Ununpentium has not been
- Of the convent. The general appearance of the convent is that of a town of, isolated ,houses with streets running between them. It is evidently planned in compliance
- Although he continued to be lauded for his work, Einstein became increasingly, isolated ,in his research, and his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. In his pursuit
- Time: potassium, sodium,magnesium, calcium,and strontium (all of which Davy, isolated ,himself). Nevertheless,-um spellings for elements were not unknown at the
- Enclosed by three continents, themselves located in the middle of the ocean and, isolated ,like islands by sea and rivers. Europe was bordered on the south by the
- H2O Aniline and naphthylamines form more stable diatonic salts, which can be, isolated ,in the crystalline form. Diatonic salts undergo a variety of useful
- The other states of the west, though geographically, isolated ,from the battles to the east, saw numerous small-scale military actions.
- Raw material used by industry to produce purified argon products. Argon is, isolated ,from air by fractionation, most commonly by cryogenic fractional distillation
- That rap has taken different routes in Germany and that, even among an already, isolated ,immigrant population, there is still disunity and, especially,disagreement on
- Readers to imagine themselves created all at once while suspended in the air, isolated ,from all. The body is unnecessary; in relation to it, the soul is its
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