Examples of the the word, predictable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( predictable ), is the 6239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Itself. Upon initiation of carbamazepine therapy, concentrations are, predictable ,and follow their respective baseline clearance/half-life values that have been
  2. Solicitor husband and his large family, her farms, the Sacra community and the, predictable ,rounds of country life. The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck and The Tale of Tom
  3. And in subduing severe delirium. Lorazepam is the only benzodiazepine with, predictable ,intramuscular absorption, and it is the most effective in preventing and
  4. Contain less than one bit of information. Indeed, if the value is completely, predictable , then the reading of that value will provide no information at all (zero
  5. Any particular point. However, the electrons do not arrive at the screen in any, predictable ,order. In other words, knowing where all the previous electrons appeared on the
  6. Predictable. This is most familiar in the case of weather, which is generally, predictable ,only about a week ahead. The Lyapunov exponent characterizes the extent of the
  7. Farther" ). Binary trees that are balanced according to this definition have a, predictable ,depth (how many nodes are traversed from the root to a leaf, root counting as
  8. Is often used for inanimate objects, the genders of nouns are not generally, predictable ,and must in most cases be memorized. A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian
  9. Time. Candle clocks and sticks of incense that burn down at approximately, predictable ,speeds have also been used to estimate the passing of time. In an hourglass
  10. From its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River Valley. The, predictable ,flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops
  11. Powerful single punches (such as hooks and uppercuts). Their slowness and, predictable ,punching pattern (single punches with obvious leads) often leaves them open
  12. To rescind his agreement, which he did in 1112. The quarrel followed the, predictable ,course: Henry V rebelled and was excommunicated. Riots broke out in Germany, a
  13. However, the 24 solar terms (including the solstices and equinoxes) are more, predictable ,on the Gregorian calendar than the unipolar calendar since they are based on
  14. Funds, but ignores classical conventions in favor or accentual effects and, predictable ,rhyme both within and between verses, e. g.:: Hora novissima, tempora pessimal
  15. Developed (mostly in Canada) as ice-makers had become skilled at creating a, predictable ,ice surface and the adoption of brushes allowed greater control over the rock.
  16. Has meant that most CPUs sit idle most of the time, with delays caused by, predictable ,bottlenecks such as I/O operations and paging. This has made raw code execution
  17. Distinction can be analyzed as one of aspiration, with voicing redundant and, predictable , (1990:60) Romanization of 道 The history of transcribing spoken Chinese is
  18. The case in practice),then beyond a certain time the system will no longer be, predictable , This is most familiar in the case of weather, which is generally predictable
  19. For both providers and users of genetic resources by: *Establishing more, predictable ,conditions for access to genetic resources. *Helping to ensure benefit-sharing
  20. And pronunciation, but its rules on pronunciation are actually consistent and, predictable ,with a fair degree of accuracy. At the other extreme, are languages such as
  21. This caused the great general to be conservative, careful,and dangerously, predictable , Pompey deployed his army in the traditional formation of three lines with a
  22. Scheme, they can feel artificial and plodding. Here is a Pope parody of the, predictable ,rhymes of his era::: Where-e'er you find" the cooling western breeze,":: In
  23. Solar System once and so are inherently un predictable . Meteor showers should be, predictable , but some meteors are cometary debris and so require calculations of orbits
  24. Pain) that occurs regularly with activity, after heavy meals, or at other, predictable ,times is termed stable angina and is associated with high grade narrowing of
  25. Of rendering Unicode with a mixture of variable width fonts is likely to make, predictable ,display hard if more than a tiny subset of Unicode is used. Overprinting (
  26. Changes may have been observed, statistical differences are both probable and, predictable ,in animal studies of this kind, ( known as type I errors),that is, the
  27. Theory. In other words, the classical fate of all observers should be, predictable ,from the initial data. Mathematically, the conjecture states that the maximal
  28. The engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with, predictable ,behaviors. The practice uses sensors to measure the output performance of the
  29. Which the Ancient Pueblo used as water sources. Snow also fed the smaller, more, predictable , tributaries,such as the Chile, Animas,Jeez and Tao's rivers. The larger
  30. For a phoneme, the specific allophone selected in a given situation is often, predictable , Changing the allophone used by native speakers for a given phoneme in a
  31. Not to encounter them. In order for this to happen, patrol movement mustn't be, predictable ,in timing or route, and should avoid the most obvious routes. Rather than
  32. The Allison engine because it was sturdy and dependable, and it had a smooth, predictable ,power curve. The V-12 engine offered as much power as a radial engine but had a
  33. These discs are usually more stable than a driver and have a more stable and, predictable ,flight path. They are faster and have a longer range than a putter. Some
  34. Insight and creativity, neither of which has ever been successfully, predictable , 150-digit numbers of the kind once used in RSA have been factored. The effort
  35. Always have several offensive plays planned to ensure their movement is not, predictable , On court, the point guard is usually responsible for indicating which play
  36. Time for disruptive changes, reducing inconveniences caused for users. Having, predictable ,freezes was expected to reduce overall freeze time. The squeeze cycle was
  37. Defendants, and the court. For example, settlement of class actions follows a, predictable ,path of negotiation with class counsel and representatives, court scrutiny, and
  38. Complex rendering calculations. If a scene is to look relatively realistic and, predictable ,under virtual lighting, the rendering software should solve the rendering
  39. Or they will not work. Stress must be reduced by not pressurizing, keeping life, predictable ,and by limiting choice as making choices is very stressful for catatonics. In
  40. Conducted under the assumption that the prices of the items are correlated or, predictable ,; this is more narrowly referred to as a convergence trade. In the extreme case
  41. Economies),that the newly independent states recognized the importance of a, predictable ,and established body of law to govern the conduct of citizens and businesses
  42. Gaming machines Random numbers House advantage Casino games generally provide a, predictable ,long-term advantage to the casino, or " house ", while offering the player the
  43. Canal de Briare. * A stream can be canalized to make its navigable path more, predictable ,and easier to maneuver. Canalization modifies the stream to more safely carry
  44. The end of a sonnet) On the other hand, because rhyming couplets have such a, predictable ,rhyme scheme, they can feel artificial and plodding. Here is a Pope parody of
  45. Physics is pushed to extremes. Also, while elementary particles showed, predictable ,properties in many experiments, they became highly un predictable in certain
  46. In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them, predictable , This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. Chaotic
  47. Their backs, between their legs, and switch directions suddenly, making a less, predictable ,dribbling pattern that is more difficult to defend against. This is called a
  48. Of local structure in proteins, the helix is the most regular and the most, predictable ,from sequence, as well as the most prevalent. Historical development In the
  49. Their positions and magnitude can be accurately calculated. Some comets are, predictable , most famously Halley's Comet. Yet as a class of object they remain
  50. The rationalist philosophy, design is informed by research and knowledge in a, predictable ,and controlled manner. Technical rationality is at the center of the process. )

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