Examples of the the word, analogue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( analogue ), is the 6237 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reduced processor overhead. Other hardware enhancements include the support of, analogue ,joysticks,8-bit printers, and ROM cartridges up to 4 Bits. The new range of
  2. Euclidean space has a special name—a tesseract or (rarely) hypercube. The, analogue ,of the cube in n-dimensional Euclidean space is called a hypercube or
  3. Electrode naming is always based on the forward current direction. Analog (or, analogue ,) television is the analog transmission that involves the broadcasting of
  4. As Western Australia (08). A GSM mobile telephone system replaced the old, analogue ,network in February 2005. Phone reception is at its best on the roofs of the
  5. On the Welsh variant, a practice that carried on up until the closure of S4C's, analogue ,transmissions in 2010. Since then, carriage on digital cable, satellite and
  6. Channel Television, since September 1962. The islands terminated their, analogue ,terrestrial TV services in November 2010. Telephone Jersey always operated its
  7. 244 CmAs at 109 K,248CmP at 73 K and 248CmSb at 162 K. Similarly, the lanthanide, analogue ,of curium, gadolinium,as well as its practices also show magnetic transitions
  8. First phase, the service was created using content migrated from the existing, analogue ,teletext service, Ceefax. A digital text service had been available since the
  9. Apartments. " In the same article, the Reverend Al Sharpton (whose fictional, analogue ,in the novel is" Reverend Bacon" ) asserts that" twenty years later, the
  10. As well as having been available from various times in various areas, on, analogue , and digital cable networks. Due to its special status as a public service
  11. Overline|\end and: | z | = \sort, with the last formula being the complex, analogue ,of equation (1) mentioned above in the real case. The absolute square of z is
  12. In 2004 to aid navigation, with 3-digit page numbers matching with those of the, analogue ,Colfax in 2006. Pages exclusive to digital are given a four-digit number. The
  13. The longest regular broadcast on the network from outside the capital. UK, analogue ,frequencies Radio 1 initially broadcast on 1214 kHz medium wave (or 247 meters
  14. Substances are able to produce scratches on each other). In the IN compound, analogue ,of graphite, hexagonal boron nitride (ISBN),the positively-charged boron and
  15. Throughout the United Kingdom (excluding Wales where it did not operate on, analogue ,transmitters). At launch this made it unique, as both the BBC and ITV had long
  16. Chloride melts. A similar behavior is observed for the lanthanide, analogue ,of berkelium, terbium. Occurrence The longest-lived isotope of berkelium (
  17. Other brands, mostly telephone companies. As part of a nation-wide phase-out of, analogue ,television in Australia,Adelaide's analogue TV service is slated to be shut
  18. Using programs or proofs of bounded lengths, it is possible to construct an, analogue ,of the Berry expression in a formal mathematical language, as has been done by
  19. Of the country, particularly the north and north-west regions, lack even basic, analogue ,landline phones. This is a problem that the government is trying to solve by
  20. Improves as k increases. K=10 is good for many practical purposes. An analog or, analogue ,signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable)
  21. Of a nation-wide phase-out of analogue television in Australia,Adelaide's, analogue ,TV service is slated to be shut down in the second half of 2013. Radio There
  22. All the five Australian national television networks broadcast both, analogue ,PAL and high definition digital services in Adelaide. They share three
  23. Pairs of coplanar triangles combined into rhomboid faces. ) Other dimensions The, analogue ,of a cube in four-dimensional Euclidean space has a special name—a tesseract or
  24. Government's plan for Digital terrestrial television in Australia, where all, analogue ,transmission systems are gradually turned off and replaced with modern DVB-T
  25. Parliament remains the only BBC" digital" channels which are made available to, analogue ,cable subscribers. This coverage was improved in 1998 with the advent of
  26. Vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates are also currently the subject of, analogue ,gravity research, studying the possibility of modeling black holes and their
  27. Platforms intentionally broadcast to the area, or the neighboring region where, analogue ,transmissions spill over into Wales. Ireland (the Republic) shares its
  28. Mathematical language, as has been done by Gregory Chaitin. Though the formal, analogue ,does not lead to a logical contradiction, it does prove certain impossibility
  29. In the periodic table. Previously, americium was named after a continent as its, analogue ,europium, and curium honored scientists Marie and Pierre Curie as the
  30. Archaic) and was replaced by the word burst deriving from the German, analogue , Composition and formation Amber is heterogeneous in composition, but consists
  31. BBC,ITV1 Wales and S4C). Capital TV, a locally-based free-to-air, analogue ,terrestrial television station operating on a Restricted Service License
  32. Precise role in the body has not been determined. For example Canaanite is an, analogue ,of arginine that is found in many legumes, and in particularly large amounts in
  33. In 2006 and again in 2009. History BBC News 24 was originally available only to, analogue ,cable television subscribers. To this day it and BBC Parliament remain the only
  34. Geometry, of an absolute geometry over a field of one element and an algebraic, analogue ,of Arakelov's geometry were realized in this setup. Another formal
  35. 32. Popular upgrades Acorn Plus 1 The Acorn Plus 1 added two ROM slots,an, analogue ,interface and a parallel port. The analogue interface was normally used for
  36. Time it also began broadcasting on spare audio subcarriers on Sky Television's, analogue ,satellite service, initially in mono (on UK Gold) and later in stereo (on UK
  37. Cantor space. Like the Cantor set, Cantor dust has zero measure. A different 2D, analogue , of the Cantor set is the Sierpinski carpet, where a square is divided up into
  38. Term" air conditioning ", using it in a patent claim he filed that year as an, analogue ,to" water conditioning ", then a well-known process for making textiles easier
  39. With an error probability of at most 1/3 for all instances. It is the quantum, analogue ,of the complexity class BPP. In other words, there is an algorithm for a
  40. Adapter. Two standard Atari-style digital joysticks could be plugged into each, analogue ,port with an adapter. *TOS 1.06 (also known as TOS 1.6) or TOS 1.62 (which
  41. Of 4-Tel was taken over by Intel fax, The service is provided on both Channel 4, analogue , and digital television services, Channel 4,E4 and More4. This has now been
  42. This allows the formulation of the first law of black hole mechanics as an, analogue ,of the first law of thermodynamics, with the mass acting as energy, the surface
  43. X and a program to reproduce Y given X. Using this statement one can define an, analogue ,of mutual information for Kolmogorov complexity. Compression It is
  44. A reported £28 million. Carriage Channel 4 was carried from its beginning on, analogue ,terrestrial, which was practically the only means of television broadcast in
  45. Divided into nine each and the middle removed, and so on ad infinitum. The 3D, analogue , of this is the Merger sponge. Historical remarks Cantor himself defined the set
  46. And broadcast in the United Kingdom. The services replaced Colfax, the BBC's, analogue ,teletext service, and is only available via digital television receivers. The
  47. By elongation and/or gyration. They can be considered the three-dimensional, analogue ,to the uniform filings of the plane. History * 1900: Thor old Gusset enumerated
  48. Mobilize (Telefonica Services UNO since 1971,Mobilize since 1994) was the, analogue ,service provider for the Spanish operator. Mobilize has operated an EMACS 900 (
  49. Species of legume, particularly Lucien leucocephala. This compound is an, analogue ,of tyrosine and can poison animals that graze on these plants. Uses in
  50. Plus 1 added two ROM slots, an analogue interface and a parallel port. The, analogue ,interface was normally used for joysticks, the parallel for a printer. Access

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