Examples of the the word, orchestra , in a Sentence Context

The word ( orchestra ), is the 6238 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. History alongside fiction, and featuring its own musical score written for an, orchestra , At the time, it shattered both box office and film-length records, running
  2. Play it through. *The main theme forms the basis of a series of variations for, orchestra ,alone. *The introduction is then repeated from the Presto passage, this time
  3. Billy Strayhorn was an arranger of great renown in the Duke Ellington, orchestra ,beginning in 1938. Jelly Roll Morton is considered the earliest jazz arranger
  4. Is Simon Rattle. The Konzerthausorchester Berlin was founded in 1952 as the, orchestra ,for East Berlin, since the Philharmonic was based in West Berlin. Its current
  5. Variation is twice interrupted by episodes in which loud fanfares for the full, orchestra ,are answered by octaves played by the first violins alone. A prominent horn
  6. 2002,p. 3). Orchestration differs in that it is only adapting music for an, orchestra ,or musical ensemble while arranging" involves adding compositional techniques
  7. German-occupied Europe by rail, arriving in daily convoys. The SS forced an, orchestra ,to play as new inmates walked towards their" selection" and possible
  8. To 1942,to division. Today it includes military units for army salute and wind, orchestra ,duties. In 2001,the National Guard unit was designated an official military
  9. A string section can be utilized on its own (this is referred to as a string, orchestra ,) or in conjunction with any of the other instrumental sections. More than one
  10. Climax, the chorus softens quietly on the word" Götterfunken ". Then,the, orchestra ,descends chords in arpeggio form, and in slow maestro tempo, the full chorus
  11. Conjunction with any of the other instrumental sections. More than one string, orchestra ,can be utilized. A standard string section (VLN., vln 2., vla., vcl, cb. )
  12. Percussion) (1983) by Dawdler *Dialogue with Nature for Alford, flute &, orchestra ,by Dawdler *Beginning (???? ) for 3 alp horns and concert band, by Kurt Gable.
  13. Fall of the Berlin Wall during Christmas 1989. This concert was performed by an, orchestra ,and chorus made up of many nationalities: from Germany, the Bavarian Radio
  14. During this stage of his career, but he did compose an Alleluia for chorus and, orchestra ,in 1774,perhaps for his own wedding, or in thanksgiving for it. During the
  15. Solo motets and large-scale choral works for soloists, double chorus, and, orchestra , In 1704,the position of teacher of viola all'singles was added to his duties
  16. His glassesand his vision was so poor that he feared tripping into the, orchestra ,pit. (Silvers went on to play the role—wearing his glasses—in a 1972 revival.
  17. Sometimes known as Was plane Mahagonny, a concert work for voices and small, orchestra ,commissioned by the Deutsche Kammermusik Festival in Baden-Baden and premiered
  18. 1970) by Jean Dawdler *Concerto for Alford No. 2 (with flute, string, orchestra , & percussion) (1983) by Dawdler *Dialogue with Nature for Alford, flute &
  19. The play tried to stone Aeschylus. He then took refuge at the altar in the, orchestra ,of the Theater of Dionysus. When he stood trial for his offense he pleaded
  20. Version of" America the Beautiful" is the setting for band and symphonic, orchestra ,by the late arranger/conductor/composer Carmen Dragon. Performed thousands of
  21. Socks, most of the time ill-fitting, which caused great pain. A prisoner's, orchestra ,(such as the Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz) was forced to play grotesquely
  22. The Futureand Saltiest. Classical music Amsterdam has a world-class symphony, orchestra , the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Their home is the Concertgebouw, which is
  23. And the most talented stayed and became members of the Ospedale's renowned, orchestra ,and choir. Shortly after Vivaldi's appointment, the orphans began to gain
  24. Is an excruciating twelve minutes of the boy conducting an imaginary, orchestra ,in an empty amphitheater while his girlfriend appeals directly to the camera
  25. He never provided any harmonization other than the accompaniment for organ (or, orchestra ,). Neither does it appear in any standard hymn book in a guise other than Parry
  26. In 2006 by harpsichordist and conductor Andrej Mack, whose Homesick, orchestra ,performed the work at Prague Castle on 3 May 2008,its first performance since
  27. A new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once; e.g., orchestra ,carthorse, A decimal point I'm a dot in place. Someone who creates anagrams is
  28. Since 2009,the school is being directed by Ralf Eisner. In 1977,a symphony, orchestra ,was founded in Allen, which today is called Arlene Sinfonieorchester, and
  29. Freud, schöner Götterfunken, Götterfunken! ". For example, since the modern, orchestra ,has larger string sections than in Beethoven's time, Mahler doubled various
  30. And String Orchestra (1755) by Leopold Mozart *Concerto for Alford and, orchestra ,(1970) by Jean Dawdler *Concerto for Alford No. 2 (with flute, string
  31. S spare, twilit staging finally makes sense, and even the smallness of the, orchestra ,feels appropriate" The Hollywood Reporter wrote" Bottom Line: New leads
  32. Violas, cellos,and double basses. The string section in a multi-sectioned, orchestra ,is referred sometimes to as the“ string choir. ” The harp is also a stringed
  33. Scored An American in Paris for the standard instruments of the symphony, orchestra ,plus celesta, saxophone,and automobile horns. Gershwin brought back some
  34. Scottish psychiatrist (b. 1927) *1990 – David Rose, American composer and, orchestra ,leader (b. 1910) *1994 – Zoltán Fabric, Hungarian film director and
  35. In the Berliner Philharmonic near Potsdamer Platz on a street named for the, orchestra ,'s longest-serving conductor, Herbert von Caravan. The current principal
  36. Had recorded the work twice before, conducted the West-Eastern Divan (a youth, orchestra ,of Israel and Arab musicians, which he co-founded) in concert in Berlin on 27
  37. From 1718,the Pietà paid him 2 sequins to write two concerti a month for the, orchestra ,and to rehearse with them at least five times when in Venice. The Pietà's
  38. The editions Ur text. Instrumentation The symphony is scored for the following, orchestra , These are by far the largest forces needed for any Beethoven symphony; at the
  39. Able to present many cues in a mock-up form before he took them in front of an, orchestra , Universal was not happy with Raimi's cut because it did not like his original
  40. Complete a new work based on Paris and perhaps a second rhapsody for piano and, orchestra , Composition Gershwin based An American in Paris on a melodic fragment called "
  41. Concerti, a concerto for organ written in 1773,a concerto for flute, oboe and, orchestra ,(1774),and a set of twenty-six variations on La follow DI Spain (1815).
  42. Of aphoristic poetic utterances, the songs are accompanied by a very large, orchestra , The performance caused a riot, and had to be halted. This was a crippling blow
  43. Well as some noble specimens of church music, including a mass for chorus and, orchestra , composed in honor of Saint Cecilia for Cardinal Acquaint in 1721. His last
  44. Significant innovations in the pattern of arrangement in Fletcher Henderson's, orchestra ,in the 1920s. He introduced the pattern of arranging melodies in the body of
  45. With the word" Joy" () changed to" Freedom" () in the lyrics sung. The, orchestra ,and choir were drawn from both East and West Germany, as well as the United
  46. Hand. " The" territory bands" operating out of Kansas City, the Bennie Molten, orchestra , Jay McCann, and the Count Basie Orchestra were also concentrating on the
  47. Played pianissimo over string tremolos, so much resembles the sound of an, orchestra ,tuning, many commentators have suggested that was Beethoven's inspiration. But
  48. Gave the tempos. He was turning the pages of his score and beating time for an, orchestra ,he could not hear. There are a number of anecdotes about the premiere of the
  49. The instrument. Additionally, the accordion is sometimes used in both solo and, orchestra ,performances of classical music. The oldest name for this group of instruments
  50. Contemporary performances. Sir Edward Elgar re-scored the work for very large, orchestra ,in 1922 for use at the Leeds Festival. Elgar admired the song and would no

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