Examples of the the word, arabic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Especially mites). One recipe for making Hoyer's is dissolving gum, arabic , ( 30.0 g) in water (50.0 mL),then adding chloral hydrate (200.0 g),and
  2. Only to the non-oily surface. During printing, water adhered to the gum, arabic , surfaces and avoided the oily parts, while the oily ink used for printing did
  3. Maltodextrin, Tartaric acid, natural and artificial flavors, rice starch, Gum,Arabic, Filling Agent (Magnesium stearate),Artificial colors, Glazing Agent (
  4. Item. The term is generic, and applies both to traditional types such as gum, arabic , and to synthetic modern formulations. Gum is a matter of high importance in
  5. Inks were commonly made from lampblack or soot and a binding agent such as gum, arabic , or animal glue. The binding agent keeps the carbon particles in suspension and
  6. Reason, acrylics do not lend themselves to color lifting techniques as do gum, arabic , based watercolor paints. Acrylic paints with gloss or matte finishes are
  7. Semiprecious stones such as laps Pauli and the binder made from either gum, arabic , or egg white. Gouache, also known as 'designer color' or 'body color' is
  8. California in 1989 to Raoul Trevor Coleman, Abba translates (" father" ) in, arabic , which explains the" b" missing in the abbreviation of Alabama Blue Blood
  9. De Prémare, Foundations of Islam, Seuil, L'Universe Historize 2002. Some, arabic , borrowings from Semite or Persian languages are, as presented in De Prémare's
  10. Surface after the paper has dried. The traditional sizing has been gelatin, gum,Arabic, or rosin, though modern synthetic substitutes (alkyl ketone divers such as
  11. From the 16th c. are rare. The binding medium is generally animal glue or gum, arabic , ( see: Distemper). Such an artifact is variously discussed in the literature
  12. Products and activities of Punt land include livestock, frankincense,myrrh, gum,Arabic, manufacturing and agriculture. In Las Korea, there is a medium size fish
  13. Of paint consisting of pigment suspended in water. A binding agent, usually gum, arabic , is also present, just as in watercolor. Gouache differs from watercolor in
  14. Derived from fish bones. Other substances, such as agar, pectin,starch and gum, arabic , may also be used as setting and gelling agents, and can be used in place of
  15. Solution. Some violin finishing systems use Venice Bianca (egg white and gum, arabic , ) as a sealer or ground. Resin Most resin or" gum" varnishes consist of a
  16. Due to the use of saliva once used as a medium to dilute the acid, although gum, arabic , or water are now commonly used. A piece of matte board, a plastic" card ", or
  17. Near the mouth of the river. Walk was paid fees for every boatload of gum, arabic , or slaves that was shipped on the river, in return for its" protection" of
  18. Not come from true acacias. Gum Various species of acacia yield gum. True gum, arabic , is the product of Acacia Senegal, abundant in dry tropical West Africa from
  19. Flavors, sodium benzoate, caffeine,sodium citrate, erythorbic acid, gum,Arabic, calcium disodium EDTA, brominated vegetable oil, and yellow 5. ” The
  20. Dried fish to its neighbors and exports several million dollars worth of gum, arabic , to Europe and the U. S. each year. Other food crops include pearl millet
  21. Were discovered after his death by his nephew, Francis Wayland Thurston. In, arabic , game means beautiful, handsome. Angel is an old Providence family name;
  22. Include Indigofera, cultivated for the production of indigo, Acacia,for gum, arabic , and Debris, for the insecticide action of rote none, a compound it produces.
  23. Or charcoal (black),and limestone (white). Paints could be mixed with gum, arabic , as a binder and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened with water when
  24. In the food industry as a stabilizer. It is edible and has E number E414. Gum, arabic , is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paint
  25. For skin and wound treatment. Other main hydrocolloids are xanthan gum, gum,Arabic, guard gum, locust bean gum, cellulose derivatives as carboxymethyl cellulose
  26. Principal ingredients: * pigments, natural or synthetic, mineral or organic; *, arabic , gum as a binder to hold the pigment in suspension and fix the pigment to the
  27. Gate of Prosperity),remains in Moon Street district *Bad al-Shaarīy‘ah In, arabic , : باب_الشعرية (The Gate attributed to the name of a tribe) *Bad Al-Jazair (the
  28. For two years to enhance the colony, while engaged in the smuggling of gum, arabic , and gold with signals. In 1789 people of St. Louis write a List of Complaints.
  29. Much of its fragrances are incense based. The earliest distillation of Attar, arabic , meaning scent, was mentioned in the Hindu Ayurvedic text Char aka Amrita. The
  30. Include machinery, vehicles,fuel oil, and building materials. Cotton, gum,Arabic, oil seeds, hides and skins, and senna are the chief exports. Port Sudan has an
  31. Year. Positive growth rates are not expected until 2010. Cotton, cattle and gum, arabic , are Chad’s major exports. More than 80 % of the work force is involved in
  32. The grease to the limestone, leaving the image 'burned' into the surface. Gum, arabic , a water-soluble substance, is then applied, sealing the surface of the stone
  33. Of it remains tightly bonded to the surface of the stone, rejecting the gum, arabic , and water, but ready to accept the oily ink. When printing, the stone is kept
  34. Paint which contains finely ground lead or copper filings, ground glass, gum,Arabic, and a medium such as wine, vinegar or (traditionally) urine. The art of
  35. Are grown as cash crops. The oz sands are the principal area from which gum, arabic , is obtained through tapping of Acacia Senegal (known locally as hashab). This
  36. Hide glues, but since the 19th century the preferred binder is natural gum, arabic , with glycerin and/or honey as additives to improve plasticity and
  37. Although it has been historically cultivated in Arabia and West Asia. Gum, arabic , a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins, is used primarily in
  38. Maintain existence, while in the semidesert regions the acacia, from which gum, arabic , is obtained, is abundant. The more humid regions have a richer vegetation;
  39. Sodium and potassium silicate, and Venice Bianca, a varnish composed of Gum, arabic , honey, and egg white. He made his instruments using an inner form, unlike the
  40. Refers exclusively, in common use, to the written numeral system employing, arabic , numerals as the digits for a radix 10 (" decimal) " positional notation;
  41. Stone). After the oil-based image was put on the surface, a solution of gum, arabic , in water was applied, the gum sticking only to the non-oily surface. During
  42. Solution is to create a hydrophilic layer of calcium nitrate salt, and gum, arabic , on all non-image surfaces. The gum solution penetrates into the pores of the
  43. Of the plate and its use on a printing press. Painting and art Acacia gum (gum, arabic , ) is used as a binder for watercolor painting because it dissolves easily in
  44. Toxicity is not an issue, as the proportions of the various chemicals in gum, arabic , vary widely and make it unpredictable. Still, it remains an important
  45. City center. Taxi The taxi rank is located at level 0 of the arrivals' area. Gum, arabic , also known as acacia gum, chaar gun, char good, or Mesa, is a natural gum
  46. Individual manufacturer. Dry pastels have historically used binders such as gum, arabic , and gum tragacanth. Methyl cellulose was introduced as a binder in the
  47. Invisible to dark brown globs. Types of gum used on stamps include: * gum, arabic , or acacia gum, derived from the acacia plant Some stamps have had gum applied
  48. Water and acid. After the drawing of the image, an aqueous solution of gum, arabic , weakly acidified with nitric acid is applied to the stone. The function of
  49. Interesting for collectors. Some coins dated 1888 and 1889 have an inverted, arabic ,1 instead of the second I in VICTORIA as the result of a broken punch. John
  50. The sugar D-arabinose (both isomers of which are named for their source, gum,Arabic, ) and ribose itself is named as a transposition of the name of Arabians.

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