Examples of the the word, detector , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detector ), is the 6242 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. a million years). With its half-life of 432.2 years, the americium in a smoke, detector ,includes about 3 % neptunium after 19 years, and about 5 % after 32 years. The
  2. Positive results. A group at Georgia Tech found problems with their neutron, detector , and Texas A&M discovered bad wiring in their thermometers. These retractions
  3. Light produced by a particle collision in liquid xenon or argon. Cryogenic, detector ,experiments include: CDs, CRESST, EDELWEISS,EUREKA. Noble liquid experiments
  4. Correction is carried out mathematically in the software using information from, detector ,pixels that are not used for measuring atomic absorption; hence, in contrast to
  5. South Dakota (US). The majority of present experiments use one of two, detector ,technologies: cryogenic detector s, operating at temperatures below 100mK
  6. The wavelength of the light, and the way it varies depends on the type of light, detector , For this reason, it is necessary to specify how the magnitude is measured for
  7. X ms−1. For a singly charged deuterium ion, the velocity would be Y ms−1. If a, detector ,was placed at a distance of 1 m, the ion flight times would be X and Y NS. Thus
  8. Tomography (APT) Atom-probe tomography (APT) uses a position-sensitive, detector ,to deduce the lateral location of atoms. This allows 3-D reconstructions to be
  9. Employee) realized that the Edison effect could be used as a precision radio, detector , Fleming patented the first true thermionic diode in Britain on November 16
  10. Discs and required intensely bright illumination of the subject for the light, detector ,to work. Analog television did not really begin as an industry until the
  11. Because it had the advantage of being cheap and easy to obtain. The crystal, detector ,in these early radio sets consisted of an adjustable wire point-contact (the
  12. Following the Pave Pronto modifications were equipped with a magnetic anomaly, detector ,(MAD) system called the Black Crow (AN/ASD-5),a highly sensitive passive
  13. Tortoise, formerly in the genus Tested Physics * ATLAS experiment, a particle, detector ,for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN * Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator
  14. A particular analyte to pass through the system (from the column inlet to the, detector ,) under set conditions. See also: Kovacs' retention index *The sample is the
  15. Such as via ion-ordering, a volume is generated onto which positions the 2D, detector , positions can be computed and placed three-dimensional space. Typically the
  16. The spectrometer includes the spectral sorting device (monochromator) and the, detector , Spectrometers for LS AAS In LS AAS the high resolution that is required for
  17. And utilize empirical corrections to stereo graphic projection to convert, detector ,positions back to a 2D surface embedded in R3. By sweeping this surface through
  18. Other radiation emitted by the radiation source, which is finally measured by a, detector , Atomizers Although other atomizers, such as heated quartz tubes, might be used
  19. Little of harmful radiation. The amount of americium in a typical new smoke, detector ,is 1 microcurie (37 BBQ) or 0.28 microgram. This amount declines slowly as
  20. Houses. Metal detector Bell is also credited with the invention of the metal, detector ,in 1881. The device was quickly put together in an attempt to find the bullet
  21. Radio reception by Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, who invented a silicon crystal, detector ,in 1903 and received a patent for it on November 20, 1906. Other experimenters
  22. Alarm. Compared to the alternative optical smoke detector , the ionization smoke, detector ,is cheaper and can detect particles which are too small to produce significant
  23. To find the bullet in the body of US President James Garfield. The metal, detector ,worked flawlessly in tests but did not find the assassin's bullet partly
  24. To act as envelope detector . Another type of demodulator, the product, detector , can provide better quality demodulation, at the cost of added circuit
  25. A conductor of electricity (we would now call it an electrolyte) and as a, detector ,of electricity. He replaced the frog's leg with brine-soaked paper, and
  26. Cosmic-ray collisions produced these particles in a cloud chamber — a particle, detector ,in which moving electrons (or positrons) leave behind trails as they move
  27. Manner (field evaporation) and the evaporated ions are impacted onto a, detector , which may be up to several meters from the specimen. The samples used in atom
  28. Was the first to use a crystal for detecting radio waves in 1894. The crystal, detector ,was developed into a practical device for wireless radio reception by Greenleaf
  29. He reflected on the possibility of using solar panels to heat houses. Metal, detector ,Bell is also credited with the invention of the metal detector in 1881. The
  30. Of antiprotons and antineutrons created in these reactions. In 2011,the STAR, detector ,reported the observation of Antihelium-4 nuclei (). Preservation Antimatter
  31. Flux without a sample and with a sample in the atomizer is measured using a, detector , and the ratio between the two values (the absorbance) is converted to
  32. Distances may range from several centimeters to several meters, with increased, detector ,area required at larger to subtend the same field of view. Practically speaking
  33. Near where the beam exits reflect, or backscatter, the light back into a, detector , where it is measured relative to the original laser beam. When the particles
  34. Output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing, detector ,that served as a relatively crude (1-bit) audio digitizer. Routines in the
  35. Troublesome device was quickly superseded by thermionic diodes, but the crystal, detector ,later returned to dominant use with the advent of inexpensive fixed-germanium
  36. And Final Control Element. The measuring function is completed by the, detector , transducer and transmitter. In practical applications these three elements are
  37. A linear charge coupled device (CCD) array with 200 pixels is used as the, detector , The second monochromator does not have an exit slit; hence the spectral
  38. The long-popular 1N34 germanium version is still used in radio receivers as a, detector ,and occasionally in specialized analog electronics. PIN diodes: A PIN diode has
  39. Into a basic carrier solution that transports the CN to an pyrometric, detector ,that accurately measures cyanide concentration with high sensitivity. Sample
  40. Be done on urine samples, but in many cases a less expensive polygraph (lie, detector ,) test is performed instead. What qualifies as an" illegal" substance, in the
  41. Security checkpoint a few minutes later at 07:18. Both men set off the metal, detector ,and were put through secondary screening. Moved continued to set off the alarm
  42. By the fact that light is not monochromatic. The sensitivity of a light, detector ,varies according to the wavelength of the light, and the way it varies depends on
  43. Conversion of the ion sequence data, as obtained from a position sensitive, detector , to a three-dimensional visualization of atomic types, is termed "
  44. Output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing, detector ,that served as a relatively crude (1-bit) audio digitizer. Routines in the
  45. This current, triggering the alarm. Compared to the alternative optical smoke, detector , the ionization smoke detector is cheaper and can detect particles which are
  46. Time of flight or experimentally derived quantities,e.g. time of flight or, detector ,data. This form of data manipulation allows for rapid computer visualization
  47. Of AM demodulator consists of a diode which is configured to act as envelope, detector , Another type of demodulator, the product detector , can provide better quality
  48. Experiments include BERLIN, XENON,DEAL, ArDM, WARP and LUX. Both of these, detector ,techniques are capable of distinguishing background particles which scatter off
  49. K) and manipulated such that the needle's point is aimed towards an ion, detector , A pulsed high voltage source (typically 1-2 KV) is generated and applied to
  50. May be exposed to Medicine and toxicology * Dose profile, taken by a radiation, detector ,in order to characterize the radiation beams from medical linear accelerators *

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