Examples of the the word, cosmetic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cosmetic ), is the 6240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contrast to later games in the Civilization series, in CIV I, this is largely a, cosmetic ,choice, affecting titles, city names, musical heralds, color,and also their
  2. Technique. Plastic surgery organizations have generally discouraged elective, cosmetic ,breast augmentation surgery for teenage girls as the volume of their breast
  3. Problems. Metal roofs are fairly resistant to hail damage, but may accumulate, cosmetic ,damage in the form of dents and damaged coatings. Hail is one of the most
  4. Not normally focus on identifying simple problems such as spelling errors and, cosmetic ,problems, nor showstopper defects, such as software crashes; testers and
  5. Carbines, these are banned in some places as" assault weapons" based on their, cosmetic ,similarity to submachine guns. However, they may not accept certain parts (
  6. Of the collagen underpinning. Cosmetic surgery Collagen has been widely used in, cosmetic ,surgery, as a healing aid for burn patients for reconstruction of bone and a
  7. Medical uses (e.g. as a laxative and in the treatment of burns) as well as, cosmetic ,uses (e.g. in skin and hair products). Other genera are used as ornamental
  8. Is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceuticals,photography, and, cosmetic , manufacturing. Substances containing gelatin or functioning similarly
  9. Composite Madeira mount and holds a water pot. The dwarf attendant carries her, cosmetic ,bag, and a ... female holds the stem of a giant lotus leaf that serves as her
  10. Ancient Egyptians were among the first to use minerals such as sulfur as, cosmetic ,substances. The Egyptians worked deposits of the lead ore galena at Rebel Rosa's
  11. Given to players in return for violence towards women of any kind, though a, cosmetic ,shower of dollar bills appears after killing a stripper. These cannot be
  12. Kind of cosmetic surgery Parton had undergone. Parton stated that she felt that, cosmetic ,surgery was imperative in keeping with her famous image, but jokingly admitted
  13. To ribbon cables) were eventually made available for 'case molders' for, cosmetic ,reasons, as well as claims of improved computer cooling and were easier to
  14. Or a red dye derived from it. The Latinization, fūcus, meant primarily the, cosmetic ,rouge. The etymology is uncertain, but a strong candidate has long been some
  15. The goddess Gang is also accompanied by a dwarf attendant, who carries a, cosmetic ,bag, and on whom she sometimes leans, as if for support. Appearing first also
  16. But following the adverse decision in the Supreme court it underwent simple, cosmetic ,editing to remove the explicit allusions to" creation" or" creator ", and
  17. Buttock is an alternative site of administration because it provides better, cosmetic ,outcomes. BCG vaccine should be given intradermally. If given subcutaneously
  18. That holds paint or other materials together *Foundation ( cosmetic s),a, cosmetic ,applied to the face *Military base, or non-military base, which provides
  19. Today. Today these systems can fetch anywhere from $100 to $4500,depending on, cosmetic ,and operational condition. The IBM model 5150 has proven to be very reliable
  20. Processes, and currently ISBN is used by nearly all leading producers of, cosmetic ,products for foundations, make-up,eye shadows, blushers,kohl pencils
  21. Related to the Biblical פוך (UK)," paint" ( if not that word itself),a, cosmetic ,eye-shadow used by the ancient Egyptians and other inhabitants of the eastern
  22. And diabetes, as well as improvements in burn treatment and reconstructive and, cosmetic ,surgery, are areas that might benefit from such new technology. Proponents
  23. Must be specifically approved by the FDA before they can be included in, cosmetic ,products sold in the U. S. The labelling of cosmetic s is regulated by the FDA
  24. Through the skin, collagen is now being used as a main ingredient for some, cosmetic ,makeup. Collagen is also frequently used in scientific research applications
  25. Producing goods in the textile, aerospace,defense, ICT,pharmaceutical, and, cosmetic , sectors. Jordan is pinning its hopes on tourism, future uranium and oil shale
  26. Is unsightly and should be removed. Hair removal is almost always motivated by, cosmetic ,reasons. Dedication is the removal of hair from the surface of the skin. This
  27. JPG|Many people believe that the mud of the Dead Sea has special healing and, cosmetic ,uses. File: DeadSeaSinkhole. JPG|Sinkholes at Mineral Beach File:
  28. To do with Arab civilization. ” Then believed that Hezbollah’s evolution is, cosmetic , concealing a sinister long-term strategy to Islamize Lebanon and lead it
  29. Combs, small statuary, painted pottery, high quality decorative stone vases, cosmetic ,palettes, and jewelry made of gold, lapis, and ivory. They also developed a
  30. Out, they introduced a new console dubbed INTO III. This unit was actually a, cosmetic ,rebadge of the original Intellivision console (this unit was later renamed the
  31. Among IN poly morphs, and is therefore used as a lubricant and an additive to, cosmetic ,products. The cubic (sphalerite structure) variety analogous to diamond is
  32. Or reduce their size. Some women have plastic surgery on their breast for, cosmetic ,or reconstructive reasons. After mastectomy (the surgical removal of a breast
  33. To judge them and those who are actually judging the dog will look past the, cosmetic ,color of a dog and judge the conformation of the dog first. There were several
  34. Both her eyes were replaced in adulthood with glass replicas for" medical and, cosmetic ,reasons ". Formal education Starting in May 1888,Keller attended the Perkins
  35. Sexual pleasure, by permanently removing some sensory nerves, even though, cosmetic ,foreskin restoration might be possible. The court did not rule out circumcision
  36. And paralysis. Furthermore, the toxin is readily available worldwide due to its, cosmetic ,applications in injections.; Bubonic plague: Plague is a disease caused by the
  37. Can be virtually eliminated by simple and inconspicuous patch testing prior to, cosmetic ,use, and #most medical collagen is derived from young beef cattle (bovine)
  38. Place a warning note on their products if they have not been tested. Experts in, cosmetic ,ingredient reviews also play a role in monitoring safety through influence on
  39. Industrial salts, de-icers, bath salts, table salt, and raw materials for the, cosmetic ,industry. Telecommunications Transportation Tourism is one of Israel's
  40. Were literally affixed to staves or standards, as depicted on the earliest, cosmetic ,palettes of the period. Some of the oldest search consist of a striped or
  41. Safety testing must bear a warning to that effect. Cosmetic products Though the, cosmetic ,industry is predominantly responsible in ensuring the safety of its products
  42. On a 2003 broadcast of The Oprah Winfrey Show, Winfrey asked what kind of, cosmetic ,surgery Parton had undergone. Parton stated that she felt that cosmetic surgery
  43. And the" very common" platyophthalmos," wide-eye" ( from the effect of the, cosmetic ,). Later Latin authors adapted the word to Latin as stadium. The Arabic word
  44. That celebrity culture is an exemplified in media exaltation of superficiality, cosmetic ,surgery, New Age spirituality mysticism, pop psychology, motivational speakers
  45. Before the term was coined. Name WWW. Divamag. Co. UK/> Designers and, cosmetic ,firms represented Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Second Maria Puccini (; 22
  46. Green chemical found in nature, and only allowed in certain medicines and, cosmetic ,materials. Quinoline Yellow (E104) is a commonly used coloring in the United
  47. Was part of an overall face-lift that included new signage and various other, cosmetic ,enhancements that was led by Ted Tokyo Tanaka Architects. The LAX pylons
  48. b. 1873) *1938 – Max Factor, Sr., Polish-born American make-up artist and, cosmetic ,manufacturer (b. 1877) *1940 – J. J. Thomson, English physicist, Nobel
  49. In 2007,she became both CoverGirl's newest model and spokeswoman for the, cosmetic ,and the face for Gucci's newest jewelry line. In 2010,she was awarded the
  50. Word to Latin as stadium. The Arabic word for the substance, as opposed to the, cosmetic , can appear as تحميض، ثمود، وثمود، وثمود timid, athmoud, othmod, or ethmoid.

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