Examples of the the word, corridor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( corridor ), is the 6235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The idea of moving the capital westward from the heavily populated southeastern, corridor , The bill was not enacted because Emperor DOM Pedro I dissolved the Assembly.
  2. On the Danube, representing the nation's outlet to the Pan-European transport, corridor ,VII. Demographics Croatia's 2001 census recorded a total population of
  3. And public spaces in the city center. Major arterial roads (quality bus, corridor ,) into the city include the Antrum Road, Shore Road, Holywood Road, Newtownards
  4. Side off Adios Nikolas and is connected to the rest of Delia by a thin land, corridor , In that sense the buffer zone turns the Parading area on the southeast corner
  5. Republican times, passenger service along the principal Havana to Santiago, corridor ,is increasingly reliable and popular with tourists who can purchase tickets in
  6. Mountain ranges and glaciers on either side of its entire length. Another major, corridor ,through central Alberta is Highway 11 (also known as the David Thompson
  7. Harland and Wolff shipyard. Belfast is a constituent city of the Dublin-Belfast, corridor , which has a population of three million, or half the total population of the
  8. Town of Radar. The port is projected to be the hub of an energy and trade, corridor ,to and from China and the Central Asian republics. Further west is the Mini
  9. Regions in the country. A 2003 study by TD Bank Financial Group found the, corridor ,is the only Canadian urban center to amass a U. S. level of wealth while
  10. Congestion the Colorado Department of Transportation widened the Interstate 25, corridor , throughout the city from four lanes (two in each direction) to six lanes.
  11. Route E65. Together these two upgrades completed the European north-south, corridor ,Vb. A freeway connection of Zagreb to the important industrial city of Sisal
  12. The Northeastern Trade Corridor. The city is the heart of the Canadian-American, corridor , Over 80 % of all U. S. -Canada trade occurs via border crossings in the
  13. The proposed date when Chile intended to grant this country with a sovereign, corridor ,north of Arica, in former Peruvian territory, transfer not approved by Peru.
  14. Beginning in Puget Sound in Washington state. This was an important travel, corridor ,for native canoeists, as well as gold-rush steam ships, and in modern times is
  15. Tank is installed in the basement to collect water for domestic use, and a long, corridor ,on the right side leads to a courtyard containing a sump, around which various
  16. The Athabasca Oil Sands. Alberta has two main east-west corridor s. The southern, corridor , part of the Trans-Canada Highway system, enters the province near Medicine Hat
  17. John Burgoyne. The goal was to seize the Lake Champlain and Hudson River, corridor , effectively isolating New England from the rest of the American colonies.
  18. Agreed, Turkey had landed 30,000 troops on the island and captured Karenina,the, corridor ,linking Karenina to Nicosia, and Turkish Cypriot quarter of Nicosia itself. The
  19. Side, off of Adios Nikolas (connected to the rest of Delia by a thin land, corridor ,). In that sense, the buffer zone turns the south-east corner of the island
  20. Population densities are found west of the Cascade Mountains along the I-5, corridor , especially in the Portland-Vancouver urban area. High densities are also found
  21. Many private citizens, through the use of eminent domain, to make room for the, corridor , Concerns and Improvements In order to combat congestion the Colorado
  22. Vietnam, the last missing link of the planned rail, corridor ,between Singapore and the city of Kunming, China. Highways Of the current total
  23. Regions in the country. A 2003 study by TD Bank Financial Group found the, corridor ,to be the only Canadian urban center to amass a U. S. level of wealth while
  24. The independence wars because of the Atacama border dispute (Bolivia claims a, corridor ,to the Pacific Ocean). The Spaniards never bothered to definitely establish a
  25. Great Temple was aligned on the rising of the midwinter sun. The length of the, corridor ,down which sunlight would travel would have limited illumination at other times
  26. Offering universal health care benefits. The study found GDP per capita in the, corridor ,was 10 % above average U. S. metropolitan areas and 40 above other Canadian
  27. Universal health care benefits. The study found that GDP per capita in the, corridor ,was 10 % above average U. S. metropolitan areas and 40 % above other Canadian
  28. Passes along the route Budapest-Osijek-Sarajevo-Ploče. The highway along this, corridor ,is the most significant roadway in B&H and the shortest communication route
  29. Most significant land routes in Europe; Moravian Gate is a traditional military, corridor ,between the North European Plain and the Danube in Central Europe Climate
  30. Homes in burrows. They dig their burrows with their claws, only making a single, corridor ,where they fit themselves. They have five clawed toes on the hind feet, and
  31. The Blue and the White Drawing rooms. At the center of the suite, serving as a, corridor ,to link the state rooms, is the Picture Gallery, which is top-lit and 55 yards
  32. Francis Sargent put a moratorium on highway construction within the MA-128, corridor , except for a short stretch of Interstate 93. In 1974 the remainder of the
  33. Major international traffic arteries, such as the Silk Road and the South-North, corridor , highlights the strategic importance of transportation sector for the country’s
  34. Through Calgary, and leaves Alberta through Ban ff National Park. The northern, corridor , also part of the Trans-Canada network and known as the Yellow head Highway (
  35. Now another freeway,A5,along the European route E73 (European north-south, corridor ,VC) between the Hungarian border at Belt Man astir, Osijek and the Bosnian
  36. International Atlanta are directed to Buford Highway, the city's international, corridor , There, the million-plus immigrants that make Atlanta home have established
  37. Ashby Station. West of (and including) San Pablo Avenue, a major commercial, corridor , is West Berkeley, the historic commercial center of the city, and the former
  38. And t-shirts were distributed, and door labels and fliers in the infinite, corridor ,were put up in accordance with the" curriculum change. " In September 2010
  39. Bypass skirting Gawker is another expressway style, high speed inter-urban, corridor , In February 2010,the current state government announced plans to upgrade the
  40. Greatly increased the project's original cost estimates. Reworking such a busy, corridor ,without seriously restricting traffic flow required a number of
  41. Haven and Springfield, Massachusetts,servicing Hartford and other towns on the, corridor , Bus Statewide bus service is supplied by Connecticut Transit, owned by the
  42. That had been created by the World Bank-funded development of the northwest, corridor ,in the 1980s. Despite favorable laws, promising institutional arrangements, and
  43. Between Austin and San Antonio are under evaluation for a future passenger rail, corridor ,as an alternative to the traffic congestion of Interstate 35. Austin is known
  44. In Côte d'Ivoire in 2003 forced a rerouting of rail freight from the Abidjan, corridor ,to ports in Togo, Benin,and Ghana via the road network. A proposed rail link
  45. Perspective by saucer domes designed by Nash in the style of Shane. A second, corridor ,in the suite has Gothic influenced cross over vaulting. Court ceremonies Court
  46. Buildings range from two to five stories in height and face the traditional, corridor ,of travel through town, Mitchell Street, the city's tree-lined main street.
  47. In Iran Bay is Slovenian access to international waters in the form of a, corridor ,which would require Croatia to cede its exclusive rights over at least some of
  48. As the 14th century when a law passed in Hues ca in 1349 stated that Item null, corridor ,Bosnia us ado Que saga Mercadona cingula Que compare NIN Veda entire singular
  49. Subsequently led to new developments and further improvements to that transport, corridor , Similarly, the booming development in Adelaide's South led to the
  50. By Congress, and controversially suspended the writ of habeas corpus along the, corridor ,of Washington and Philadelphia, arresting and imprisoning thousands of

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