Examples of the the word, judiciary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( judiciary ), is the 6233 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Entities are the main source of statutes, although in certain matters, judiciary ,and executive bodies may enact legal norms. Nevertheless, the Supreme Federal
  2. The company, its social function and stimulate the economic activity. It's a, judiciary ,procedure required by the debtor who exercise its activities more than 2 years
  3. Of law, and is a typical representative of the Romano-Germanic law family. The, judiciary ,is overseen by the Ministry of Justice, while the Supreme Administrative Court
  4. TV and radio, repression of independent media, unfair electoral regulations,a, judiciary ,that is not fully independent, and lack of human and civil rights protection. A
  5. Of 1.95583 less for 1 euro. Corruption in the public administration and a weak, judiciary ,have hampered Bulgaria's economic development. However, it is ranked 51st in
  6. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the legislature. The, judiciary ,is independent of the executive and the legislature. The political system is
  7. Divided into two chambers (Senate and House of Assembly),and an independent, judiciary , In keeping with the evolution of the Westminster system of governance
  8. Or regional councils. Political parties and elections Judicial branch The, judiciary ,is subordinate to the executive branch's Ministry of Justice. The Supreme
  9. President serves as titular head of the combined Assembly. Judicial branch The, judiciary ,consists of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Tribunal, the Judiciary
  10. The power of the president. These reforms included a strengthening of the, judiciary , the creation of a partially elected 100-member senate, the creation of
  11. Of courts of first instance are usually made by only one judge. The Brazilian, judiciary ,system uses jury trials only for judging crimes against life. In all Brazilian
  12. Is the supreme law of the nation. The Attorney General heads the independent, judiciary , Historically, Barbadian law was based entirely on English common law with a
  13. Firms. The president is not required to consult the National Assembly. The, judiciary ,is subordinate to the executive branch's Ministry of Justice. The Supreme
  14. Rate average of 6 % a year. Corruption in the public administration and a weak, judiciary ,have continued to be long-term problems, and the presence of organized crime
  15. The separation of powers in government between the legislative, executive,and, judiciary ,branches, well before the publication of Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws.
  16. Head of government. Legislative power is vested in the American Samoa Fond. The, judiciary ,is independent of the executive and the legislature. Executive branch The power
  17. Supreme Judicial Council manages the system and appoints judges. Bulgaria's, judiciary ,remains one of Europe's most corrupt and inefficient. Law enforcement
  18. Anti-Corruption Observatory. The president appoints judges at all levels. The, judiciary ,is officially divided into tribunals, the court of appeal, and the supreme
  19. Population grew from 25,000 in 1980 to over 170,000 in 2007. California's, judiciary ,is the largest in the United States (with a total of 1,600 judges, while the
  20. For an effective government. There was no president, no executive agencies, no, judiciary , and no tax base. The absence of tax base meant that there was no way to pay off
  21. Located in the Caribbean, it is a member of the Caribbean Community. The, judiciary ,is independent of the executive and the legislature. Jurisprudence is based on
  22. Na NTSC). Village elders, kadis or civilian courts settle most disputes. The, judiciary ,is independent of the legislative and the executive. The Supreme Court acts as
  23. Are made after a process of consultation with members of the profession and the, judiciary , Senior Counsel appear in particularly complex or difficult cases. They make up
  24. Limited to debating and approving legislation initiated by the executive. The, judiciary , consisting of the Supreme Court and departmental and lower courts, has long
  25. Despite the nation's Constitution requiring one. The main duties of the, judiciary ,are to prosecute criminals, settle lawsuits, and,most importantly, protect the
  26. Bar; and because barristers are independent, this results in a more independent, judiciary , *Having recourse to all the specialist barristers at the bar enables
  27. Including beatings of detainees, arbitrary arrests, and illegal searches. The, judiciary ,is frequently corrupt, inefficient,and subject to political influence. Worthy
  28. Which might be enforced by the people with the support of a decision of the, judiciary , in a case of judicial review. A violation of rights by an official would be
  29. Training of the military and administrative cadre. A culture committee and a, judiciary ,committee were also created. This expansion prompted Bark Karma to demand
  30. Presided over by the president, a two-chamber National Assembly, and the, judiciary , The legislature and judiciary are independent but remain susceptible to
  31. As fundamental to the power of judicial review and an aspect of the independent, judiciary , England United States In the United States, many government agencies are
  32. Such documents may express respect for human rights or establish an independent, judiciary , they may be ignored when the government feels threatened, or never put into
  33. Chilean Constitution, is a privilege of the President. Legal system Chile's, judiciary ,is independent and includes a court of appeal, a system of military courts, a
  34. Including an effective executive in a check-and-balance system with the, judiciary ,and legislature. After a fierce debate in the states over the nature of the
  35. Their amazement that medieval prejudice should have found a place in the modern, judiciary ,of a civilized state, New Times hinted darkly of strange Jewish sects with
  36. Party was not allowed to exist as such during the dictatorship). Chile's, judiciary ,is independent and includes a court of appeal, a system of military courts, a
  37. The powers of the executive branch and gives it much more influence over the, judiciary ,and municipal officials. The observance of human rights in Armenia is uneven
  38. Are extinguished upon death. In the United States, the power of the federal, judiciary ,to review and invalidate unconstitutional acts of the federal executive branch
  39. In a basic sense the relationship between the executive, legislature and the, judiciary , but also the relationship of institutions within those branches. For example
  40. Slavery. On August 6,1861,Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act that authorized, judiciary ,proceedings to confiscate and free slaves who were used to support the
  41. Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has a Ten Commandments monument installed in the, judiciary ,building, leading to a lawsuit to have it removed and his own removal from
  42. A two-chamber National Assembly, and the judiciary . The legislature and, judiciary ,are independent but remain susceptible to outside influence. In 1995,Burning
  43. Of necessary economic reforms. Of particular concern is the heavily backlogged, judiciary ,system, combined with inefficient public administration, especially regarding
  44. Need not be members of the legislature and are appointed by the president. The, judiciary ,comprises the Supreme Court and specialized courts such as the Constitutional
  45. The nationalization of private property and provides for an independent, judiciary , and the government respects this in practice. The legal system is sufficient
  46. The party system has been dominated by the Botswana Democratic Party. The, judiciary ,is independent of the executive and the legislature. According to Transparency
  47. Actions, largely because of institutional and systemic obstacles like a weak, judiciary , poorly trained judges and lawyers, and corruption. In 1990,the Administrative
  48. Appointed provincial officials. The constitution also created an independent, judiciary , guaranteed inheritance of estates by primogeniture, and installed Catholicism
  49. By an ever-increasing staff, largely controlled parliament, government,and the, judiciary , The 26-year long civil war has ravaged the country's political and social
  50. The exact powers to be given the confederal government, whether to have a, judiciary , and voting procedures. In practice, the Articles were in use beginning in

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