Examples of the the word, relinquish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relinquish ), is the 12093 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the Turks, which were menacing Austria. Louis XIV ultimately had to, relinquish ,the Palatinate. Afterwards Hungary was reconquered from the Turks; Austria
  2. A vast country. The Belgians announced on January 27, 1960,that they would, relinquish ,control in six months. The Congo was granted its independence on June 30, 1960
  3. Proposed tax relief for 20 years for the town’s first residents, that the state, relinquish ,property taxes in favor of the city, and that the city be given monopoly rights
  4. 2008–10: Conservatorship and Circus On January 3,2008,Spears refused to, relinquish ,custody of her sons to Federline's representatives. She was hospitalized at
  5. Lutetium was named in reference to Paris, France. The Germans were reluctant to, relinquish ,naming rights to the French, often calling it Cassiopeia. Similarly, the
  6. 1960s,although some colonizers (Portugal in particular) were reluctant to, relinquish ,sovereignty, resulting in bitter wars of independence which lasted for a decade
  7. The king upon his death. To resolve his father's dilemma, Devavrata agrees to, relinquish ,his right to the throne. As the fisherman is not sure about the prince's
  8. The first Republican to represent Houston. In 1970,Nixon convinced Bush to, relinquish ,his House seat to again run for the Senate against Ralph Yarbrough, a fierce
  9. 12 August the US and Spain signed a protocol of Peace in which Spain agreed to, relinquish ,all claim of sovereignty over and title of Cuba. On 10 December 1898 the US and
  10. The flame as physical representations of limitations and desires they wish to, relinquish , Although Meter Baba had initially begun gaining public attention in the West
  11. In 1941,Hail Selassie was restored to the throne, but Victor Emmanuel did not, relinquish ,his claim to the title until 1943. The Rastafarian claimed Selassie as God
  12. Guitarist Jimmy Page as his replacement, but Page was at that time unwilling to, relinquish ,his lucrative career as a freelance studio musician, so Page in turn
  13. Death of the Spanish dictator General Franco was announced. Bowie was asked to, relinquish ,the satellite booking, to allow the Spanish Government to put out a live
  14. To terminate connection. It's an elegant way to allow the access point to, relinquish ,memory allocation and remove the NIC from the association table. *Probe
  15. Cabinet. When Atari took power he also pledged to step down in April 2000 and, relinquish ,control to a democratically elected president—a pledge with mixed results. In a
  16. In 1655 Jamaica was conquered by the English, although the Spanish did not, relinquish ,their claim to the island until 1670. Jamaica became a base of operations for
  17. In 1974 in Lisbon, the new Portuguese government determined it would, relinquish ,all its overseas possessions. In 1976,Lisbon redefined Macau as a" Chinese
  18. Dual citizenship, and so people becoming naturalized Japanese citizens must, relinquish ,citizenship of other countries. Some ethnic Koreans and Chinese and their
  19. Ahead of schedule. On August 12, 2010 GM announced that Whit acre would, relinquish ,the CEO position effective September 1,2010, and that of Chairman of the Board
  20. Maximize CPU usage. * In time-sharing systems, the running task is required to, relinquish ,the CPU, either voluntarily or by an external event such as a hardware
  21. Name main/> In 1250 or 1251,Mindanao agreed to receive baptism and, relinquish ,control over some lands in western Lithuania, in return for an acknowledgment
  22. Agreement and" opt to use the court system to settle the matter," they must ", relinquish ,Charter membership until the matter is settled. " Another TDI member, Brian
  23. Albanians greater civil rights, and the guerrilla groups would voluntarily, relinquish ,their weapons to NATO monitors. This agreement was a success, and in August
  24. S curse is now affecting their father, Wotan. However, Brünnhilde refuses to, relinquish ,Siegfried's token of love, and Filtrate rides away in despair. Siegfried
  25. He said" FIFA is a big museum. They are dinosaurs who do not want to, relinquish ,power. It's always going to be the same. " In October 2011,Dick Pound
  26. Challenge world champion Boris Spas sky in 1972. Grand master Pal Bento agreed to, relinquish ,his qualifying place at the Interzonal in Fischer's favor, and the other
  27. For President of Mexico. Madero, worried that Porfirio Díaz would not willingly, relinquish ,office, warned his supporters of the possibility of electoral fraud and
  28. Matter, the Joint Anglo-Russian Boundary Commission agreed the Russians would, relinquish ,the farthest territory captured in their advance but retain Pander. This
  29. Savoy, and sent ambassadors to Rome to negotiate with the Pope. He succeeded to, relinquish ,suzerainty to his cousin Alfonso VII of León, becoming instead a subject of the
  30. Conflict resulted in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 which saw France formally, relinquish ,Acadia to Britain. Confusion over the boundaries between Acadia, New France
  31. Times during the game, Geelong gained the lead in the third quarter and did not, relinquish ,it for the rest of the game, with Collingwood failing to score a goal in the
  32. Was extremely wealthy at this time, outside creditors demanded that Hughes, relinquish ,control of TWA in return for providing the money. In 1960,Hughes was
  33. Band as a full-time vocalist and frontman. Stacie, on the other hand, chose to, relinquish ,her dancing duties and settle down to family life. The band changed record
  34. The Buddha insists that while pondering upon Dharma is vital, one must then, relinquish ,fixation on words and letters, as these are utterly divorced from liberation
  35. To reorganize command around himself. Wilhelm II, however,never agreed to, relinquish ,direct control of his fleet. 1906–1908,The Dreadnought and innovation: First
  36. Constantine, who had grown used to dominating his younger brother, would not, relinquish ,the guardianship. Therefore, in 340 he marched into Italy at the head of his
  37. Decade. End of the Sense era In the summer of 2010,the Sense family agreed to, relinquish ,their control of AS Roma as part of a debt-settlement agreement. This brought
  38. Between Japan and the Soviet Union with Molotov and Stalin. Japan agreed to, relinquish ,mineral extraction rights in the northern half of Sakhalin, but otherwise made
  39. Some Companions of the Prophet (peace be on him) decided to, relinquish ,the world, forsake their wives, and become like monks. The Prophet (peace be
  40. Government. To strike a deal, Adenauer was forced to make two concessions: to, relinquish ,the chancellorship before the end of the new term, his fourth, and to replace
  41. With the territory it controlled in Macedonia and immediately asked Greece to, relinquish ,its control over Thessaloniki and the land north of Peoria, effectively handing
  42. II). That same year, Pedro managed to gain enough support to force the king to, relinquish ,control of the government, and he became Prince Regent in 1668. Alfonso was
  43. History as a keen promoter of the Greater Israel agenda with his willingness to, relinquish ,occupied territory. Agreeing to the removal of Israeli settlements from the
  44. They received a significant boost that put them in the lead, which they did not, relinquish ,for the rest of the campaign. Quayle participated in the vice-presidential
  45. Of Timor. It was as recent as the 1960s and 1970s that the Portuguese began to, relinquish ,their colonies in Asia. Goa was invaded by India in 1961 and became an Indian
  46. Arriving in Rome on 6 May 44 BC, Octavian failed to persuade Antony to, relinquish ,Caesar's money to him. However, during the summer he managed to win support
  47. Because of Burma's human rights record and lack of democracy. Burma agreed to, relinquish ,its turn to hold the rotating ASEAN presidency in 2006 due to others member
  48. Zygote, making it difficult to explain why the maternal genes would willingly, relinquish ,their dominance to that of the paternally-derived genes in light of the
  49. To the throne overrode religious considerations. Northumberland was obliged to, relinquish ,control of a nervous Council in London and launch an unplanned pursuit of Mary
  50. To dominate the former cultural center. But the tsars were still not willing to, relinquish ,autocratic rule, or share their power. The Russian Revolution in 1917 was

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