Examples of the the word, identifiable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( identifiable ), is the 8135 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anxiety is a generalized mood condition that can often occur without an, identifiable ,triggering stimulus. As such, it is distinguished from fear, which is an
  2. First letter or letters of the author's last name, the title if there is no, identifiable ,author) is placed in alphabetical order. The DDC has a number for all books
  3. Run across what would be considered private information and other personally, identifiable ,information. It is because of these peripheral scans that Warden has been
  4. Castes (drone, scientist,strategists, supreme and eternal),which are, identifiable ,with color-coded armor instead of the identification plates under the
  5. While the back has bridges. While the designs are supposed to be devoid of any, identifiable ,characteristics, the initial designs by Robert Karina were of specific bridges
  6. In the late 2nd century CE floor mosaic from El Deem, Roman Thaddeus, he is, identifiable ,as Apollo Helios by his effulgent halo, though now even a god's divine
  7. Terminology, refers to someone who attains celebrity status for no particular, identifiable ,reason, or who achieves fame through association with a celebrity. The term is
  8. Levied by the priest in reparation for the sin. He is also one of the earliest, identifiable ,Hiberno-Latin writers. Biography Columbus (the Latinized form of Columbian)
  9. And Laban could not have been an Ara mean, as the Ara means did not become an, identifiable ,political entity until the 12th century. Joseph Blenkinsopp, Emeritus Professor
  10. Jeffrey finds Dorothy's husband who is dead from a gunshot to the head and, identifiable ,by his missing ear, as well as a bloodied Yellow Man. The Yellow Man is
  11. Angular cues can't be used. British Rail color lamp signals use more easily, identifiable ,colors: the red is blood-red, the amber is yellow, and the green is a bluish
  12. Also, the North American wolf line appeared with Cans Edward, clearly, identifiable , as a wolf. Cans Rufus appeared, possibly a direct descendant of Cans Edward
  13. Codecs will degrade the quality of the resulting data such that it is no longer, identifiable ,(visually, audibly or both). Using more than one codec or encoding scheme
  14. And mainly employs deductive reasoning, * a" technocratic paradigm ", readily, identifiable , with engineering approaches, most prominent in software engineering, and * a "
  15. Of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an, identifiable ,occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the
  16. Dated by Globular Urn style pottery to approximately the 12th century BC. The, identifiable ,herds from over 500 mold fragments included a perfect fit of the hilt of a
  17. Artifacts from the empirical perspective of natural sciences, and, identifiable , in some branches of artificial intelligence (the study of artificial life for
  18. Festivals are Baku International Jazz Festival, which includes the world's most, identifiable ,jazz names. Baku also has a thriving International Center of Maugham, which is
  19. Was. It made al-Qaeda the new Mafia or the new Communists. It made them, identifiable ,as a group and therefore made it easier to prosecute any person associated with
  20. New enclosures. In music Many games for the Atari 2600 have detailed and easily, identifiable ,music, and its distinctive sound makes it ideal for use in modern lo-fi and
  21. The building looks very remarkable — like everything Saudi designed, only, identifiable , as Modernism or Art Noumea in the broadest sense. The first floor, in
  22. Mood, which denotes low mood resulting from a psychological response to an, identifiable ,event or stressor. Subtypes The DSM-IV-TR recognizes five further subtypes of
  23. Have radioactive lifetimes shorter than the current age of the Earth and thus, identifiable ,quantities of these elements have long since decayed,except
  24. banknotes and Indian Rupee notes also have special raised symbols to make them, identifiable ,by the visually impaired. In India there are instances where the parliament
  25. Into the neighboring Sarmatians or Goths. If the Pasternak remained an, identifiable ,group, it is highly likely that they participated in the vast Gothic-led
  26. The site. Coffins were stripped of lead, bones were scattered and lost, and no, identifiable ,remains of Alfred have subsequently been found. Further excavations in 1866 and
  27. __TOC__ Origins and history of dance does not leave behind clearly, identifiable ,physical artifacts such as stone tools, hunting implements or cave paintings.
  28. State, or other community, often by, in which the term is used to refer to an, identifiable ,group within the Discordant religion. Origins of the word The term cabal
  29. Cells as the smallest repeating structure within the substance; as they lack, identifiable ,molecules. One of the main characteristic of a molecule is its geometry often
  30. Level change, local subsidence, or prostatic rebound. Submerged coastlines are, identifiable ,by their submerged, or " drowned" landforms, such as bias (drowned valleys)
  31. It is an age, an eon, a division of eternity; it is the time between two, identifiable ,events. And each day, of whatever length, has the duration needed for its
  32. Of measured covariance which are not instrumental variables, yet render \beta_1, identifiable , An overview of econometric methods used to study this problem can be found in
  33. Luna-Selene with flowers at the other and a central deity not immediately, identifiable , all united by a horizontal bar. The iconographical analysis allows the dating
  34. Endorsed slightly different policies. The factions were often generationally, identifiable , representing individuals who had entered the party at different times. In 2006
  35. Reported by Dale Russel as having pathological damage to them. Paleoecology All, identifiable ,fossils of Albertosaurus sarcophagus are known from the Horseshoe Canyon
  36. Are allowed to attach a small religious pendant or locket; this makes a quick, identifiable ,reference for their funeral services. Mexico The Exercise de Mexico uses a
  37. G. J. Barker-Benfield explains," an innate refinement of nerves was also, identifiable ,with greater suffering, with weakness, and a susceptibility to disorder ".
  38. Of either a global sea level change, or local uplift. Emergent coastlines are, identifiable ,by the coastal landforms, which are above the high tide mark, such as raised
  39. Of the Amanuenses Fathers. It is now generally agreed by most scholars that, identifiable ,Catharism did not emerge until at least 1143,when the first confirmed report
  40. Or" Celt" ( South German | ISBN 1-58112-889-4|page 252} } The notion of an, identifiable ,Celtic cultural identity or" Felicity ", though problematic, generally
  41. Cemetery. The memorial specifically honors the five individuals for whom no, identifiable ,remains were found. This included Dana Wallenberg, age three, who was aboard
  42. A method to index chemical substance. In this scheme each chemical substance is, identifiable ,by a number known as CAS registry number. Molecule A molecule is the smallest
  43. Coriolis force is a consequence of inertia, and is not attributable to an, identifiable ,originating body, as is the case for electromagnetic or nuclear forces, for
  44. Monthly comic through the years, chronicling the adventures of Marvel's most, identifiable ,hero. The Amazing Spider-Man is the character's flagship series, and the only
  45. And network solids, are organized in such a way as to lack the existence of, identifiable ,molecules per se. Instead, these substances are discussed in terms of formula
  46. This is not strictly true. For most locations on earth, there are two distinct, identifiable ,days per year when the length of day and night are closest to being equal;
  47. Of cultures demonstrating firm control of agriculture and animal husbandry, and, identifiable , by their pottery and personal items, such as combs, bracelets,and beads. The
  48. Church and family. Major Christian denominations A Christian denomination is an, identifiable ,religious body under a common name, structure,and doctrine within Christianity
  49. Neurosis, defined as an excessive reaction to internal conflict or an, identifiable ,event, and also included a depressive type of manic-depressive psychosis within
  50. However, raise different questions, seeking to provide their students with, identifiable ,precursors of their discipline, and are especially concerned with the important

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