Examples of the the word, circus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( circus ), is the 8136 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An 1843 poster for Pablo Fanque's Circus Royal describes how the Victorian, circus ,employed a hogshead in a most unusual fashion. The poster, advertising a
  2. R. S. Whittington suggested," Had he been a trapeze artist in a strolling, circus , Coleman could have dispensed with the trapeze. " Without Coleman,Essendon's
  3. Such as these from If I Ran the Circus::" All ready to put up the tents for my, circus ,.: I think I will call it the Circus Gurus.:" And NOW comes an act of
  4. To the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. *Mrs. Wretch: formerly the glamorous, circus ,performer Miss Whack away, now wife to Colonel Wretch and" horrible welfare
  5. Elder considered engineering marvels. He built a large racetrack known as the, circus ,of Gains and Nero and had an Egyptian obelisk (now known as the Vatican
  6. Auditorium on Central Avenue. The brain child of acclaimed clown Jeff Ran, this, circus , is a professional-level display of humor, silliness,skilled movement, and
  7. Greeks, that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from, circus ,performance skills. Other gymnastic sports include rhythmic gymnastics, the
  8. A part of, it may or may not include elements other than clowning, such as in a, circus ,show. In a circus context, clown shows are typically made up of some
  9. End to them. These are also called reprises or run-ins by many and in today's, circus ,they are an art form in themselves, originally they were bits of" business "
  10. The hoop. Another shot that is becoming common is the" circus shot. " The, circus ,shot is a low-percentage shot that is flipped, heaved,scooped, or flung toward
  11. And John L. Sullivan, the famous" Boxing Elephant" ). However, conditions for, circus ,elephants are unnatural (confinement in small pens or cages, restraints on
  12. Hermione Gin gold, English actress (d. 1987) *1898 – Emmett Kelly, American, circus , clown (d. 1979) *1899 – Jean de Brunhoff, French author (d. 1937) *1900 –
  13. The Nobel Peace Prize (d. 1947) *1867 – Eugen Sand ow, German bodybuilder and, circus ,performer (d. 1925) *1869 – Hug hie Jennings, American baseball player and
  14. Twilight Zone. In 1963,at the age of eight, he appeared in Jack Palance's ABC, circus ,drama The Greatest Show on Earth. In 1964, he appeared as Richard Kimble's
  15. Spot" in the center ring, or from a seat in the audience. * Anything any other, circus ,performer might do. It is not uncommon for an acrobat, a horse-back rider or a
  16. Straight through the hoop. Another shot that is becoming common is the ", circus ,shot. " The circus shot is a low-percentage shot that is flipped, heaved
  17. Or may not include elements other than clowning, such as in a circus show. In a, circus ,context, clown shows are typically made up of some combination of Entrées, Side
  18. This period Wayne has a fiancée named Julie Madison. Wayne takes in an orphaned, circus ,acrobat, Dick Grayson, who becomes his sidekick, Robin. Batman also becomes a
  19. Character clown types The most prevalent character clown in the American, circus ,is the hobo, tramp or bum clown. There are subtle differences in the American
  20. Inseparable. Through Halo, Akira devoured not only films but also theater and, circus ,performances, while exhibiting his paintings and working for the left-wing
  21. After meeting psychiatrist Dr. Chase Meridian, Bruce invites her to a charity, circus ,event. There, Two-Face and his henchmen storm the event in an attempt to
  22. Comic performers stereotypically characterized by the grotesque image of the, circus ,clown's colored wigs, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes, unusually large
  23. Film City of Women. ) In 1926,he discovered the world of Grand Googol,the, circus ,with Pairing the Clown, and the movies. Guido Brig none’s Racist all’Inferno (
  24. From the base KER- which means to turn or bend. The origins of the words ", circus ," and" circuit" are closely related. The circle has been known since before
  25. And act as sort of clown copyright for the make-up designs. Skills In the, circus , a clown might perform another circus role: * Walk a tightrope, a high wire, a
  26. Capital. Critics have described the two-seat arrangement as a" travelling, circus ,", and there is a strong movement to establish Brussels as the sole seat. This
  27. Catholic saint and mystic (b. 1878) *1906 – James Anthony Bailey, American, circus , impresario (b. 1847) * 1906 – Francis Marcellus Church, American editor and
  28. Afgrunden (The Abyss),directed by Urban Gad for Kosmorama, This combined the, circus , sex, jealousy and murder, all put over with great conviction, and pushed the
  29. Primary differences among these clown types is attitude. According to American, circus ,expert Nova Burgess, they are (in order of class): *The Hobo Migratory and
  30. For the make-up designs. Skills In the circus , a clown might perform another, circus ,role: * Walk a tightrope, a high wire, a slack rope or a piece of rope on the
  31. Of UNITAS landed on the beaches of Somalia on December 9,1992, amid a media, circus , However, Mohamed Farrah Aided saw UNBOSOM II as a threat to his power and in
  32. Role of" straight-man" and sets up situations that can be turned funny. Some, circus ,examples include Pipe Osman, François Fratelli (the Fratelli family)
  33. Regularly cast Robert De Niro in his films). * Italian archaeologist and, circus ,strongman Giovanni Batista Belong (1778–1823). * Yale University professor
  34. Have argued it is the de facto EU government, Mirrored with the" travelling, circus ," of the European Parliament, this garnered protests from environmental groups
  35. Of fantasy ”. After shooting wrapped on October 14,Niño Rota composed various, circus ,marches and fanfares that would later become signature tunes of the maestro’s
  36. To stay away from Chapman's private funeral, to prevent its becoming a media, circus ,and to give his family some privacy. They sent a wreath in the shape of the
  37. In distress in the climax. * Chris O'Donnell as Dick Grayson / Robin: Once a, circus ,acrobat, Dick is taken in by Bruce after Two-Face murders his parents and
  38. Which in the late afternoon and evening is a bit like an impromptu three-ring, circus ,with musicians, magicians,jugglers and other street performers. Sports
  39. Georges Seurat, French painter (d. 1891) *1863 – Charles Ringling, American, circus , owner (d. 1926) *1884 – Erica Harvey North croft, New Zealand lawyer and judge
  40. Dick is taken in by Bruce after Two-Face murders his parents and brother at a, circus ,event. Bruce is reminded of when his parents were murdered when he sees the
  41. Theater Many people find cinema /or theater and other live performance such as, circus , plays, musicals,farces, monologues and pantomimes to be entertaining. Comedy
  42. Then to the U. S. There she worked as a dancer and then a tiger-trainer in a, circus , She left memoirs about her father, wherein she painted an almost saintly
  43. Has a celebration in Uptown with wine, French food, pastries,a flea market, circus ,performers and bands.: *Montgomery (Cincinnati) has a celebration with wine
  44. Revealed as an impostor: it was actually the villain the Acrobat, a former, circus ,performer the Torch had defeated in Strange Tales #106,who broke two thieves
  45. Events, including Die being adopted by a small girl, both pets meeting up at a, circus ,that they briefly joined, and both going to a pet shop, Garfield and Die make
  46. A policeman, a housewife or hobo. Prime examples of this type of clown are the, circus ,tramps Otto Dribbling and Emmett Kelly. Red Skeleton, Harold Lloyd, Buster
  47. Peter Thunberg, Swedish naturalist (b. 1743) *1863 – Angus McCaskill, British, circus , performer (b. 1825) *1879 – Immanuel Hermann Fichte, German philosopher (b.
  48. Von Piebald, German physiologist (b. 1804) *1891 – P. T. Barnum, American, circus , impresario (b. 1810) *1920 – Karl Binding, German jurist (b. 1841) *1928 –
  49. Vincent d'Indy, French composer (b. 1851) *1936 – John Ringling, American, circus , owner (b. 1866) *1943 – Normal Grieg, Norwegian author and journalist (b.
  50. Roman history of the city of Lugo, with recreations of a Celtic wedding, Roman, circus , etc. * Rap was Bests (" shearing of the beasts" ) in Sauced, the first

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