Examples of the the word, elevate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( elevate ), is the 8137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Island. As the land rebounded from the weight of the ice, the island rose up to, elevate ,it further from the surrounding water. Climate Winters are moderately cold
- Eastern religions Judaism In the Judaic world view, the meaning of life is to, elevate ,life, both in this world ('Slam Hazel) and in the world to come ('Slam ABA
- In the United States' crusade against Communism. As a countermeasure and to, elevate ,China's standing among the worldwide Communist movements, the Chinese
- In March 2010 he announced his K-State 2025 plan. The initiative is designed to, elevate ,K-State to a top 50 nationally recognized research university by 2025. Historic
- According to these scholars, groups of lower-caste individuals could seek to, elevate ,the status of their caste by attempting to emulate the practices of higher
- Reached Armenians living in both regions. This created an ever-growing need to, elevate ,the vulgar language, Ašxarhabar, to the dignity of a modern literary language
- Reading and writing; food is plentiful, and the farm runs smoothly. The pigs, elevate ,themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items
- His campaign in France misrepresented the advances of neighboring units to, elevate ,the achievements of his own dazzling advances. Kluge also cited the complaint
- For" Slam ABA "; Jewish thought is to use" Slam Hazel" ( this world) to, elevate ,oneself. " Al slosh detail," a well-known Mishnah from Parka Avon, relates
- De Cesare:: The first idea of convening an Ecumenical Council in Rome to, elevate ,the temporal power into a dogma, originated in the third centenary of the
- Against vehicles, helicopters,and stationary strong points. IF cannons can, elevate ,their barrels by as much as 70 degrees to permit their crews to engage aircraft
- Harmonize with a possible realm of ends as with a realm of nature ". None may, elevate ,themselves above the universal law, therefore it is one's duty to follow the
- Pervasive story is that Columbus discovered America, as it is far easier to, elevate ,a man to heroic status than to reflect the reality among complex series of
- Actions:" It is impermissible and foreign to the spirit of Marxism-Leninism to, elevate ,one person, to transform him into a superman possessing supernatural
- And mood. Common levels of fluorescent lighting in offices are sufficient to, elevate ,blood pressure by about eight points. Specifically within the USA, there is
- Milan on May 16, 1718,to a wealthy and literate family. Her father desired to, elevate ,his family into the Milanese nobility. In order to achieve his goal, he had
- Ephedrine, dextroamphetamine,and cocaine work against heavy sedation and may, elevate ,mood in distressed patients as do the antidepressants. The use of medicinal
- Software at the Black Hat Security Conference (2006),where he showed how to, elevate ,privileges and read physical memory, using malicious procedures that replaced
- Receptor blocking agent. As certain succinate salts have been shown to, elevate ,growth hormone in vitro, and because GHB is metabolized into succinate some
- Publicity, for example, numerous consumer complaints, may serve as well to, elevate ,page rank on Google Search as favorable comments. The particular problem
- Toynbee argued that“ the phrase is an empty right-wing smear designed only to, elevate ,its user ”. Commenting on the UK's 2009 Equality Bill, Toynbee wrote that: The
- Completed, doubling its size. The hope was that the center's expansion would, elevate ,the city to one of the top 10 cities in the nation for holding a convention.
- This enzyme appears to be induced by camp levels, meaning substances that, elevate ,camp, such as foreskin and vinpocetine, may increase GHB synthesis and release
- The kayak tradition, including multi-hull or outrigger boats and those that, elevate ,above the water on hydrofoils. Recreational kayaks are designed
- Drastically). Alternatively, it may be that Western cultures reframe and, elevate ,some expressions of human distress to disorder status. Australian professor
- Large and comprehensive over the years that many people learning Perl seem to, elevate ,it to a sort of mythical status, and express surprise when they begin to
- Amphetamine, being sold as ecstasy. PMA is unique in its ability to quickly, elevate ,body temperature and heart rate at relatively low doses, especially in
- Restoration of the divine nature; a central Gnostic innovation was to, elevate ,individual redemption to the level of a cosmically significant event. The model
- And hereditary privilege but also the language that Burke used to defend and, elevate ,it. In a famous passage in the Reflections, Burke had lamented:" I had thought
- This provides much greater power and range, and it also allows the player to, elevate ,over the defender. Failure to release the ball before the feet return to the
- And not responsible for the sedative effects of GHB - they have been shown to, elevate ,the principle excitatory neurotransmitter—glutamate. Other antipsychotics were
- Counter it. After the Battle of Hastings, Ealdred joined the group who tried to, elevate ,Edgar the Ætheling, Edward the Exile's son, as king, but eventually he
- In late 307. He offered to marry his daughter Faust to Constantine, and, elevate , him to Augustan rank. In return, Constantine would reaffirm the old family
- To remedy the disorders of this kingdom and to preserve the Low Countries. " To, elevate ,his son to Mary's rank, Emperor Charles V ceded the crown of Naples, as well
- Resurrected Lord President Rassilon also believed that this action would, elevate ,them to a higher form of existence, becoming " pure consciousness. " Upon
- Moment of inertia makes the long gun slower and more difficult to traverse and, elevate , and it is thus slower and more difficult to adjust the aim. However, this also
- Capable of the highest sacrifices; and they exert their souls in the effort to, elevate ,themselves to the ideal of moral and aristocratic distinction which illuminates
- All Mitzvot involve physical action, is that through their performance, they, elevate , each particular Spark of holiness associated with that commandment. Once all
- As the nation's first national heroes, a status that did nothing, however,to, elevate ,the wretched living standard of their descendants. The Chilean Patagonia
- Diesel engines rely on adiabatic heating during their compression stroke to, elevate ,the temperature sufficiently to ignite the fuel. Adiabatic heating also occurs
- To its final showdown, the ramifications of the final theoretical discoveries, elevate ,Alpha Centauri from great strategy game to science-fiction epic. " Edge praised
- Of angiotensin, a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would, elevate ,blood pressure * Increased production of the vasodilator hormone, nitric oxide
- Form. Sports and athletics Some athletes also use GHB, as GHB has been shown to, elevate ,human growth hormone in vivo. The growth hormone elevating effects of GHB are
- What distinguishes both Jewish and Christian religious systems ... is that they, elevate ,to the sacred status of myth narratives that are situated in historical time ".
- Hazel) and in the world to come ('Slam ABA). The most important way to, elevate ,life is through the observance of" mitzvot" ( divine commandments in the
- Traditions, but commercialization of the game has subsequently tended to, elevate ,the principle of 'win at all costs' above traditional ideals of sportsmanship.
- Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of the dharma or, elevate ,them above Muslims, for they shimmies are miserable, disgraced,and humiliated.
- Set forth all the science of the time from the Christian point of view, and to, elevate ,Christianity to a theory of the Universe compatible with Hellenism. In 235
- Cave. The other hand and arm had articulated fingers, was mounted on a lever to, elevate ,it, and was used in the several scenes in which Kong grasps Ann. A
- Following theatrical reformer Tom Robertson. Gilbert helped to reform and, elevate ,the respectability of the theater, especially beginning with his six short
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