Examples of the the word, homestead , in a Sentence Context
The word ( homestead ), is the 11900 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Others end in -Thorpe (" village" ),-thwarted (" clearing" ), and -soft (", homestead ,"). Together with an increasing centralization of government in the
- Oregon Trail where they could get supplies, aid and help before starting their, homestead , Fort Vancouver was the main re-supply point for nearly all Oregon trail
- Charged on groceries but never prescriptions. Up to 1 % of a SPLOSH can go to, homestead ,exemptions (the HOST). All taxes are collected by the Georgia Department of
- Jim Said) tells them that the pumps are empty. They continue towards the, homestead , intending to return to the gas station once the fuel has been delivered. When
- Of West Finns were based on their association with a particular area, farm,or, homestead , e.g. Jaczko Russia (" Jaczko from the farm of Just" ). On the other hand
- Conditions that prevail throughout desert Nevada. Instead, early settlers would, homestead ,land surrounding a water source, and then graze livestock on the adjacent
- And grave robbing. Afterwards, they decide to visit an old Hardest family, homestead , Along the way they pick up a hitchhiker (Edwin Neal) who slashes both
- Part of the Ethan Allen Homestead and Museum. Situated in Burlington,Allen's, homestead ,is available for viewing via guided tours. Two ships of the United States Navy
- The first known permanent Norse settler was Golfer Reason, who built his, homestead ,in Reykjavík in the year 874. Golfer was followed by many others emigrant
- As" Nottingham "; the homestead of Snot's people (Inca the people of; Ham, homestead ,). Snot brought together his people in an area now known as the Lace Market.
- Lands Act permitted settlers to acquire one quarter of a square mile of land to, homestead ,and offered an additional quarter upon establishing a homestead . Immigration
- A line of longitude, as correction lines were devised by surveyors prior to the, homestead ,program (1880–1928). Saskatchewan is part of the Western Provinces and is
- Childhood Henry Clay was born on the day of April 12, 1777,at the Clay, homestead ,in Hanover County, Virginia in a story-and-a-half frame house. It was an
- By a Josiah Quincy * Quincy Homestead, the Dorothy Quincy House and remaining, homestead ,of the Quincy family * Quincy House (Brook land),a house of Catholic graduate
- Membership. Strictly speaking toque refers to the occasional gatherings of, homestead ,heads and junior men to make group decisions, settle local disputes, reprimand
- Also founder of the Endicott Johnson Corporation) took the burning of the, homestead ,as a divine command to rebuild (which he did). The rebuilt Endicott Estate is
- Who fall victim to a family of cannibals while on their way to visit an old, homestead , Although it was marketed as a true story to attract a wider audience and as a
- 1st century BC book titled On Agriculture in which he warns against locating a, homestead ,near swamps: In The Canon of Medicine (1020),ABU Ali in Sing (Avicenna)
- Of wolves and bears to tear her to pieces. Killer escapes from Ilmarinen's, homestead ,and learns from an old lady in the forest that his family is still alive, he is
- Dressed in designer clothes, only to emerge from the traditional family, homestead ,wearing a Shaka (colorful piece of cloth),cow hide sandals and carrying a
- Whose ownership was not at some point in time obtained in violation of the, homestead ,principle, through seizure by the state or put in private hands with the
- Party. Name "/NP"> republican21"/> Free Boilers and Republicans demanded a, homestead ,law that would give government land to settlers; it was defeated by Southerners
- Was given to another actor, Ray Young. The film's plot had Jed back in his old, homestead ,in Bug tussle, having divided his massive fortune among Kelly May and Jethro
- Rule of a Saxon chieftain named Snot it became known as" Nottingham "; the, homestead ,of Snot's people (Inca the people of; Ham homestead ). Snot brought together
- Rwandan Hutu rebels kill and dismember 8 foreign tourists at the Burma, homestead , Uganda. ** The Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines comes
- Giving birth to a stillborn son. In 1831,Thomas relocated the family to a new, homestead ,in Coles County, Illinois. It was then that as an ambitious 22-year-old
- Of South Dakota's best-known writers. She used her experiences growing up on a, homestead ,near De Set as the basis for four of her novels: By the Shores of Silver Lake
- Dakota has also produced several notable artists. Harvey Dunn grew up on a, homestead ,near Manchester in the late 19th century. While most of his career was spent as
- With the family's Quaker lawyer to the Audubon family farm Mill Grove. The, homestead ,is located on the Persimmon Creek a few miles from Valley Forge. Audubon lived
- For example -BEC (stream),-Fleur (river),-you (island),-tot (, homestead ,),-DAL or -Dale (valley) and -Hague (hill, mound ). Architecture
- Of the commons as an example of what happens when Lockean property rights to, homestead ,resources are prohibited by a government. These people argue that the solution
- Pigsty, hen-house and a carriage house, which bordered the Grand River. At the, homestead , Bell set up his own workshop in the converted carriage house Despite his frail
- Following his confirmation, he adopted the surname Laxness (in honor of the, homestead ,where he had been raised) and added the name Kilian (an Icelandic spelling of
- Of Taxation on such matters as state income, sales and business taxes, and, homestead , rebates. Appeals from Tax Court decisions are heard in the Appellate Division
- Would the skull be separated from the skin, taken beyond the bounds of the, homestead , and placed in the ground, facing north. While Fox's Glacier Mints have
- S name derives from Old English at 'goat' and ham 'home ', literally ", homestead ,where goats are kept ", and is pronounced" goat 'em ", ( c. f. Chatham, a
- Mansion he dubbed Silver Spring on a 250 acre (one-square-kilometer) country, homestead ,situated just outside of Washington’D. C. (The house stood until 1954. ) By
- Municipalities. In 1839,Texas became the first nation in the world to enact a, homestead ,exemption, under which a person's primary residence could not be seized by
- In 1835,Englishman William Richardson erected the first independent, homestead , near a boat anchorage around what is today Portsmouth Square. Together with
- That the notorious Playboy Mansion had been transformed into a family-friendly, homestead , After he and Conrad separated in 1998,Conrad moved into a house next door to
- After a giant linden tree (or lime tree),in Swedish, that grew on the family, homestead , This name was spelled with the æ ligature. When Carl was born, he was named
- Cultivated it. The provisions were expanded under the Kinkier Act to include a, homestead ,of an entire section. Hundreds of thousands of people claimed such homestead s
- Keller was born on June 27, 1880,in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her family lived on a, homestead , Ivy Green, that Helen's grandfather had built decades earlier. Helen's
- Society, and the Royal Society in recognition of his contributions. * The, homestead ,Mill Grove in Audubon, PA is open to the public and contains a museum
- Mile of land to homestead and offered an additional quarter upon establishing a, homestead , Immigration peaked in 1910,and in spite of the initial difficulties of
- I, the hero Helga Hundingsbane has just been born and horns arrive at the, homestead ,: Helgakviða Hundingsbana II In Helgakviða Hundingsbana II, Helgi Hundingsbane
- As well. During 1944 Menzies held a series of meetings at 'Ravenscraig' an old, homestead ,in Ashley to discuss forming a new anti-Labor party to replace the moribund UAP
- Kid Rock released his first live album, Live Trucker, comprising songs from his, homestead ,performances in Clarkson (on September 1,2000,and August 26 through August
- Where he launched a career of writing, teaching,and lecturing. This family, homestead ,served as the Frosts' summer home until 1938,and is maintained today as The
- Meetings are held some distance from the personal space of any particular, homestead ,yard. The meetings are open and attendance consists of those men who have, or
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