Examples of the the word, vinegar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vinegar ), is the 11918 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stale bread, tomato,cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine, vinegar , and salt. The following is a typical method of preparing gazpacho: # The
  2. And also act as preservatives and antioxidants. Common food acids include, vinegar , citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, and lactic acid.;
  3. Until liquid, depending on the desired consistency. # Chilled water, olive oil, vinegar ,and salt are then added to taste. # The remaining contents of the container are
  4. OH,) group is replaced with a metal cation. Thus, acetic acid found in, vinegar ,reacts with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to form sodium acetate, carbon
  5. And goats can be seen on the Amado. Chimichurri, a sauce of herbs, garlic and, vinegar , is often used as an accompaniment (most Argentines have a relatively delicate
  6. Beans and wheat. Oyster sauce, transparent rice vinegar , Chinkiang black rice, vinegar , fish sauce and fermented tofu (fur) are also widely used. A number of
  7. Odors, especially the volatile derivatives. Most common are acetic acid (, vinegar ,) and botanic acid (rancid butter). On the other hand, esters of carboxylic
  8. Are made by precipitating casein from milk protein using the acetic acid from, vinegar , This forms curds, which are neutralized with a base, such as sodium
  9. Vinegar, which is why the decay process in the archival community is known as ", vinegar ,syndrome ". Modern polyester-based stocks are far more stable by comparison and
  10. Fruit flies" or more appropriately (though less frequently) pomade flies, vinegar ,flies, or wine flies, a reference to the characteristic of many species to
  11. The canal next to his home in Delft. He experimented with samples by adding, vinegar ,or brandy and found that this resulted in the immediate immobilization or
  12. Mixing them with other ingredients to remove the offending sugars. Sometimes, vinegar ,is added, but only after the beans are cooked as vinegar interferes with the
  13. Sparkling drinks (carbon dioxide),soft drinks (phosphoric acid),pickles (, vinegar ,) or other acidified food are preserved with benzoic acid and benzoates.
  14. Formulations containing high concentrations of aspirin often smell like, vinegar ,because aspirin can decompose through hydrolysis in moist conditions, yielding
  15. Were responsible for this benefit; however, it soon became clear that, e. g., vinegar ,had not any effect. It lasted until 1907 before a scientific result was
  16. Such as Scallion, sugar,salt, soy sauce, rice wine, cornstarch, vinegar , scallion oil, and sesame oil suffice to enhance flavor, though garlic is used
  17. Rinsing the mouth of himself and somebody else with a mouthwash containing, vinegar ,or brandy and found that living organisms remained in the dental plaque. He
  18. Microbes) * Toxic inhibition (e.g., smoking,use of carbon dioxide, vinegar , alcohol etc.) * Ultra high water pressure (e.g. a type of“ cold ”
  19. Is made from fermented soda beans and wheat. Oyster sauce, transparent rice, vinegar , Chinking black rice vinegar , fish sauce and fermented tofu (fur) are also
  20. Acid are said to be acidic. Common examples of acids include acetic acid (in, vinegar ,), sulfuric acid (used in car batteries),and tartaric acid (used in baking
  21. Which is used as baking powder. When exposed to an acid such as acetic acid (, vinegar ,), sodium bicarbonate releases carbon dioxide. This is used as a leavening
  22. Other microorganisms. Typical pickling agents include brine (high in salt), vinegar , alcohol, and vegetable oil, especially olive oil but also many other oils.
  23. Sauce),or locally" Grain So ", is a sauce made with hard-boiled eggs, oil, vinegar , salt, and generous amount of seven fresh herbs, namely forage, sorrel,garden
  24. To ingest small quantities of acidic liquids with meals, such as lemon juice or, vinegar , to stimulate the production of gastric hydrochloric acid. In turn, acid
  25. Cannot be reversed. The result of the acetic acid released is a strong odor of, vinegar , which is why the decay process in the archival community is known as" vinegar
  26. The emulsion; an example of this is seen in the separation of the oil and, vinegar ,components of vinaigrette, an unstable emulsion that will quickly separate
  27. Red or orange, sweet and mildly spicy sauce, made from soy sauce, corn starch, vinegar , chicken broth, and sugar. * Chinese chicken salad — it usually contains sliced
  28. Is a component of cola drinks. Acetic acid is used in day to day life as, vinegar , Carbonic acid is an important part of some cola drinks and soda. Citric acid
  29. Córdoba and Seville, using stale bread, garlic,olive oil, salt,and, vinegar , similar to Blanco. Gazpacho remained popular with field hands as a way to
  30. Have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with, vinegar ,), salting,as with bacon, preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as in some
  31. Related to soap making. *fermentation of ethanol is used in the production of, vinegar , Laboratory methods Preparative methods for small scale reactions for research
  32. First World's Fair. After graduation,Eiffel's uncle offered him a job at his, vinegar ,works in Dijon, France. However, a family dispute removed that opportunity, and
  33. The upper classes, and Hippocrates recommended a mixture of salt, alum,and, vinegar , The Jewish Talmud, dating back about 1800 years, suggests a cure for gum
  34. Vinegar, with egg yolk lecithin as emulsifier *Vinaigrette – vegetable oil in, vinegar ,; if prepared with only oil and vinegar (without an emulsifier),yields an
  35. Muscatel de Chipiona and Most ode Umbrete. Andalusia also produces D. O., vinegar ,and. Andalusian equestrianism, institutionalized in the Royal Andalusian School
  36. Sugars. Sometimes vinegar is added, but only after the beans are cooked as, vinegar ,interferes with the beans' softening. Fermented beans will usually not produce
  37. Water (brewed coffee),unstable *Mayonnaise – vegetable oil in lemon juice or, vinegar , with egg yolk lecithin as emulsifier *Vinaigrette – vegetable oil in vinegar ;
  38. Formic acid COOL, that occurs in ants, and acetic acid CH3-COOH,that gives, vinegar ,its sour taste. Acids with two or more carboxyl groups are called carboxylic
  39. Vinaigrette – vegetable oil in vinegar ; if prepared with only oil and, vinegar ,(without an emulsifier),yields an unstable emulsion *Homogenized milk – milk
  40. Peter Orbicularis, was stripped, raised high, and scourged. Salt and, vinegar ,were poured in his wounds, and he was slowly boiled over an open flame. The
  41. Or alcoholic beverages, such as wine or brandy. Apples are often used to make, vinegar , Fruits are also used for gift giving, Fruit Basket and Fruit Bouquet are some
  42. Useful as a digestive aid, for lowering high blood pressure, and,infused with, vinegar , for curing hiccups. Besides its digestive properties, it is used as a mild
  43. Term" via d'altos ", a marinade containing wine (" vino" ), or sometimes, vinegar , and garlic (" also" ), used to prevent the pork from going off in hot
  44. Lower designated quality than appellation contrôlée;; diminutive of vintage (, vinegar ,);:" face to face with ": in comparison with or in relation to; opposed to.
  45. That arrived in Spain with the Moors, or via the Romans with the addition of, vinegar , Once in Spain it became a part of Andalusian cuisine, particularly Córdoba and
  46. Fries can be served with a variety of accompaniments,e.g. salt and, vinegar ,(malt, balsamic or white),pepper, grated cheese, mushy-peas,heated curry
  47. Were made to test for signs of life before burial, ranging from pouring, vinegar ,and pepper into the corpse's mouth to applying red-hot pokers to the feet or
  48. In the Victorian era," arsenic" (" white arsenic" trioxide) was mixed with, vinegar ,and chalk and eaten by women to improve the complexion of their faces, making
  49. Impact on blood sugar. Sour Sourness is caused by the taste of acids, such as, vinegar ,in alcoholic beverages. Sour foods include citrus, specifically lemons, limes
  50. Such as tomatoes, cucumbers,green peppers and olives with olive oil, vinegar ,and salt. Lunch also includes a main dish of vegetables and meat. Seafood

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