Examples of the the word, bracelet , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bracelet ), is the 11921 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- By secret ballot. The winner of each event receives a World Series of Poker, bracelet ,and a monetary prize based on the number of entrants and buy-in amounts. Over
- Was added. Since then, new events have been added and removed. Since 1976,a, bracelet ,has been awarded to the winner of every event at the annual SOP; later on, the
- Associated with H. sapiens. Or the Denis ova hominin. Artifacts, including a, bracelet , excavated in the cave at the same level were carbon dated to around 40,000 BP.
- Bogotá Bracelet incident in which he and Bobby Moore were accused of stealing a, bracelet ,from a jewelry store. Moore was later arrested and detained for four days
- Cotton underwear as a reminder of the commitment to purity. ) * Kara (iron, bracelet , which is a symbol of eternity. ) * Kiran (curved sword, comes in different
- A fisherman, found,east of Rio Island, south of Marseille, a silver identity, bracelet ,(gourmet) bearing the names of Saint-Exupéry and of his wife Consuelo On 7
- Prize will exceed the record amount won by Jamie Gold. In addition, a SOP, bracelet ,will be awarded. Highlights The number of participants in the SOP grew every
- Before, he had presented it to his young love as he left the wagon train. The, bracelet ,reappears significantly later in the film. With only the bull and a cow, Dunson
- some wreckage from one of his plane crashes, and his personal silver, bracelet ,engraved with his and Consuelo's name, presented to him by his U. S. publisher
- With no limitation on how much money they can spend for an event. There were 57, bracelet , events this year. The 2010 SOP had the same number of bracelet events as in
- Mirrors. This was for Calculus having committed sacrilege for wearing the, bracelet ,of NASCAR CAAC. In the 1984 film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, high
- To attack them. They kill the Indians, and on the wrist of one, Dunson finds a, bracelet ,he had been left by his late mother. One day before, he had presented it to his
- Their parents are overseas. Susan possesses a small tear-shaped jewel held in a, bracelet ,: unknown to her, this is the Weird stone of the title. As its nature is revealed
- So much had he become the rage that every rich woman who had mislaid a, bracelet ,or lost a pet kitten rushed to secure the services of the great Hercules Poirot.
- With Matt. They spend a night together, and he gives her Dunson's mother's, bracelet , evidently given to him in earlier years. Eager to outpace Dun son to Abilene
- The original doomed wagon train. Regardless of that, he resumes his hunt. The, bracelet ,has moved from one sweetheart to another. When Matt reaches Abilene, he finds
- Finger ring with eleven knobs on it, ten round ones and one crucifix. A rosary, bracelet ,is one with ten beads and often a cross or medal as well. The most modern form
- In the thousands. The victor receives a multi-million dollar prize and a, bracelet , which has become the most coveted award a poker player can win. The winner of
- She refuses to say anything about Swan. Claire is wearing an odd-looking, bracelet , Nettle takes it to the bomb squad, and Glass looks it over. It turns out that
- Landlord and Landlady refer to themselves as Paris and Helen of Troy. *Her cuff, bracelet ,is briefly mentioned in a Warehouse 13 episode as having seductive properties.
- There were 57 bracelet events this year. The 2010 SOP had the same number of, bracelet ,events as in 2009,again with no rebuy events. SOP broadcasters *2002 (ESPN)
- Bogart was struck in the mouth when the inmate wielded one open, uncuffed, bracelet , while the other side was still on his wrist. By the time Bogart was treated by
- Before her 19th birthday. This made her the youngest person ever to win a SOP, bracelet , a record that cannot be broken in the Las Vegas SOP under current laws
- Is commemorated in a special exhibit. The location of the crash site and the, bracelet ,are less than 80 km by sea from where the unidentified French soldier was found
- Nude is wearing some small items of clothing such as an orchid in her hair,a, bracelet , a ribbon around her neck, and mule slippers, all of which accentuated her
- Image: Ruby gem. JPG|Natural ruby with inclusions Image: Ruby and diamond, bracelet , JPG|Rubies set in jewelry Image: Cut Ruby. JPG|A cut ruby. The finest ruby is
- Among the four opponents she defeated were three World Series of Poker multiple, bracelet ,winners: Jeff Madsen, Barry Greenspan, and Humberto Breves. In May 2010,due
- This event receives the David 'Chip' Reese Memorial Trophy in addition to the, bracelet ,and the prize money. There have been many memorable moments during the main
- The plane wreckage and escape pod. Snake tracks the President's life-monitor, bracelet ,signal to the basement of a theater, only to find it on the wrist of an old man
- Takes it to the bomb squad, and Glass looks it over. It turns out that the, bracelet ,contains a powerful explosive. Swan wants Claire back, more than anything. The
- A snake, dragon,anchor and dagger. In his later life he wore a" heavy bronze, bracelet ,... denoting the three degrees ... of witchcraft" as well as a" large silver
- Miming us, the satyr of the woods. Miming us also has another magical artifact,a, bracelet ,that increases the wealth of its owner. Riding through a region of
- Simple changes, Valjean revolutionizes the town's traditional black bead and, bracelet ,production and gains a fortune, which he spends mostly for the town's good
- Described as a type of crown, possibly a laurel wreath, as well as a golden, bracelet ,known as the Oceanus. Along with the institution of the Archigallus came the
- An appearance as Yggdrasil; the word" breath" is consistently rendered as ", bracelet ," in attack names; and Wiegraf's name is nearly homonymous with a character
- Grounding oneself by touching the workbench, others,or using a special, bracelet ,or anklet is standard practice while handling unconnected integrated circuits.
- Fantasy novel called The Weird stone of Brisingamen about an enchanted teardrop, bracelet , Christopher Pauline derives the ancient word" Rising" from Brísingamen in
- Made and worn by them are Path (nose gay),Kamala (necklace) Kansan (, bracelet ,), and Paper (anklets). Gold and silver bangles are also a product of
- Use of epinephrine auto-injectors, the recommendation to wear a medical alert, bracelet , and counseling on avoidance of triggers. Immunotherapy is available for
- Precious objects were found, including a richly ornamented sword, a treelike, bracelet , jewels of gold and garnet cloisonné, gold coins, a gold bull's head and a
- The 5 items are: KES (uncut hair),(small comb),(circular iron, bracelet ,), kirpān (dagger),and Accra (special undergarment). The Five Ks have
- Area where the bird's natural spur has been partially removed. A cock spur is a, bracelet ,(often made of leather) with a curved, sharp spike which is attached to the
- And many women's dress watches have faceted gemstones on the face, bezel,or, bracelet , Some are made entirely of facetted sapphire (corundum). Many fashions and
- However, some old documents say that men wore Mandarin. Women sometimes wore a, bracelet ,called" tekunkani. " Women wore a necklace called" retune," a long
- Of the event not only get the largest prize of the tournament and a gold, bracelet , but additionally their picture is placed in the Gallery of Champions at Pinion
- Most SOP cashes (78),and most SOP final tables (42). The 2009 Main Event, bracelet ,winner, Joe CADA, is the youngest person to win the Main Event. Player of the
- Matt's trail to the new wagon train. He sees that she wears his mother's, bracelet , Weary and emotional, he tells Tess what he wants most of all is a son. She
- The children become friends with Medellin, the wizard fails to notice the, bracelet , even when the children come to visit him in Fundindelve. However, its presence
- Hair (Mesh),beard and mustache, and they are supposed to wear an iron/steel, bracelet ,(Kara). Most men have Singh (lion) and women AUR (princess) as their
- In Dublin on 23 June 1588 with just over £27 (£ as of),as well as a gold, bracelet ,worth £10 (£ as of),and a diamond ring (given to him by his mother at her
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