Examples of the the word, adr , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adr ), is the 11903 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stereotypes and genotypes The virus is divided into four major stereotypes (, adr , add, ayr, ayw) based on antigenic epitomes presented on its envelope proteins
  2. Sound effects' editor) (sound engineer) *Let's Sing Along (2001) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Gimme (2001) (ADR
  3. Adr recording) (sound effects' editor) *My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (2002) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Fat Choir Spirit (2002) (
  4. Warriors) (2001) (sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (2001) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Love on a Diet (2001) (
  5. Sound effects' editor) *My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (2002) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Fat Choir Spirit (2002) (ADR editor) (
  6. Instructions: LD ADR → r10 AND r10,3 → r11 The data read from the address, adr , will not be present in the data cache until after the Memory Access stage of
  7. As Frisbee Freaks" 'cause the other name was lame" ) ADR may also mean: *The, adr , microformat, a sub-set of the hard microformat The following notable old boys
  8. V 2&cp 29.828625~-95.184813&style Hall 15&scene 188866&sp,ADR, Crosby%20Frwy%2c%20Houston%2c%20TX%2077049 for an overhead view. * Near Katy
  9. Designer) (sound mixer) *Love for All Seasons (2003) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (2002) (ADR
  10. Editor),Allan Fun (assistant ADR editor),Jean-Claude Forties (assistant, adr , editor ), Mike Palmer (assistant ADR editor),Ur mas Rosin (production mixer
  11. V 2&cp 37.804165~-122.423779&style LVL 1&scene 1146241&sp,ADR,
  12. Editor),James Rob (assistant ADR editor),Allan Fun (assistant, adr , editor ),Jean-Claude Forties (assistant ADR editor),Mike Palmer (assistant
  13. Adr editor) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Gimme (2001) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Runaway (2001 film) (
  14. Solakofski (re-recording mixer),Martin Lee (ADR mixer),Paul J. Model (, adr , mixer ), David Jonson (ADR recording) ) * 2000 Gemini Award for Best Overall
  15. Inn. Stack Description before after ADI i1 i2 i1+i2 add two integers, adr ,r1 r2 r1+r2 add two reals DVI i1 i2 i1/i2 integer division inn i1 s1 b1 set
  16. Adr editor) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Comeuppance (2000) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Time and Tide (2000) (
  17. 2003) (sound designer) (sound mixer) *Love for All Seasons (2003) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (
  18. May OK (莫美華),Sound (editor, mixer,designer, effects editor) and, adr , recordist Peak OK Politics *Mac Gang Dung (莫登庸),the founder of the Mac
  19. Rosin (production mixer),Lou Solakofski (re-recording mixer),Martin Lee (, adr , mixer ), Paul J. Model (ADR mixer),David Jonson (ADR recording) ) * 2000
  20. And transfer it to other applications, such as an address book. Geo and, adr , The Geo microformat is a part of the hard specification, and is often used to
  21. And is often used to include the coordinates of a location within an hard. The, adr , part of hard can also be used as a stand-alone microformat. Live example Here
  22. Adr recording) (sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (2001) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *My Life as Module (2001)
  23. Mary Helen Leas man (supervising Foley editor),Michael Silvers (supervising, adr , editor ), Shannon Mills (sound editor),Teresa Elkton (sound editor),Susan
  24. Puerto Rico (Now known as Frisbee Freaks" 'cause the other name was lame" ), adr , may also mean: *The ADR microformat, a sub-set of the hard microformat The
  25. V 2&cp 40.112538~-75.344482&style LVL 1&scene 4039059&sp,ADR, Swede%20St%2c%20Norristown%2c%20PA%2019401 Norristown Transportation Center (
  26. Turn Right (2003) (sound effects' editor) *PTU (2003) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound) *Memory of Youth (2003) (sound designer) (sound
  27. Phone Tran (editor),Joe Fontaine (editor),James Rob (assistant, adr , editor ), Allan Fun (assistant ADR editor),Jean-Claude Forties (assistant
  28. Designer) (sound mixer) *The Victim (2000) (location sound recording) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time (1999) (boom
  29. Recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Fat Choir Spirit (2002) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Vampire Hunters (aka The Era of Vampire
  30. Adr recording) (sound effects' editor) *Comeuppance (2000) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Time and Tide (2000) (assistant sound
  31. For example, selexyz shelter. Bookstore locations s-Hertogenbosch select, adr , Heinen - Kerkstraat 27 Altar select shelter altar - De Corridor 6 (In de
  32. Mixer),Martin Lee (ADR mixer),Paul J. Model (ADR mixer),David Jonson (, adr , recordist) ) * 2000 Gemini Award for Best Overall Sound in a Dramatic Program
  33. With John Douglas Smith (supervising sound editor/supervising dialogue and, adr , editor ), Tom Gaelic (supervising sound editor),Richard Cadger (editor)
  34. May OK (莫美華),Sound (editor, mixer,designer, effects editor) and, adr , recordist Politics *Mac Gang Dung (莫登庸),the founder of the Mac Dynasty
  35. Recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Runaway (2001 film) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Comeuppance (2000) (ADR editor) (ADR
  36. Editor) *Vampire Hunters (aka The Era of Vampire) (2002) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Ghost Office (2002) (ADR editor) (
  37. Turn Left, Turn Right (2003) (sound effects' editor) *PTU (2003) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound) *Memory of Youth (2003) (sound designer
  38. Sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (2001) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *My Life as Module (2001) (sound
  39. Sanford (Foley editor),Bruce Lacey (Foley editor) and Jonathan Null (, adr , editor ). It was thought Bruno Coon (supervising music editor) and Lisa Jaime
  40. Editor) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Ghost Office (2002) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (
  41. Editor),Jean-Claude Forties (assistant ADR editor),Mike Palmer (assistant, adr , editor ), Urmas Rosin (production mixer),Lou Solakofski (re-recording mixer
  42. Solution B. Pipeline Interlock However, consider the following instructions: LD, adr ,→ r10 AND r10,3 → r11 The data read from the address ADR will not be present
  43. Editor) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Runaway (2001 film) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Comeuppance (2000) (ADR
  44. Dialogue recording) (sound mixer) (sound) *Running on Karma (2003) (, adr , mixer ) (sound effects' editor) *Turn Left, Turn Right (2003) (sound
  45. Editor) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Fat Choir Spirit (2002) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Vampire Hunters (aka The
  46. Recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Ghost Office (2002) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (2001) (ADR
  47. Sound effects' editor) *Running Out of Time 2 (2001) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Love on a Diet (2001) (sound effects
  48. Editor) (sound engineer) *Let's Sing Along (2001) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Gimme (2001) (ADR editor) (ADR
  49. Adr recording) (sound effects' editor) *Gimme (2001) (ADR editor) (, adr , recordist) (sound effects' editor) *Runaway (2001 film) (ADR editor) (
  50. Sound effects' editor) *Vampire Hunters (aka The Era of Vampire) (2002) (, adr , editor ) (ADR recording) (sound effects' editor) *Ghost Office (2002) (

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