Examples of the the word, manila , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manila ), is the 11902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A supporting role in the 2011 documentary The Undefeated about Sarah Pain. The, manila ,folder (occasionally Manila folder) is a file folder designed to contain
  2. So that full sheets of paper can fit inside without being folded. As with the, manila ,folder, it is traditionally beige, and often has a mechanism on the closing
  3. Manila hemp refers to the natural fiber from aback that is used in making, manila ,ropes and manila envelopes The Clarendon Building is a landmark Grade I listed
  4. Envelopes made of brown, unbleached paper, used for cheapness, are described as, manila ,envelopes. The manila component of the name comes from manila hemp or aback
  5. Unbleached paper, used for cheapness, are described as manila envelopes. The, manila ,component of the name comes from manila hemp or aback, from which manila
  6. No fee for his services. Radulovich was granted a hearing at which the sealed, manila ,envelope was brandished and waved by the attorney for the USAF. However, the
  7. Yarn. The tarring process declined as manila replaced hemp, and sisal replaced, manila , These fibers were chemically protected at the hatchling stage and tarring
  8. Cotton or flax, makes " China grass cloth" ) ** Aback (A banana, producing ", manila ," rope from leaves) ** Bowstring Hemp, ( An old use of a common decorative
  9. Garden name "/NP"> NYT"/> on February 11, 1981. He drew it out on the back of a, manila ,envelope. The AFL began league play in 1987. In 1990,Foster
  10. Sails are made of polyamides (nylon). Ropes were classically made of, manila , cotton, hemp,or jute; papyrus (in Ancient Egypt) and coir have also been
  11. School National University is also operated here since 2004 the branch of NU, manila ,Geography Political Banquet is subdivided into 13 municipalities and surrounds
  12. Materials. According to these materials, located in the county soil units:, manila , Barney or 200,unit 10 or Clinching and Malabar, being the most extensive in
  13. Over distance without electrical energy, a flying rope can be used. A wire or, manila ,rope can be used to transmit mechanical energy from a steam engine or water
  14. To a well-documented public suicide, where the guy CLEARLY planted the gun in a, manila ,envelope. Totally planned it. It is not a celebration or glorification of
  15. Found to be false, and the death has been ruled a suicide. In October 2004,a, manila ,envelope was dropped into a UPS box in Wichita containing a series of cards
  16. Sign a waiver promising never to reveal its secrets before they are given the, manila ,envelope containing the Body Theta knowledge. It is supposedly knowledge so
  17. History Ropes made of multiple strands of natural fibers such as hemp, sisal, manila , and cotton have been used for millennia for hoisting and hauling. By the 19th
  18. Other parts of the running rigging, were classically made of natural fiber like, manila ,or hemp. Sail types * A triangular (Bermuda or" Marconi" ) sail has only one
  19. Are described as manila envelopes. The manila component of the name comes from, manila ,hemp or aback, from which manila folders were originally made. " Manila "
  20. Twine. Construction Common materials for rope include natural fibers such as, manila ,hemp, hemp,linen, cotton,coir, jute,and sisal. Synthetic fibers in use for
  21. Shortfall Ltd of Hay Mills Birmingham, each covered with fine strands of, manila ,yarn steeped in the preservative. The weight of the new cable was 35.75 long
  22. Sometimes other colors are used to differentiate categories of files. The, manila ,envelope is an envelope designed for transporting documents. It is made of
  23. Plants such as aloe, bamboo,bananas, cacao,coffee, figs,macadamia, mahogany, manila , hemp,manioc, papaya,etc. * Palm Dome (64' high and 100' in diameter) -
  24. Town ", sending their product overseas to be used worldwide as a substitute for, manila , The first traders at Panama and Shannon traded mostly for flax from the Maori
  25. Brittle formula of 25 % shellac, a filler of a cotton compound similar to, manila ,paper, powdered slate, and a small amount of a wax lubricant. The mass
  26. Because the station informed Matthews of her termination by leaving a, manila ,envelope on her doorstep. The termination of Matthews' employment came after
  27. Where security guard Jeff Adds opened a safe to reveal a carousel with, manila ,envelopes on it. After selecting an envelope, the contestant was escorted the
  28. The word is Portuguese for" brown "," grey-brown" or" the color of the, manila ,". The other categories are branch (" White" ), preto (" Black" ), amarelo
  29. Valuables and only ten marks or fewer in money. Some children had nothing but a, manila ,tag with a number on the front and their name on the back, others were issued
  30. For example an object schedule,3-ring binder schedule, clipboard schedule, manila ,file folder schedules, and dry-erase board schedules are all beneficial to
  31. League and the National Football League. He devised his game on the back of a, manila ,envelope while watching indoor soccer, another game derived from a sport
  32. In the drawer. These are the legacy of a time when most filing was done with, manila ,folders rather than hanging files. For home offices or lighter use applications
  33. fireman's ax and told," if the safety rods fail to operate, cut that, manila ,rope. " The safety rods, needless to say, worked,the rope was not cut ... I do
  34. Evidence there was against the Lieutenant or his family was contained in a, manila ,envelope not shared with Radulovich or his attorney. Radulovich demanded an Air
  35. Black Yarn House to store the tarred yarn. The tarring process declined as, manila ,replaced hemp, and sisal replaced manila . These fibers were chemically
  36. Iota Pinball. The port is important for palm oil, tobacco,cocoa, coffee, manila , hemp and sago exports. Andaman is also one of the most bustling towns in East
  37. Refers to the natural fiber from aback that is used in making manila ropes and, manila ,envelopes The Clarendon Building is a landmark Grade I listed building in
  38. Straw. Through the rest of the 19th century, the mill evolved from a maker of, manila ,wrapping paper and newspaper to a manufacturer of fine bond by the late 1930s.
  39. Along the Kayaderosseras Creek from 1862 to 1899 and became the largest, manila ,paper manufacturer in the world. Also was a member of the NYS Assembly and US
  40. And his legs were tied at the ankles. They placed a new three-quarter-inch, manila ,rope over his head, tied in a hangman's knot, so it would force his head
  41. An agreement promising never to reveal its contents before they are given the, manila ,envelope containing the Menu knowledge. Methane said that Hubbard's work" may
  42. Bob Casey, who had taken office just two days earlier. Dwyer then produced a, manila ,envelope with a blued .357 Magnum Smith and Wesson model 27 revolvers in it. As
  43. The length of the route, linking established camps along the way. The fixed, manila ,ropes allowed the climbers to ascend and descend from the ground up throughout
  44. In 1984. Figures redeemed through the star scheme were sent in a plain, manila ,cardboard box. The Star Scheme is credited with the poor availability of intact
  45. The Professor issues his new crew the previous crew's career chips from a, manila ,envelope labeled" Contents Of Space Wasp's Stomach" (" Space Pilot 3000" )
  46. Fibre ropes and lines, or on some types of synthetic lines. Natural fibers like, manila , sisal, cotton and hemp will burn instead of melt. Ar amid fiber such as Kevlar
  47. To learn that a paperback copy of his UFO book had been mailed to the ONR in a, manila ,envelope marked" Happy Easter. " The book had been extensively annotated in
  48. The manila component of the name comes from manila hemp or aback, from which, manila ,folders were originally made. " Manila" refers to the capital of the
  49. Image: PedicabTondo. JPG|Pedicab ride to School Image: Critic market condo, manila , JPG‎|Busy street near Critic Market Image: tutu ban_center mall. JPG|Tutu ban
  50. H. Swain RN, suggested to Captain Mason to tow the tanker with a heavy ten-inch, manila ,hemp rope. With the tow-line in place, HMS Penn towed the tanker, straining its

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