Examples of the the word, bo , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bo ), is the 11919 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Used. In some movie songs, like " This Land ", the voice says Bus Levi ZWE, bo , ( Rule this land) and Bus ngothando Beau (Rule with love) were used too.
- London, Collins,hardcover *Laurence Alma-Tadema, John Lea, and others, Little,Beau,Peep's Story Book, Childrens Press, London,hardcover *Poland, Russia and the
- ℓ 69,ℓ 70,ℓ 299,ℓ 303,ℓ 333,ℓ 1579,(ℓ 950 αυτους),star, vg, ( cops, bo , ) * εκει και προσηλθον αυτοις — Codex Region,1241,(Δ, Θ,ℓ 10 αυτοις),ℓ 12
- Supported by the manuscripts: \mathfrak75,Sinaiticus, L,f1 700 VG SARS cops, bo , arm geography. *Luke 23:34 –" And Jesus said: Father forgive them, they know not
- Grand Hazard," which is played with three dice; Grand Hazard is similar to Sic, bo , Despite its complicated rules, hazard was very popular in the 17th and 18th
- However, unstressed and are restricted to a few grammatical words like, bo , ( 'will' ), an auxiliary verb for the future tense. Consonants Slovene has 21
- It is derived from grand hazard, and bo th can be considered a variant of sic, bo , a popular casino game, although chuck-a-luck is more of a carnival game than a
- Udumbara (Sanskrit),lumbar (India) * Ficus religious – Sacred Fig, arali, bo , papal, pippala, pimpal (etc.),POU (Cam bo dia),Ashvattha * Ficus return –
- At Humor (Hui for),Moldova (MOL do see' TSA),Ar bo r (are ', bo , ray ) and Coronet (VO RO nets). Evita (sue Che see' TSA),dating from
- And omitted υπο) In Romans 8:1: Ιησου – א, B,D, G,1739,1881,it, g,cops, bo , ETH: Ιησου μη κατα σαρκα περιπατουσιν – A, Db,Ψ,81,629,2127,VG: Ιησου μη
- Star. ) Myanmar (Burma) The rank of brigadier general is known in Myanmar as, bo , mhu yoke and is often the deputy commander of one of Myanmar's Regional
- Of five grades of nobility—duke (公, gong ), marquess (侯, hou),earl (伯, bo , ),viscount (子, zi),and baron (男, nan). Several members of the imperial
- Pronounced as BUO, puo, muo, and duo are given a separate representation:, bo , PO, mo,and for. * The apostrophe (') is used before a syllable starting with
- Is -e for a guttural (i.e. GE, ke, he,e); -o for a labial (i.e. PO, bo , mo); -UO elsewhere; but for alveolar stops,-an also appears (i.e. either
- For example, Australia (Au),Japan (JP),Argentina (AR),Bolivia (, bo , ),Uruguay (UY),Turkey (TU),Somalia (so),Sierra Leona (SL),Timor
- Shoto or Karachi or Takanashi Beau, short sword, ( wakizashi-sized); # tango, bo , ( fantasized); and # subunit can be made in diet and photo sizes but are
- To create the name of the letter, with the vowels representing themselves: a, bo , co, ĉo, do,e, fo, etc. The diacritics are frequently mentioned overtly. For
- Okinawan weapons include, in part: BO (6' staff),Nanchang, sai, kama, eku, bo , ( Oar),and Tonga. Also, Kan bun was fond of the Beau and is incorporated in some
- Waabwe 'their' ( Class I, singular possessed noun) * Being 'my ', bo ,'your (singular possessor) ', be 'his, her '; baffle 'our ', bammwe 'your (
- Προς αυτον — A Mark 6:51 * εξισταντο — Alexandrian MSS,28,VG, syrs, copsa, bo , geo * εξισταντο και αθαυμαζον — A D K W X Θ Π f13 33 565 700 Byzantine MSS Mark
- 0250,f1,it (q),AUR, b,c, f,ff1,g1,k, l,1,VG, syrp, pal,cops, bo , ETH * θρηνος και κλαυθμος — C, D,K, L,W, Δ,Π,f13,28,33,565,700,892
- Ka" (" karate" )," JU" (" judo"/"jujitsu" )," ken" (" keno" ),", bo ," (Boxing and/or Chinese Boxing Kung Fu),leading to the art's philosophical
- The possible wagers are usually fewer than the wagers that are possible in sic, bo , and,in that sense, chuck-a-luck can be considered to be a simpler game. The
- Neñv.: Root dump Vizio bar for Evans.: Distant dump hon Leon: even m' for, bo , ivez distance d' hon delusion.: Ha n' hon legit KET the font want an
- Fu fa /tofu pudding/豆花, 豆腐花: swallow's nest: Mango pudding /芒果布甸/long go, bo , din/芒果布丁/mángguǒbùdĩng: Nina GAO/年糕/Chinese New Year cake tong sui/糖水
- Southeast Asia. Tokugawa Kana (1782–1838) had studied pugilism and staff (, bo , ) fighting in China (according to one legend, under the guidance of Lookup
- Who taught Doug Bundy, the brother of Carlos Bundy, also helped bring out the ", bo ," of kajuken bo . John Leaning pointed out that there should be no wasted motion.
- Etc. -" by" means" town" in Scandinavian languages, from the verb ", bo ,", meaning " to reside" ). The Hall with its moat and large grounds were to
- Name Ago seems easy to explain, as it contains the words å (" river" ) and, bo , ( " nest, dwelling ") which could mean something like" the house by the river
- With a hunting scene, Eastern Zhou Dynasty File: BO of Duke of Qin. JPG|A, bo , bell of the Duke of Qin, Eastern Zhou Dynasty File: Pu with openwork interlaced
- I RO, : kalaallit, mod starred MAL vi stævner.: Some air bo rne folk vi i landed oil, bo , ;: began at to PA jars gene ever. English translation: Our country, which
- Back to the founder of On, Tonpa Henry Mice (Wylie: son pa ashen RAB mi, bo , che). Concepts The essence of the Douches teaching is the direct transmission
- In Dynasty Warriors 6,he has a ponytail, paler complexion, and wields a, bo , staff as his weapon. *In Warriors Orchid, Zhou You was a prisoner of Orchid but
- 1127–1199/1200) who established Baron Roche monastery (nag Chu 'BA' room RI, bo , che) in 1160. An important early master of this school was Tishri Repay Wherein
- And Go Tie (fried Xiaomi),all eaten dipped in black vinegar. And" duo, bo , si Bing" ( 萝卜丝饼,radish-strips-stuffing pancake) is also delicious. A typical
- Is supported by the manuscripts: Sinaiticus, B,L,f1,700,VG, syrs, copsa, bo , arm, geo. * In Luke 9:55-56 it has only (but He turned and rebuked them) —
- Krebs. In Hebrew, the word Krebs is a combination of REM (cream) and, bo , ( in it). The average Krebs weighs 25 grams (0.882 ounces) and has 115
- The manuscripts A, L,W, Ξ,33,892,1195,1241,ℓ 547,SARS, h,pal, copsa, bo , against variant καὶ ἀναπτύξας τὸ βιβλίον (and unrolled the bo ok) supported
- Fast tempo and dance-able brand of Fuji, who also recorded hit albums like" KO, bo , simi lo'run mo e, in the 80s he released" Jo Yoko, Lakukulala and American
- Daitō or ta chi (katana-sized),long sword; # photo or Karachi or Takanashi, bo , short sword, ( wakizashi-sized); # tango Beau (fantasized); and # subunit
- Byzantine Luke 7:10 * δουλον — p45 א B L W f1 700 892 1241 it SARS, pal cops, bo , ath? Geo * ασθενουντα δουλον — A C K X Δ Θ Π f13 28 33 565 892 1009 1010 1071
- Ka" (" long life" )," JU" (" happiness" )," ken" (" fist" ),", bo ," (" style" ) or" key" (" karate" )," JU" (" judo"/"jujitsu" )," ken
- Mancini. JPG|Japanese chain weapon Mancini File:4 Beau shrike. JPG|Japanese, bo , shuriken. Iron throwing darts. File: Kari katabira4. JPG|Japanese chain mail
- Pronunciation to English speakers, saying " it is properly pronounced with, bo , as in bo ne and KE as in Kenneth, with equal stress on either syllable ". The
- Maria and his successors Maria established his" seat" at Drooling (go, bo , lung ) in Choral (who brag) in Southern Tibet just north of Bhutan. Maria
- Changed to similar bladed versions. Donatello uses a paginate instead of a, bo , and Michelangelo uses a kusarigama instead of Nanchang. At the Nickelodeon
- Land ", the voice says Bus Levi ZWE Beau (Rule this land) and Bus ngothando, bo , ( Rule with love) were used too. Standard vs urban Zulu Standard Zulu as it is
- Weapon kusarigama. File: Mancini. JPG|Japanese chain weapon Mancini File:4,Beau, shuriken. JPG|Japanese Beau shrike. Iron throwing darts. File: Kari katabira4
- As in manuscripts Codex Region, Corbeiensis II, Syriac Sinaiticus, copsa, bo , ;: Luke 4:17 — it has textual variant καὶ ἀνοίξας τὸ βιβλίον (and opened the
- Together, but in their own sight they are sharply differentiated. A ho bo or, bo , is simply a migratory la bo rer; he may take some longish holidays, but soon or
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