Examples of the the word, pollute , in a Sentence Context
The word ( pollute ), is the 11912 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Since less nutrient is added to the soil and thus there is less to run off and, pollute , Methodologies for assessing soil nutrient balances have been studied and used
- Of the Uruguay River, caused protests in Argentina over fears that it would, pollute ,the environment and lead to diplomatic tensions between the two countries. The
- Was cultivated or turned to pasture, and agricultural return flows began to, pollute ,the Snake. Runoff from several feedlots was dumped into the river until laws
- Plan and construct stormwater systems, so contaminants are removed before they, pollute ,surface waters or groundwater resources; acquire and protect natural
- Gift of fate, but death inflicted without moral purpose was ignoble, and might, pollute ,and demean those who witnessed it. While the minus itself could be interpreted
- To operate near the river. He also regulated how much those companies could, pollute ,and closed plants that did not meet state pollution standards. Despite earlier
- Is pollution and declining water quality. The rivers of north-eastern Australia, pollute ,the Reef during tropical flood events. Over 90 % of this pollution comes from
- Singletons are often preferred to global variables because: **They don't, pollute ,the global name space (or, in languages with namespaces, their containing
- And common property, such as water, genetic resources, and the right to, pollute ,the atmosphere. With the pre-eminence of the concept of sustainable development
- Refinery, Coffeyville Resources LLC levees by 4 feet, which allowed oil to, pollute ,the water. Approximately 71,000 gallons of crude oil mingled with the already
- The" safe" disposal of the dead in a manner such that a corpse does not, pollute ,the" good" creation. These injunctions are the doctrinal basis of the
- Sensitive kart topography, which environmentalists argue threatens to, pollute ,underground water systems and harm the rare species that live there. More
- Chemicals and sand can run off into roadsides, contaminate groundwater and, pollute ,surface waters; and road salts can be toxic to sensitive plants and animals.
- Salmon farms are typically sited in pristine coastal ecosystems which they then, pollute , A farm with 200,000 salmon discharges more fecal waste than a city of 60,000
- In 1988,the chemical sticks strongly to soil particles and can continue to, pollute ,groundwater for years after its application. The ban on the consumption of fish
- Towers" of the native Martians and replaced them with ugly factories which, pollute ,the Martian canals. **Red Planet (1949). Young adult novel. Includes some
- Raped during the sack of Rome, he writes," Truth,another's lust cannot, pollute ,thee. " Chastity is" a virtue of the mind, and is not lost by rape, but is
- Ecosystems. They maintain there is no such thing, for instance, as " freedom to, pollute ," or" freedom to deforest" given that such activities create negative
- The cleansing mechanism of UV is a photochemical process. The contaminants that, pollute ,the indoor environment are almost entirely based upon organic or carbon-based
- Of 248Cm will create californium. This is strong neutron emitter, and would, pollute ,the back end of the fuel cycle and increase the dose to reactor personnel.
- Both Pond and Stream getting were traditionally used less because they, pollute ,the waters used for the process. Field getting is laying the flax out in a
- For instance, pesticides applied to treat a particular pest species could, pollute ,soil and surface water. As noted above, invasive species may drive local native
- Adulterer," related to the verb adulterate, adulterāt- which means" to, pollute , " Adulterer is formed by the combination of ad (" towards" ), and alter ("
- Have gone. The shaman also cleanses excess negative energies which confuse or, pollute ,the soul. The wounded healer is archetype for a shamanizing journey. This
- Safe, and small. Since IC engines burn fuel, they have long ranges but, pollute ,the environment. A related engine is the external combustion engine. An example
- Pay those affected by the pollution or the people could pay the factory not to, pollute , Or, citizens could take action themselves as they would if other property
- What we have no right to practice, and that pollute d things, seen and touched, pollute ,(De spectacular, viii,xvii),he declared a Christian should abstain from the
- Which is most aesthetically pleasing, without interference from those who would, pollute ,or detract from that option. " These goals have a secondary purpose, as stated
- Use,e.g. for inland waterway fishermen. They are quiet, and they do not, pollute ,the water or the air, so they do not scare away or harm fish, birds and other
- Causes further land degradation and soil erosion hastened. Mining activities, pollute ,the Lake Yoga, which is the country's the largest source of fresh water, as well
- Enough doses it is fatal) but can be used to harass and disable the enemy and, pollute ,the battlefield. Delivered in artillery shells, mustard gas was heavier than
- Augustine held that male nocturnal emissions, unlike masturbation, did not, pollute ,the conscience of a man, because they were not voluntary carnal acts, and were
- Ongoing contamination Chemicals abandoned at the plant continue to leak and, pollute ,the groundwater. Whether the chemicals pose a health hazard is disputed.
- A factory had a right to clean air and water, or the factory had the right to, pollute , then either the factory could pay those affected by the pollution or the
- Rights are already assigned (the factory that is polluting has a right to, pollute ,). Relationship to other fields Environmental economics is related to
- The Foundation is attempting to relieve poverty. These include companies that, pollute ,heavily, and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell into the developing
- Women and children, as well as all animals),to burn the village, and, pollute , the wells. He was also quoted as saying" They're all V. C. now go and get
- The Foundation is attempting to relieve poverty. These include companies that, pollute ,heavily and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell into the developing world
- On Immigration and Naturalization in 1920) presented arguments they would, pollute ,the national gene pool if their numbers went unrestricted. It has been argued
- Gas (GHG) emissions. Emission levels of Gags are capped and permits to, pollute ,are freely allocated (called" grandfathering" ) or auctioned to pollute rs.
- By the cable, or,if the cable is carrying power supply or control voltages, pollute ,them to such an extent as to cause equipment malfunction. The first solution to
- Month. And may run for many years between heavy overhauls. Diesel units do not, pollute ,as much as steam trains; modern units produce low levels of exhaust emissions.
- Seductress. The grandmother warns Taft that time is running out for those who, pollute ,the world. Taft realizes that he has no choice but to see the refinery closed.
- And other large emitters of greenhouse gas and operations that are proven to, pollute ,or damage the environment. For instance, protesters in South Africa and abroad
- Greens want governments to stop subsidizing companies that waste resources or, pollute ,the natural world, subsidies that Greens refer to as" dirty subsidies ". Some
- Care. Cairo also has many unregistered lead and copper smelters which heavily, pollute ,the city. The results of this has been a permanent haze over the city with
- CO2. The paper concluded: However, it is projected that man's potential to, pollute ,will increase 6 to 8-fold in the next 50 years. If this increased rate of
- e.g. zinc, lead ), some are harmful in other ways (e.g. arsenic may, pollute ,catalysts). Within the European community the eleven elements of highest
- To the point that they have become a pest and cause environmental damage and, pollute ,the Naval water supply in the Fend Reservoir. In 2003,the Navy, in a
- Self-interest) in an extremely competitive market; a company that refuses to, pollute ,(for example) may find itself bankrupt. Defenders of the Homo economics
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