Examples of the the word, predetermine , in a Sentence Context
The word ( predetermine ), is the 11908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Be achieved in ‘ the sense that the views of other governments do not largely, predetermine ,one’s own government’s decisions ’. (Nixon in Colman and Nixon Economics of
- Supplement products *1958- Food additives Act passed that required companies to, predetermine ,safety of additives and submit them to the FDA for testing *1990- Nutrition
- Coalition. Communists dominated this slate, thus allowing the SED to, predetermine ,the composition of the People's Congress. According to official results
- Not illustrate its extent – in other words, He has the power and authority to, predetermine ,salvation, but he chooses to apply it through different means. * God's
- The impact crater created a long-lasting topographic depression, which helped, predetermine ,the course of local rivers and the eventual location of Chesapeake Bay. Most
- The Judge's into convincimento); because of that, there are no rules that, predetermine ,the weight to be attributed to any given piece of evidence, so even credible
- The lion. However, he noted that the movement of the heavens would not always, predetermine ,the actions of men and did not trump the divine plan of God. In the original
- Values (for services). The Government uses an ID IQ contract when it cannot, predetermine , above a specified minimum, the precise quantities of supplies or services that
- And the agenda for the ceremony. In general, however,regulations do not, predetermine ,the precise sequence of activities or establish inflexible protocol
- A result of rehearsal exploration and development). The use of labels does not, predetermine ,the style of production nor does it necessarily require an epic dramaturgy or
- A good. The minimum bid may or may not be set by the seller, who may choose to, predetermine ,an ask price. The highest bidder, or the first one to reach a preset ask price
- Although not as generally supported, a configuration or image or package may, predetermine ,a great many of these bindings at compile-time, link-time,or load time. This
- To aid his argument that capitalism must have its“ fixes” but that we cannot, predetermine ,what fixes will be implemented, nor in what form they will be. This idea of fix
- From the ties of membership in rural based communities. Factors that would, predetermine ,an individual's status are not as effective in urban areas. According to
- Concept that blood carried a family's heritability and character) did not, predetermine ,one's future. Brace was deeply moved by Charles Darwin's Origin of Species
- He established the" Albertina House Rule" ( Albertinische Hausordnung) to, predetermine ,the rules of succession in the Austrian lands, although the rule was
- That they cannot be used for signaling because neither observer can control,nor, predetermine , what he observes, and therefore cannot manipulate what the other observer
- The Westminster system. Thus, for example, the legislature cannot purport to, predetermine ,the legal outcome, or to change the direction or outcome, of a court case. *
- Acts in His essence, and provides a free decree of His will, which does not, predetermine ,our free will, but only accompanies it. Scotism and the Jesuit tradition Jesuit
- For the tribunal would not prejudice the phasing-in of its components nor, predetermine ,the timing of the start of its operations. The Secretary-General was required
- Environment. Nurture depends on genes, and genes need nurture. Genes not only, predetermine ,the broad structure of the brain; through the pattern of their turning on and
- Can be known, and thus his own knowledge. Moreover, God chooses to know and, predetermine ,some things, but not others. This allows for humankind's free moral choices
- To divination. Conversely, some approach with great respect, as if they, predetermine ,that the Diviner or the system of divination is influence by some kind of
- Information (a process known as spot-fixing, compared with match fixing to, predetermine ,a match result). In the video posted by News of the World, Majeed, counting
- Mental, physical,and emotional sets. These three sets are dispositions that, predetermine ,a person's response to different situations (sometimes called mindsets).
- And in particular theories variously called scripture feminine, gender and sex, predetermine ,the ways that texts will emerge, and the language of textually itself will
- Information (a process known as spot-fixing, compared with match fixing to, predetermine ,a match result). In the video posted by News of the World, Majeed, counting
- Suggest that physical differences among cells, that exist prior to infection, predetermine ,whether a cell will lose or become a glycogen. Other Related Areas of Research
- By the eternal action of God. In Arminianism Arminians hold that God does not, predetermine , but instead infallibly knows who will believe and persevering be saved. This
- The ICJ ruling was not binding, but insisted that Israel not use the barrier to, predetermine ,permanent borders. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/449648.html Numerous
- The titles conferred by Italian universities. It is therefore not possible to, predetermine ,a mandatory equivalence for qualifications issued by pontifical universities
- Durkheim wrote:" In fact, there is a whole system of rules in the school that, predetermine ,the child’s conduct. He must come to class regularly, he must arrive at a
- Interface. The administrator can create client and site templates, which, predetermine , resource-allocation parameters for the domains and/or clients. Parallels Plesk
- Or corrupted once the main source releases it. There is really no way to, predetermine ,how the larger population or audience will absorb the message. They can choose
- Also known as Murder by Illusion Fix as a verb may mean: * Match fixing, to, predetermine , the outcome of a sporting event * The process of making a molecule biologically
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