Examples of the the word, persecute , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persecute ), is the 11911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Conclusion that there is no systematic legal policy of the Cuban government to, persecute ,those Cubans who have been returned. González's journey and the beginning of
  2. The natives and nonbelievers to God's word" without, on the other hand, to, persecute , someone by reason of his religion, and to leave everyone the freedom of his
  3. Of Jesus. Shelly Matthews writes: The pervasiveness of the accusation that Jews, persecute , kill or intend to kill Christ believers in Matthew is accompanied by a dearth
  4. The ordination of Eugenics Generic reversed himself and began to once again, persecute ,Catholics. Furthermore, he tried to make Catholic property fall to the state
  5. To force by the agency of dragoons" ( which were used by the Fr. kings to, persecute ,Protestants). Origins and name The establishment of dragoons evolved from the
  6. Of" cosmic evil. " Thus," it is perfectly possible to hate and even to, persecute ,Jews without necessarily being anti-Semitic" unless this hatred or persecution
  7. Dying from his treatment at the hands of the emperor. The emperor continued to, persecute ,any who spoke out against Monotheism, including Maximus the Confessor and a
  8. Account ends with Paul still alive and Nero abiding by God's command not to, persecute ,any more Christians. By the 4th century, a number of writers were stating that
  9. Began at a time when Diocletian was Roman Emperor, but had not yet started to, persecute ,the Christians. He left Christianity rather free and so the church’s membership
  10. That of his predecessor, perhaps even tolerant. He promised that he would not ", persecute ,any that will be quiet and give an outward obedience to the law ", and believed
  11. In which the Zoroastrian priests at Ctesiphon (Iran) put pressure on him to, persecute ,Buddhists, Christians and Manichean. He is succeeded by his son Bahrām II. *
  12. Known as the state security special forces which were used to intimidate and, persecute ,political activists On January 26, 2011,INTERPOL confirmed that its National
  13. It has traditionally been suggested that Madame de Maintenon pushed Louis to, persecute ,Protestants and revoke the Edict of Nantes, which had awarded Huguenots
  14. Of Judas Maccabeus, continue their struggle against the Seleucid's and, persecute ,the Hellenizing faction in Judea. * Seleucid forces still control the Acre, a
  15. Religious practices of other sects besides the state religion, and does not, persecute ,believers in other faiths. History Historically freedom of religion has been
  16. Spoke out against their sins::" Which one of the Prophets did your fathers not, persecute , and they killed the ones who prophesied the coming of the Just One, of whom
  17. Francis himself came to view the movement as a plot against him, and began to, persecute ,its followers. Protestants were jailed and executed. In some areas whole
  18. Unchecked. Egypt While the Egyptian government does not have a policy to, persecute ,Christians, it discriminates against them and hampers their freedom of worship.
  19. Post because James refused to lift the tests and laws which served to, persecute ,nonconformists. In 1688,John served as chaplain to the Lord Mayor of London
  20. The Stud ite Abbot and the Patriarch persisted. In 812,Michael I resolved to, persecute ,certain heretics in Phrygia and Livonia, namely the Patricians and the "
  21. A voice in the Hebrew language (probably Aramaic):" Saul, Saul,why do you, persecute ,me? ... I am Jesus" (). In Damascus, St. Ananias cured his blindness,"
  22. Men strong Bolivian Cavalry Corps managed to capture Yrendagüé and begun to, persecute ,Paraguayan forces in the area. Yrendagüé was one of the few places with
  23. Period of suffering in which the Antichrist will conquer the world and, persecute ,those who refuse to worship him. At the end of this period, Christ returns to
  24. Mass of the nation, he grew more Protestant as time wore on; he was happier to, persecute ,Catholics than Puritans; and he had no love for ecclesiastical jurisdiction. He
  25. Decided with the Queen Mother, Mary of Guise, and Dr. David Cardinal Beaten to, persecute ,the Protestant sect that had taken root in Scotland. Wis hart travelled
  26. The 2nd century. It says, the slayer of his mother, who himself this king, will, persecute , the plant which the Twelve Apostles of the Beloved have planted. Of the Twelve
  27. Union under Joseph Stalin. In Germany, there was additional motivation to, persecute ,Esperanto because Zamenhof was Jewish. In his work, Mein Kampf, Hitler
  28. Good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite fully use you, and, persecute , you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in 5:44 - 45" A new
  29. These privileges not only served him to win the war, but also allowed him to, persecute , execute and drive into exile his political opponents, among which Duarte was
  30. Against them and hampers their freedom of worship. Its agencies sporadically, persecute ,Muslim converts to Christianity. The government enforces Humayun Decree
  31. For the first time, and regarded as heresy. The Roman Catholic Church began to, persecute ,the Waldensian's, and many were tried and sentenced to death in various European
  32. Of Asia Minor, eventually introducing it to Rome itself. Roman rulers began to, persecute ,the new sect almost immediately (the emperor Nero accused the Christians of
  33. Mounted regiments. The word also has the meanings of- 1. To subjugate or, persecute ,by the imposition of troops. 2. To compel by violent measures or threats;
  34. Have been too disparaging about Jahangir's beliefs, simply because he did not, persecute ,non-believers and enforce his views on others. This should not imply that the
  35. And Satan's followers, and their subsequent expulsion from Heaven to Earth to, persecute ,humans — although this event is related as being foretold and taking place in
  36. Was forced to renounce his protection. Once again the Quraish were free to, persecute ,Abu Bakr. In 620 Muhammad's wife and uncle died. Abu Bakr's daughter Aisha
  37. In modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Mustache were allowed to, persecute ,Serbs, while Germany contributed to that goal in German-occupied Serbia. From
  38. Good ways" ( falls à la moral o leis Buena costumes),have been used to, persecute ,homosexuals. From the Hispanic perspective, the conflict between the
  39. To the Land of Israel. In return the (3) gentile nations promised not to, persecute ,the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were
  40. By current governments is rooted in historical efforts by Muslim clergy to, persecute ,the religious minority. When the Bad started attracting a large following, the
  41. By praises of victory for God's kingdom. (12:7-12) ###The Dragon engages to, persecute ,the Woman, but she is given aid to evade him. Her evasiveness enrages the
  42. The military or attend Lutheran schools. In 1803,when the government began to, persecute ,Rapp's followers, he decided to move the entire group to the United States.
  43. Because of the favors they receive and because: *they would invent stories to, persecute ,people they do not like; *their employment is seen as a reward for criminals
  44. In confronting him for persecuting the Christians:" Saul, Saul,why do you, persecute ,me? ” Shortly thereafter, in addressing a disciple named Ananias, Jesus
  45. Admiral Bernhard Rogue, who was of Jewish descent, when the Nazi Party began to, persecute ,the admiral. Nuremberg war crimes trials Following the war, Dönitz was held as
  46. In the Italian style before World War II. The military government could not, persecute ,Japanese mandolins by the authority of Take and Italy as the Axis. So the
  47. Hefner wrote a response to criticism where he said," If it was wrong to, persecute ,heterosexuals in a homosexual society then the reverse was wrong, too. " Hefner
  48. The growth of the movement. The Protestants under Zwingli were the first to, persecute ,the Anabaptists. Felix Many became the first martyr in 1527. The Anabaptists
  49. Catholics, owing to his fear of Constantinople, but after 482 began to, persecute ,Manichean and Catholics. " Gunthamund (484 – 496),his cousin and successor
  50. He encounters a drunken pedophile when he's tall and some teenage toughs, who, persecute , him,when he's three-feet-tall. He experiences some disturbing sexual tension

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