Examples of the the word, graves , in a Sentence Context
The word ( graves ), is the 11914 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 1866,created Lincoln Park by closing a cemetery filled with festering, shallow, graves , and helped establish a new Chicago Board of Health in 1867 in response to an
- And lived by agriculture and cattle-raising. Finds of horse skeletons in, graves ,suggest a strong equestrian preoccupation. On the south bank of the Wall (in
- November 2006 forty civilians were slaughtered and buried in three different, graves ,by soldiers of the 1st integrated Brigade. *2nd Brigade (integrated),Tempo
- British or Brythonic language line,'Cast' is also used for such ancient, graves , but in modern use, can also mean a chest, a coffer, a box, or even the boot /
- Pakistan, two brothers were arrested for eating human corpses stolen from, graves , They were cooking body parts for meal when arrested; the police also recovered
- Rich in evidence of the Middle-Aegean period. The series of Syran-built, graves , containing crouching corpses, is the best and most representative that is
- Of the Great Famine to be seen on the Mayo landscape: workhouse sites, famine, graves , sites of soup-kitchens, deserted homes and villages and even traces of undue
- In 1539,during the reign of Henry VIII, the church was demolished, leaving the, graves ,intact. The royal graves and many others were probably rediscovered by chance
- Was enclosed by the Second Wall. Although, in 2007,Dan Baht stated that Six, graves ,from the first century were found on the area of the Church of the Holy
- And have not been repeated elsewhere, despite extensive samples from other mass, graves , A variety of alternatives to the Y. pests have been put forward. Twigs
- By the end of the first Millennium AD brass artifacts are found in Scandinavian, graves ,in Scotland, brass was being used in the manufacture of coins in Northumbria
- Were in the Mediterranean because the north had poor, clay-like soil. Nestorian, graves ,dating to 1338-9 near Lake Issue KUL in Kyrgyzstan have inscriptions referring
- Approximately 700 people lived at Burka when it was as largest, and about 3,000, graves , have been found. Its administrative center was supposedly located outside of
- As it is the custom of French people, of all ranks and creeds, to decorate the, graves ,of their dead on the four DES ports, so German and Polish people stream to the
- Until the 1950s,Babelsberg and the surrounding villages contained a number of, graves ,of victims of a Death March in the Spring of 1945 from the Innsbruck sub-camp
- Plot was full by 1896 but subsequently expanded multiple times. There are, graves ,as recent as 1980 in the West Roxbury portion; the Durham portion is still
- Specific for Y. pests in human skeletons from widely distributed mass, graves ,in northern, central and Southern Europe that were associated archaeologically
- The narrow circle of scholars. As soon as Schliemann came on the Mycenae, graves ,three years later, light poured from all sides on the prehistoric period of
- In (Germany) and (Poland),Drenthe (Netherlands),large numbers of these, graves ,were disturbed when harbors, towns,and cities were built. The boulders were
- T-shape. It has been suggested that this means they are related to the passage, graves ,found in Denmark and elsewhere. Dolmen sites fringe the Irish Sea and are found
- Between sea-draug and land-draug. Dräger were believed to live in the, graves ,of dead Vikings, being the body of the dead. As the graves of important men
- Cleared out certain less rich tholos-tombs at Thorium in Attica; and other, graves , either rock-cut" bee-hives" or chambers, were found at Sparta and Aphid in
- Related strains of Y. pests that were associated with distinct medieval mass, graves , These were found to be ancestral to modern isolates of the present-day Y.
- Book from the cradle, and rushes back to the castle, while the dead rise from, graves ,all around. During Ash's panicked ride back,Ash's evil copy rises from his
- People flock to the cemeteries at nightfall to kneel, bareheaded,at the, graves ,of their loved ones, and to anoint the hollow of the tombstone with holy water
- With a working one, given by the Nazis because the city had maintained German, graves ,from World War I. The massive tower is composed of walls, massive spiral stairs
- From the continuation of Tsountas's exploration of the buildings and lesser, graves ,at Mycenae, a large treasure, independent of Schliemann's princely gift, has
- And Russia. David Anthony notes," About 20 % of Scythian-Sarmatian" warrior, graves ," on the lower Don and lower Volga contained females dressed for battle as if
- In particular, there is no change in burial practice, and cumulus warrior, graves ,continued to be erected throughout Merovingian times. Syncretism of traditional
- S Acre, on the hill above the town, to celebrate the Resurrection among the, graves ,of the departed. This service was repeated the following year by the whole
- To live in the graves of dead Vikings, being the body of the dead. As the, graves ,of important men often contained a good amount of wealth, the drug jealously
- Nelson's Island under Italian archaeologist Paolo Gallo uncovered a number of, graves ,that date from the battle, as well as others buried there during the 1801
- Specific for Y. pests in human skeletons from widely distributed mass, graves ,in northern, central and Southern Europe that were associated archaeologically
- However, both the serpent and the spirit serve as jealous guardians of the, graves ,of kings or ancient civilizations. Dragons that act as Dräger appear in
- Tanya, the leader of Christian Conservative Party of the BPF, discovered mass, graves ,of victims executed in 1937–1941. Two years later, in March 1990,elections for
- Kill themselves). ) and with various festivals such as Hell fest, after several, graves ,had been spray-painted with" When Satan Rules His World ", which is a song
- It has yielded many urns and brooches closely resembling those found in pagan, graves ,in England. Of still greater importance are the great deposits at Thurber
- From the battle, as well as others buried there during the 1801 invasion. These, graves , which included a woman and three children, were relocated in 2005 to a
- See the picture),and among Czech people the custom of visiting and tidying, graves ,of relatives on the day is quite common even among atheists. In North America
- Of the barrows indicated by Sorry Sturgeon and by Swedish tradition as the, graves ,of Oh there (dated to c. 530) and his son Edgily (dated to c. 575) in
- People and keep them cool-headed. Beads of amethyst were found in Anglo-Saxon, graves ,in England. A large geode, or " amethyst-grotto ", from near Santa Cruz in
- Him a reproachful message in this laconic style:" Is it because there are no, graves ,in Cæsarea (compare Exodus 14:11) that I have sent thee off to Tiberius?
- Of Henry VIII, the church was demolished, leaving the graves intact. The royal, graves ,and many others were probably rediscovered by chance in 1788 when a prison was
- Back up the idea that human sacrifice was performed by the Iron Age Celts. Mass, graves ,found in a ritual context dating from this period have been unearthed in Gaul
- By various Jewish sects. Pharisees believed that in death, people rest in their, graves ,until they are physically resurrected with the coming of the Messiah, and
- With those of Revelation:" The hour is coming in which all who are in the, graves ,will hear his voice and come forth: those who have done good, to the
- Studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel, graves ,eventually made. Although it was recognized that certain tributaries
- Hellenic civilization. It was not until Schliemann exposed the contents of the, graves ,which lay just inside the gate, that scholars recognized the advanced stage of
- Swim" through solid rock, which would be useful as a means of exiting their, graves , In folklore the Dräger slay their victims through various methods including
- Recent tooth enamel isotope research on bodies found in early Bronze Age, graves ,around Stonehenge indicate that at least some migrants came from the
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