Examples of the the word, lymph , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lymph ), is the 11920 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Isolated a virus from a patient presenting lymph adenopathy (swelling of the, lymph ,nodes) of the neck and physical weakness, two classic symptoms of AIDS.
- The indications for treatment are: * Painful, disease-related overgrowth of, lymph ,nodes or spleen Typical treatment approach CLL is probably incurable by present
- Thymus, and spleen. * Lymphatic system: structures involved in the transfer of, lymph ,between tissues and the blood stream, the lymph and the nodes and vessels that
- Involved in the transfer of lymph between tissues and the blood stream,the, lymph ,and the nodes and vessels that transport it. * Musculoskeletal system: muscles
- Nodes and lymph atics. It usually presents with genital ulceration and swollen, lymph ,nodes in the groin, but it may also manifest as parotitis (inflammation of the
- Node, where it stimulates severe hemorrhagic inflammation that causes the, lymph ,nodes to expand. The expansion of lymph nodes is the cause of the
- Before lymph edema treatment can be initiated. Pathophysiology The flow of, lymph ,from the legs towards the heart is the result of the soles muscle also known
- Marrow, and secondary lymph atic tissues such as spleen, tonsils, lymph vessels, lymph ,nodes, adenoids,and skin and liver. When health conditions warrant, immune
- Of lymph oid cells occurs in secondary lymph oid organs (spleen, thymus,and, lymph ,nodes). In children, haematopoiesis occurs in the marrow of the long bones
- Cells *Blood cells: the red and white blood cells, including those found in, lymph ,nodes and spleen *Neurons: any of the conducting cells of the nervous system
- The concentrated areas of infection in each person: such as bubonic plague in, lymph ,nodes, septicemic plague in blood vessels, pneumonic plague in lungs, and so on
- External Iliad vein, internal Iliad vein, and obturator and presacral, lymph ,nodes. From these pelvic lymph nodes, drainage then proceeds to the para aortic
- Nodes. From these pelvic lymph nodes, drainage then proceeds to the para aortic, lymph ,nodes. In some women, the lymph atics drain directly to the para aortic nodes.
- This is because the leukemia is in the early stages or has entered remission. A, lymph ,node biopsy can be performed as well in order to diagnose certain types of
- And bone marrow, and secondary lymph atic tissues such as spleen, tonsils, lymph , vessels, lymph nodes, adenoids,and skin and liver. When health conditions
- Is not yet apparent. Transport capacity is still sufficient for the amount of, lymph ,being removed. Lymphedema is not present. * Stage 1 (spontaneously reversible
- These may be symptomatic of early stage of lymph edema where accumulation of, lymph ,is mild and not detectable by any difference in arm volume or circumference. As
- In non-small-cell lung cancer, samples are taken during surgery of nearby, lymph ,nodes. If these samples contain cancer, the patient has stage II or III disease
- Is still unknown, it generally occurs due to poorly developed or missing, lymph ,nodes and/or channels in the body. Lymphedema may be present at birth, develop
- New album due to the discovery of a cancerous tumor in his parotid gland and a, lymph ,node. The group also had to cancel their co-headlining gig at the Oshawa
- Inflammation that causes the lymph nodes to expand. The expansion of, lymph ,nodes is the cause of the characteristic" bubo" associated with the disease.
- System cells (e.g., lymph ocytes and tissue cells from spleen, thymus,and, lymph ,nodes). For the circulatory system and bone marrow in which cells can occur in
- Daily activities, the short-stretch bandages enhance the pumping action of the, lymph ,vessels by providing increased resistance for them to push against. This
- As development progresses, blood formation occurs in the spleen, liver and, lymph ,nodes. When bone marrow develops, it eventually assumes the task of forming
- Immune system organs including the thymus, spleen,portions of bone marrow, lymph ,nodes and secondary lymph atic tissues can be surgically excised for examination
- So rapid that there would often be no time for the development of the enlarged, lymph ,nodes that were noted as buboes. " Many modern scholars accept that the
- Pestis spreads through the lymph atics of the infected human until it reaches a, lymph ,node, where it stimulates severe hemorrhagic inflammation that causes the
- Trachea, stomach,small intestine, pancreas,testis, prostate,placenta, lymph ,node, and spinal cord. In an article published four months later, the method
- Trachomatis is also the cause of lymph ogranuloma venereal, an infection of the, lymph ,nodes and lymph atics. It usually presents with genital ulceration and swollen
- May also manifest as parotitis (inflammation of the rectum),fever or swollen, lymph ,nodes in other regions of the body. Pathophysiology Chlamydiae have the ability
- Women, it is most prevalent in the upper limbs after breast cancer surgery and, lymph ,node dissection, occurring in the arm on the side of the body in which the
- Nodes can contribute to swelling in the legs. From the thoracic duct,the, lymph ,is returned to the venous circulation through the left subclavian vein.
- Also known as the calf pump. As a person walks, the soles contracts, squeezing, lymph , out of the leg via the lymph atic vessels. When the muscle relaxes, valves in
- That recognizes this antigen. These antibodies circulate in blood plasma and, lymph , bind to pathogens expressing the antigen and mark them for destruction by
- In the mid-20th century by injecting urine from a woman into a male toad's, lymph ,sacs, and if spermatozoa appeared in the toad's urine, the patient was deemed
- Internal Iliad vein, and obturator and presacral lymph nodes. From these pelvic, lymph ,nodes, drainage then proceeds to the para aortic lymph nodes. In some women, the
- Spleen, and liver (ultrasound). Finally, CT scans are rarely used to check, lymph ,nodes in the chest. Despite the use of these methods to diagnose whether
- And testicular cancers may result in secondary lymph edema, particularly when, lymph ,nodes have been removed or damaged. The onset of secondary lymph edema in
- Was made several weeks later and by then removal of his esophagus, two, lymph , nodes and a rib on March 1,1956, was too late to halt the disease, even with
- The affected extremities are huge due to almost complete blockage of the, lymph ,channels. Elephantiasis may also affect the head and face. Treatment
- Groin after surgery for colon, ovarian or uterine cancer, in which removal of, lymph ,nodes or radiation therapy is required. Surgery or treatment for prostate
- Vessels shut preventing the fluid from returning to the lower extremities. The, lymph ,from the legs is filtered through the inguinal nodes in the groin area on its
- Of an infant child, and the climacteric. Lymphatic drainage About 75 % of, lymph ,from the breast travels to the. Shape and support There is considerable
- Injury to the lymph atic vessels (secondary). It is most frequently seen after, lymph ,node dissection, surgery and/or radiation therapy, in which damage to the
- Cell type (histology),degree of spread (stage) and metastases to multiple, lymph ,nodes, and vascular invasion. For patients with inoperable disease, prognosis
- Given subcutaneously, BCG may induce local infection and spread to the regional, lymph ,nodes causing lymph adenitis. It can be classified into supportive and
- Description of endoscopy. * Charles Emile Trouser described enlargement of, lymph ,nodes in abdominal cancer. * In 1823,William Proud discovered that stomach
- Several weeks and may include symptoms such as fever, lymph adenopathy (swollen, lymph ,nodes),pharyngitis (sore throat),rash, myalgia (muscle pain),malaise
- Two weeks and 20 years. During this phase of infection, HIV is active within, lymph ,nodes, which typically become persistently swollen, in response to large
- Such as simple mastectomy, mastectomy with reconstruction, and mastectomy with, lymph ,node excision and reconstruction all factor into limitations to amount and
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