Examples of the the word, separated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( separated ), is the 11901 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Neutrons resulting in small amounts of 228Ac. After the synthesis, actinium is, separated ,from radium and from the products of decay and nuclear fusion, such as thorium
  2. It was also suggested that the genus Mania (of the Juncaginaceae) could be, separated ,into a monogeneric family, Maundiaceae, but the authors noted that more study
  3. As one moves east, eventually becoming the Armenian Highland. Anatolia is, separated ,from the Armenian Highland to the east by the Euphrates river, and from Syria
  4. Data have suggested that Asparagus may be paraplegic, with Orchidaceae, separated ,from the rest. Within the monocots, Asparagales is the sister of the commend
  5. In a supercritical phase to dissolve the lighter molecules which are then, separated , Further processing is possible by" blowing" the product: namely reacting it
  6. Phosphate in a hydrocarbon. The lanthanides and remaining actinides are then, separated ,from the aqueous residue (rabbinate) by a diamide-based extraction, to give
  7. A French chemist, announced the discovery of a new element in 1899. He, separated ,it from pitchblende residues left by Marie and Pierre Curie after they had
  8. That he had married Kournikova the previous year and that they are currently, separated , In an interview with Graham Norton in 2010,Kournikova confirmed that she and
  9. People MS should be considered a clinical entity based in inflammatory lesions, separated ,in time and space. As some cases of ADAM satisfy these conditions, they should
  10. Might have been caused by a previously unidentified decay product, one that was, separated ,during purification, but emerged again out of the pure actinium-227. Various
  11. Specific light wavelengths contained in the observed light from stars can be, separated ,out and related to the quantized transitions in free gas atoms. These colors
  12. The end of World War II, lithium production has greatly increased. The metal is, separated ,from other elements in igneous minerals such as those above. Lithium salts are
  13. Limestone Alps is the Periaortic Seam. The Northern Limestone Alps are, separated ,from the Central Eastern Alps by the Graywacke zone. The Western Alps is
  14. These rites for seven days, during which Aaron and his sons were entirely, separated ,from the rest of the people. When, on the eighth day, the high priest had
  15. EVA) challenges. Lunar descent On July 20, 1969 the lunar module (LM) Eagle, separated ,from the command module Columbia. Collins, alone aboard Columbia, inspected
  16. The associated procedure may involve several steps, where americium is first, separated ,and then converted by neutron bombardment in special reactors to short-lived
  17. Inherently ambiguous and subject to a multitude of influences which cannot be, separated ,or quantified, one cause or correlation from another. Austrian economists
  18. Rights. As such it was a distinctly national phenomenon. The Church of Scotland, separated ,from the Roman Catholic Church with the Scottish Reformation in 1560,and the
  19. Pharaoh. The history of Ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated ,by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods. The Old
  20. Other cycles meant cycles. The Nepohualtzintzin was divided in two main parts, separated ,by a bar or intermediate cord. In the left part there were four beads, which in
  21. If the computer broke down, Borman would take over. Once the Command Module was, separated ,from the Service Module, the astronauts were committed to re-entry. Six minutes
  22. For use as a paving material, primarily during the late 1800s. Asphalt can be, separated ,from the other components in crude oil (such as naphtha, gasoline and diesel)
  23. Before shipping to retain liquidity; upon delivery, these lighter materials are, separated ,out of the mixture. This mixture is often called" bitumen feedstock ", or BFS.
  24. Such as the Ancient Pueblo peoples, tends to create an image of territories, separated ,by clear-cut boundaries, like border boundaries separating modern states. These
  25. Administrative subdivisions are the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which is, separated ,from the rest of Azerbaijan by a strip of Armenian territory, and the
  26. Weapon used on Nagasaki is known as Fat Man. * August 9,1965,Singapore, separated ,from the Federation of Malaysia and became independent. * August 10, 1822
  27. Fiber Trigrammaton" and" Fiber DCCCXIII Del Arabia ". Meanwhile, effectively, separated , from his wife Rose by this point, Crowley entered into a romantic and sexual
  28. Love. The theme is also present in the many other nameless citizens who are, separated ,from loved ones in other towns or from those who happened to be out of town
  29. England, its closely linked sister church, the Church of Ireland (which also, separated ,from Roman Catholicism under Henry VIII) and the Scottish Episcopal Church
  30. Is an old name for what is now called the South Atlantic Ocean, which is, separated ,from the North Atlantic Ocean by a narrow region between Natal, Brazil and
  31. Actinide isotopes in oxide forms, from which isotopes of americium need to be, separated , In a typical procedure, the spent reactor fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) is dissolved
  32. Of approximately, the Northern Angolan province of Cabinet is unique in being, separated ,from the rest of the country by a strip, some wide, of the Democratic Republic
  33. Have a disjunct distribution across India, Bangladesh and Southeast Asia, separated ,by regions where other languages are spoken. It is widely believed that the
  34. Its timeand widely disbelieved until its rediscovery in the 19th century. He, separated ,the aquatic mammals from fish, and knew that sharks and rays were part of the
  35. Principle of Sufficient Grounds; time, space and causality) from which one is, separated ,; rather one becomes one with that perception:" one can thus no longer separate
  36. Lily type ', with six sepals and up to six stamens. The orders which have been, separated ,from the old Lilies are difficult to characterize. No single morphological
  37. The west of Antalya province, the south-facing Mediterranean coast of Turkey is, separated ,from the interior by steep ranges, known as the Taurus mountains, that run
  38. In the reign of King Henry VIII, reunited in 1555 under Queen Mary I and then, separated ,again in 1570 under Queen Elizabeth I (the Roman Catholic Church
  39. Part of the Church of England until 1978 when the Anglican Church of Bermuda, separated , The Church of England was the established church not only in England, but in
  40. And northeastern Africa. It is usually placed in the Cyanide, though formerly, separated ,into the family Proteaceae. The Adolf lives in the scrublands of eastern and
  41. England (which until the 20th century included the Church in Wales) initially, separated ,from the Roman Catholic Church in 1538 in the reign of King Henry VIII
  42. Stage engine. Buzz Aldrin witnessed it topple:" The ascent stage of the LM, separated ,... I was concentrating on the computers, and Neil was studying the attitude
  43. Border states The border states in the Union were West Virginia (which, separated ,from Virginia and became a new state),and four of the five northernmost slave
  44. Very sparsely populated. The center and the peripheries were mostly kept, separated ,by mountains and deserts. The Caucasus and Himalaya mountains and the Karakul
  45. Separation is embodied in two characters, Rieux and Lambert, both of whom are, separated ,from the women they love. The theme is also present in the many others nameless
  46. With the release of the single“ Fred I'm agency Land ”, Advanced Chemistry, separated ,itself from the rest of the rap being produced in Germany. This single was the
  47. Elects to stay in the camp as a volunteer because this will make him feel less, separated ,from his dead son. Narrow tells Room the story of his life, and the two men go
  48. Similarities the one Aphrodite. Attic philosophers of the fourth century, separated ,a celestial Aphrodite (Aphrodite Urania) of transcendent principles with the
  49. And rivers. Europe was bordered on the south by the Mediterranean Sea and was, separated ,from Asia by the Black Sea, the Lake Mantis, and,further east, either by the
  50. Onyx is just a few steps from the hero's front door, and in Peace Olympia is, separated ,from Athens by a few moments' supposed flight on a dung beetle. The audience

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