Examples of the the word, prism , in a Sentence Context
The word ( prism ), is the 11910 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 8 faces - dual cube # Pentagonal bipyramid - 10 faces - dual pentagonal, prism ,# Hexagonal bipyramid - 12 faces - dual hexagonal prism # Heptagonal bipyramid
- Of 1680. A relief panel depicts Patti using instruments such as a telescope and, prism , He also tried, unsuccessfully,to find hidden messages within the Bible.
- Dual hexagonal prism # Heptagonal bipyramid - 14 faces - dual heptagonal, prism ,# Octagonal bipyramid - 16 faces - dual octagonal prism # Pentagonal bipyramid
- Ha-za-qi- (i)AAU" ) he took 46 cities (column 3,line 19 of the Sennacherib, prism ,), and besieged Jerusalem (" Ur-sa-li-im-mu" ) with earthworks. It was during
- And maximizing resolution. The system consists of a special prism (Nomads, prism , Williston prism ) in the condenser that splits light in an ordinary and an
- Faces - dual heptagonal prism # Octagonal bipyramid - 16 faces - dual octagonal, prism ,# Pentagonal bipyramid - 18 faces - dual pentagonal prism # Diagonal bipyramid
- This period he investigated the refraction of light, demonstrating that a, prism ,could decompose white light into a spectrum of colors, and that a lens and a
- On measuring the acceleration of free fall (for example, of a reflecting, prism ,in a vacuum tube). They are used for establishing the vertical geospatial
- Volume is the same as that of a right cuboid (also known as a rectangular, prism ,) with sides whose lengths are equal to the three given numbers. The geometric
- The resulting helical surfaces are nearly flat, forming a regular triangular, prism ,shape, as shown for the 1QRE archaeal carbonic anhydrase at right. Other
- Of different wavelengths in the visible spectrum. Passing white light through a, prism ,splits it up in to the several colors of light observed in the visible spectrum
- And Chaucer's method of telling his stories through a multi-perspective, prism ,of subjectivity make the" Tales" extremely difficult to interpret. There are
- Atoms are 9-fold coordinated by chlorine atoms in a trapped trigonal, prism ,geometry. Einsteinium (III) bromide (EsBr3) is a pale-yellow solid with a
- Plate and deposits it above the subduction zone forming an accretion, prism , The rate of this depositing of material allows Barbados to rise at a rate of
- Faces - dual pentagonal prism # Hexagonal bipyramid - 12 faces - dual hexagonal, prism ,# Heptagonal bipyramid - 14 faces - dual heptagonal prism # Octagonal bipyramid
- A tendency in news media and wider culture to understand events through the, prism ,of individual agents, as opposed to more complex structural or institutional
- Flattening them out. For example, if the side surface of a cylinder (or any, prism ,) is cut lengthwise, the surface can be flattened out into a rectangle.
- As the fluorescent activator to emit blue light. In a key experiment he used a, prism ,to isolate ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and observed blue light emitted
- Particularly in the field of optics, where he was recognized for his, prism ,experiments dividing white light into its constituent spectrum of colors, as
- The depth of field and maximizing resolution. The system consists of a special, prism ,(Nomads prism , Wollaston prism ) in the condenser that splits light in an
- The Es3+ ions are 8-fold coordinated by fluorine ions in a bicapped trigonal, prism ,arrangement. Einsteinium (III) chloride (EsCl3) can be prepared by
- Dual octagonal prism # Pentagonal bipyramid - 18 faces - dual pentagonal, prism ,# Diagonal bipyramid - 20 faces - dual diagonal prism * ... national bipyramid
- Asked a friend to repeatedly divide up the spectrum that was projected from the, prism ,onto the wall:" I desired a friend to draw with a pencil lines cross the image
- That which seemed like an irreducible and monolithic nucleus multiplies as in a, prism ,; the exterior self does not have the same face as the secret self; it is only a
- But which is not uniform, i. e., not a Platonic solid, Archimedean solid, prism ,or anti prism . There is no requirement that each face must be the same polygon
- Faces - dual diagonal prism * ... national bipyramid - 2n faces - dual national, prism ,Symmetry groups If the base is regular and the line through the apexes
- His results in 1800 before the Royal Society of London. Herschel used a, prism ,to refract light from the sun and detected the infrared, beyond the red part of
- Icosidodecahedron would be a pentagonal gyrobirotunda. *Elongated means that a, prism ,has been joined to the base of the solid in question or between the bases of
- Can be reached by three-CCD devices (3CCD) and a dichroic beam splitter, prism , that splits the image into red, green and blue components. Each of the three
- Which local mapping surveying measurements, usually with measuring tape, corner, prism , and the familiar red and white poles, are tied. Nowadays all but special
- Through a prism , because of the wavelength dependent refractive index of the, prism ,material (dispersion); that is, each component wave within the composite
- And Flores. These spectrometers use a compact double monochromator with a, prism ,pre-monochromator and an Michelle grating monochromator for high resolution. A
- Number of sides). Add a frustum (pyramid with the top cut-off) below the, prism ,and you get another infinite family, and so on. There are many others convex
- The faces the same color. The dihedral symmetry D4h comes from the cube being a, prism , with all four sides being the same color. The lowest symmetry D2h is also a
- 12,24,30,48,60,120 sides * Bipyramids, the deals of the infinite set of, prism , with triangle faces: any even number above 4 * Trapezohedrons, the deals of
- Commonly employed although the old-fashioned rectangular technique using angle, prism ,and steel tape is still an inexpensive alternative. Real-time kinematic (RTK)
- X Ax. It displays the ratio of the immersed volume of the hull to a volume of a, prism ,with equal length to the ship and cross-sectional area equal to the largest
- Natural sunlight) disperses into a visible spectrum passing through a, prism , because of the wavelength dependent refractive index of the prism material (
- Have the same vertex figure, but are not alike. In the elongated form, each, prism , meets a tetrahedron at one triangular end and an octahedron at the other. In
- Resolution. The system consists of a special prism (Nomads prism , Wollaston, prism ,) in the condenser that splits light in an ordinary and an extraordinary beam.
- Tabular to prism atic crystals with an obvious paranoid termination. It has four, prism ,faces and two paranoid faces to form a pseudohexagonal crystal. Although not
- Of polyhedra that can be roughly described as a pyramid sitting on top of a, prism ,(with the same number of sides). Add a frustum (pyramid with the top cut-off
- Land on are congruent, so they are equally fair. (The other 2 sides of the, prism ,are rounded or capped with a pyramid, designed so that the die never actually
- Decompose white light into a spectrum of colors, and that a lens and a second, prism ,could recompose the multicolored spectrum into white light. He also showed
- Of 10 intersecting isosceles triangles. It is the dual to the pentagram mic, prism ,.: Higher dimensions In general, a bipyramid can be seen as an n-polytope
- A s (J12 and J13). Forms # Triangular bipyramid - 6 faces - dual triangular, prism ,# Square bipyramid (the regular octahedron is a special case) - 8 faces -
- History of optics, the young Newton shone a narrow beam of sunlight through a, prism ,to produce a rainbow-like band of colors on the wall. In describing this
- For six-coordination, *Trapped trigonal prism atic (Augmented triangular, prism ,) for nine coordination. Some exceptions and provisions should be noted: *The
- Faces - dual pentagonal prism # Diagonal bipyramid - 20 faces - dual diagonal, prism ,* ... national bipyramid - 2n faces - dual national prism Symmetry groups If the
- Confident about their objectivity, because they too see the world through the, prism ,of their culture. This emphasis also led Boas to conclude that anthropologists
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