Examples of the the word, superstition , in a Sentence Context
The word ( superstition ), is the 11904 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Unworthy of him: for the one is unbelief the other is contumely; and certainly, superstition ,is the reproach of the Deity. ” Yet even more than this,Bacon's views of God
- 1643 when troops and citizens, encouraged by a Parliamentary ordinance against, superstition ,and idolatry, behaved thus: Lord what work was here! What clattering of glasses
- Belief, they are often reluctant to express disbelief. A 2006 and 2007 study on, superstition ,by the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Social Sciences supervised by Terry
- Scholars such as Paola Zambezi. While today, we would view this as evidence of, superstition , in the high Middle Ages—and well into the early modern period—few
- Better than his retelling of the reports of others, which contain error and, superstition , He dissected animals but not humans; his ideas on how the human body works
- At that time, Portuguese women were barred from travelling overseas due to, superstition ,about women on ships, as well as the unsafe nature of the sea route. In 1511
- By classical homeopaths as unfounded, speculative,and verging upon magic and, superstition , Preparation In producing remedies for diseases, homeopaths use a process
- Needs to be inserted, to most people, it is simply a mystery. This has led to a, superstition ,that intercalary months in certain times of the year bring bad luck. The main
- Linnaeus was trying to offer a natural explanation and demystify the world of, superstition , Linnaeus tried to debunk some of these creatures, as he had with the hydra;
- De la beta triumphant) (London,1584),allegories of IL combat la, superstition ,* Cabala del cavalry Pegasus- Amino Hellenic (1585) *Dialog duo de Fabric ii
- And expressed hostility toward Christianity, which they regarded as pure, superstition , In return, Christian writers often charged radical deists with atheism. Note
- Traditions. In some present-day cultures, demons are still feared in popular, superstition , largely due to their alleged power to possess living creatures. In the
- Laws, to reputation: all which may be guides to an outward moral virtue ... but, superstition ,dismounts all these and erected an absolute monarchy in the minds of men:
- March 2007 reportedly through witch doctor butchery arising from prevailing, superstition , In 2008,Tanzania's President Piquette publicly condemned witch doctors for
- Where green cars, wedding dresses, and theater costumes are all the objects of, superstition , Spider-Man's villains were often colored green to represent a contrast to the
- With the enhancement of ethical autonomy and the Enlightenment critique of, superstition ,and irrational authority. Marx explicitly developed this notion into the
- By the arms of legions against a race of fanatics, whose dire and credulous, superstition ,seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government
- Bacon did maintain his own Christian beliefs, of which he differentiated from ", superstition ,". Bacon notes that“ It is better to have no opinion of God at all, than such
- Known English translation of it. Eliot liked Spinoza's vehement attacks on, superstition , Moreover, he cited Spinoza alongside Shakespeare and Carl Linnaeus as one of
- The gazing populace receive greedily, without examination, whatever soothes, superstition ,and promotes wonder ". Critics have argued that Hume's position assumes the
- In the pigeon One of Skinner's experiments examined the formation of, superstition ,in one of his favorite experimental animals, the pigeon. Skinner placed a
- The gates open outward for the Commencement Day procession. A traditional, superstition ,is that students who pass through the gates for a second time before graduation
- To" inquire into their causes ". Case also notes Smith's observation that ", superstition ,first attempted to satisfy this curiosity, by referring all those wonderful
- Inclined to atheism (as the time of Augustus Caesar) were civil times; but, superstition ,hath been the confusion of many states, and Bridget in a new 'primum mobile. '
- I approve his politics, I adore his chivalry, and I can even forgive his, superstition ,... The French spread so many yes about the sentiments of the English nation
- Stories have entered Basque culture in recent centuries or as part of Roman, superstition , It is unclear whether neolithic stone structures called dolmens have a
- In order to assess a culture of the past. In Khan often criticized" idle, superstition ,and uncritical acceptance of historical data. " As a result, he introduced a
- And anti-religion. Bad led the anti-religious movement against, superstition , Muslims do not believe in superstition (see Shirk (Islam) ) and his
- To be espied, and ignorance to be detected; truth from error, religion from, superstition , to be discerned. " Foe downplays Chaucer's bawdy and amorous writing
- Service to God. Among the major targets of his criticism are external ritual, superstition ,and a hierarchical church order. He sees all of these as efforts to make
- Rather than science, so the use of foxglove to treat heart disease is called, superstition , Jonathan Strange & Mr Morrell takes place in an alternative version of England
- And" every species of religious persecution ", while hoping that" bigotry and, superstition ," would be overcome by" truth and reason" in the United States. In Virginia
- Species now accepted by the scientific community were initially considered, superstition , hoaxes, delusions or identifications. Giant squid and Loan Kiev Turtle are
- And asserts that religion impedes human progress because of its focus on, superstition ,and dogma rather than on reason and the scientific method. Humanism refers to a
- Except for the hood of snake heads, which was put round their heads. There was a, superstition ,that the worship of nāgas brings rain. Even nowadays peasants consider snakes
- And foul applications meant to turn away disease-causing demons, and other, superstition , The Ebert papyrus also provides our earliest possible documentation of ancient
- As essential together This the papal view that faith without reason leads to, superstition , while reason without faith leads to nihilism and relativism. Views of the
- Mesmerism, but was also wary of occult fraud and believed strongly that, superstition ,should be replaced by more scientific ideas. In the mid 1890s,Stoker is
- From the Latin" do "," I compose (poetry) " by analogy with" Brenda ",", superstition ," from Latin" credo "," creed" is now widely accepted. The Poetic Edda The
- Age. He believes that man is nothing but a collection of chemicals, reason is a, superstition , it is futile to seek meaning in life, and the duty of a philosopher is to show
- Public his" report on the idioms ", in which he said that" federalism and, superstition ,speak Breton ". Under the Third, Fourth and Fifth republics, humiliating
- And cattle, and practiced blots with food and drink. This they did due to their, superstition , The whole country (the lathing) had the largest blot with sacrifice of
- St George's day is the twenty-third of the month; and St Mark's Eve, with its, superstition ,that the ghosts of those who are doomed to die within the year will be seen to
- Democritus and Lucius. His materialism led him to a general stance against, superstition ,or the idea of divine intervention. Following Aristides—about whom very little
- Essential Christian doctrines for the rest of his life, including a hatred of, superstition ,and bigotry. Walpole ceased to reside at Cambridge at the end of 1738 and left
- On human behavior: Modern behavioral psychologists have disputed Skinner's ", superstition ," explanation for the behaviors he recorded. Subsequent research (e.g.
- She was shocked to hear a party official refer to free speech as a" bourgeois, superstition ,". As she and Bergman traveled around the country, they found repression
- Was an example of such a pledge. He challenged Catholics by accusing them of, superstition ,when they ascribed the water of baptism a certain power to wash away sin. Later
- Bongo they would have spasms similar to epileptic seizures. Because of this, superstition , bongos were less harmed in their native ranges than expected. However, these
- Referring to it with the standard Protestant epithets and descriptions of it as, superstition ,and idolatry as well as dismissing what his compatriots saw as uncivilized
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