Examples of the the word, improperly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( improperly ), is the 11913 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Seriously improper argument by an attorney, admitting or excluding evidence, improperly , acting outside the court's jurisdiction, injecting bias into the proceeding
- To complaints by civil liberties groups and members of Congress. The FBI, improperly ,monitored groups including the Thomas Merton Center, a Pittsburgh-based peace
- Processes. A lack of knowledge of these aspects has from time to time led to, improperly ,designed structures and gained aluminum a bad reputation. One important
- Handling a firearm is a complex task, with possible fatal outcomes if done, improperly , gun safety dictates that a firearm should never be handled while under the
- Types of" blooming" effects can occur if chocolate is stored or served, improperly , If refrigerated or frozen without containment, chocolate can absorb enough
- Are being used to represent the character. Naive text processing software may, improperly ,assume that a particular encoding is being used, resulting in motivate. The
- Craig Livingstone, head of the White House Office of Personnel Security, improperly ,requested, and received from the FBI, background report files without asking
- Context menus have received some criticism from usability analysts when, improperly ,used, as some applications make certain features only available in context
- Balanced, so that it vibrates only slightly when rotated at high speed. Bad or, improperly ,made labels, or labels applied off-center, unbalance the CD and can cause it to
- In March 1963,Oswald purchased a 6.5 mm caliber Cardano rifle (commonly but, improperly ,called Mannlicher-Carcano) by mail-order, using the alias A. Hi dell, as well
- Extended investigations of some groups" without adequate basis" and, improperly ,kept information about activist groups in its files. The IG report also found
- At most by a constant factor (however, it may introduce memory leaks when used, improperly ,). Launch bury 1993 give some practical advice for analyzing and fixing them.
- Separate window or widget, using a minimum of gestures. If a word is recognized, improperly , the user could double-tap the word and a list of alternatives would pop up in
- And radiation scattering, can result in artificially high absorption and an, improperly ,high (erroneous) calculation for the concentration or mass of the analyte in
- Hendrix's family beneficiaries that Janie Hendrix,Al's adopted daughter, was, improperly , handling the company finances. The suit argued that Janie and a cousin of Jimi
- Upheld conclusions of a trial court and a Court of Appeal that Rosenthal acted, improperly , In April 1986,the U. S. Supreme Court refused to review the lower court's
- Important that the saddle be comfortable for both the rider and the horse as an, improperly ,fitting saddle may create pressure points on the horse's back muscle (
- To defraud by the improper submission of a false claim. # Concealing, improperly ,avoiding or decreasing an ‘ obligation’ to pay money to the government. 2010
- The army dumped hundreds of thousands of tons of jet fuel into the ground, improperly ,disposed of toxic chemicals, and discarded outdated explosives and weapons in
- Infection by Salmonella bacteria occasionally found in raw egg from cracked or, improperly ,washed eggshells. This is a concern with many similar dressings that are
- Petraea. The Galatians also inhabited the outland of Jordan and southern Syria, improperly ,called the diocese of Arabia because its capital Boston was within the northern
- Is not made properly may contain a large amount of dirt and impurities from, improperly ,filtered mastic varnish, or the black oil may be overcooked, both of which
- On the show are done on purpose, to demonstrate the consequences of using tools, improperly , Many of Tim's accidents are caused by his devices' being used in an
- Husbandry. For example, abortion may be induced in mares that have been mated, improperly , or that have been purchased by owners who did not realize the mares were
- Comparison groups, do not adequately account for confounding variables, improperly ,account for pre-existing mental health complications or and their degree of
- Of being FBI informants or assume the FBI is infiltrating the movement. The FBI, improperly ,opened investigations of American activist groups, even though they were
- Is certain. This always generates a decimal expansion equal to a bit it may, improperly ,end in an infinite sequence of 9's in which case it must have a finite (and
- The most important problems in land use are soil erosion and salinization in, improperly ,irrigated farmland. An estimated 60 % of Kyrgyzstan's land is affected by
- A container and sometimes as topiary for a porch or patio. However, when done, improperly , the combination of root loss caused by digging, and the indoor environment of
- The" reverse false claims" provisions to expand liability to" knowingly and, improperly ,avoiding or decreasing an obligation to pay or transmit money or property to
- And again in 1518,and certainly not a doctrine of the Church, which was thus, improperly ,put forward as dogmatic truth. The first among the theologians of the Roman
- Or Bishop's Throne (In Latin: ecclesial cathedrals). The term is sometimes (, improperly ,) used to refer to any church of great size. The church that has the function
- Is changing very rapidly, without stifling any type of innovation, and without, improperly ,disadvantaging any competitor. The process has been long - the first action in
- Were sentenced to death at a trial which was later alleged to have been, improperly ,conducted. Four of the sentences were commuted, but three men were executed
- Compatibility and remove bugs. However, this advantage had the risk that an, improperly ,executed or aborted BIOS update could render the computer or device unusable.
- Priest Constantius of Lyon recorded an instance of the recurring theme of the, improperly ,buried dead who come back to haunt the living, and who can only cease their
- The Biblical text had been corrupted, and that genuine apostolic texts had been, improperly ,excluded. Frey Marino also claims to have been alerted to the existence of the
- Nitrate, cellulose acetate and acetate are known to be unstable mediums:, improperly ,preserved film can deteriorate in a period of time much faster than many
- Stage of its evolutionary development, we get an organism which functions, improperly , Scientists regard this argument as having been disproved in the light of
- Suit alleged that Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OMPI) acted, improperly ,concerning the marketing, promotion and sale of the anticonvulsant drug
- Then issued court proceedings against the Regulator, arguing that he had acted, improperly ,by imposing an arbitrary limit of three licenses (although interestingly no
- Understanding of consciousness depends on a Cartesian dualism outlook that, improperly ,distinguishes between mind and body, or between mind and world. He proposed
- Bright Tunes in 1978. In 1981,a district judge decided that Klein had acted, improperly , and it was agreed that Harrison should pay Klein $587,000,the amount Klein
- Chaperon protein known as Big which identifies other proteins that have been, improperly ,built or processed and keeps them from being sent to their final destinations.
- Cases if the grand jury comes to believe that the prosecutor himself has been, improperly ,influenced. Such cases were common in the 19th century but have become
- By preventing the spread of fire and smoke. In cases where they are, improperly ,installed, employed,or tampered with, the risk of fire can be increased. Door
- Made from leaded glass, which represent an environmental hazard if disposed of, improperly , By the time personal computers were produced, glass in the front panel (the
- Their suits. Provisions The Act establishes liability when any person or entity, improperly ,receives from or avoids payment to the Federal government (tax fraud is
- Activism organization. Also, activists affiliated with Greenpeace were, improperly ,put on a terrorist watch list, even though they were planning no violence or
- Scene,Robin's wishes are ironically fulfilled when the Security Council is, improperly ,re-hydrated. All the members are alive and well, continuing to squabble
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