Examples of the the word, individuality , in a Sentence Context
The word ( individuality ), is the 11909 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Forge befriends a lost member of the Borg collective and teaches it a sense of, individuality ,and free will. The positron brain, which Asimov named his robots' central
- Ears, minds and voices, and an expression of hope that our increasing, individuality ,hasn't dulled our ability to 'sing the same song '. In 2001" American Pie "
- In Bahá'í belief, souls in the afterlife will continue to retain their, individuality ,and consciousness and will be able to recognize and communicate spiritually
- Including the memories, personality and other identifying characteristics of, individuality , The state is usually short-lived (hours to days),but can last months or
- Then a spook, in whose name the individual is enslaved - and how enslaved! The, individuality ,is nowadays held in far stronger bondage by property, than by the combined
- He cited) that there is neither" purely internal finality nor clearly cut, individuality ,in nature ": Hereby lies the stumbling block of vitalist theories (...) It is
- Interior design Traditional murals Many people like to express their, individuality ,by commissioning an artist to paint a mural in their home, this is not an
- To Romantic rejections of this in favor of pictures of the emotional side and, individuality ,of humans, exemplified in the novels of Goethe. The late 19th century then saw
- Of the human nature and personality, containing the explanations of the role of, individuality ,in judgment and artistic invention. Some mannerism examples JaCoCo the Ontario
- Medici and elsewhere. The existence of the missionary diocese emphasized the, individuality ,and independence of the Polish state. At the time of the reign of Minsk there
- And rational. We see a universal, comprehensible connection, and with that, individuality ,likewise attains another character and nature, for it is no longer the plastic
- In the post-World War years as a way to reassert the importance of human, individuality ,and freedom. Freethought holds that individuals should not accept
- Form than on the essence of being a martial artist. He believes Push now lacks, individuality ,and competitors move like machines, whereas according to his views Push should
- In the post-World War years as a way to reassert the importance of human, individuality ,and freedom. Existentialism is sometimes referred to as a continental
- It is not we who are univocal in a Being which is not; it is we and our, individuality ,which remains equivocal in and for a univocal Being. " Here Delete at once
- Likewise attains another character and nature, for it is no longer the plastic, individuality ,of the ancients. This connection is of such power that every individuality is
- Education, set up their own independent liberal schools, which encouraged, individuality ,and freedom. However, nearly all the schools in Imperial Germany had a very high
- Each and every individual; and the more society is civilized, the more will, individuality ,be developed, and the more will desires be varied. " He maintained that, in
- Physical plane, but has stated that the soul will retain its consciousness and, individuality ,and remember its physical life; the soul will be able to recognize other souls
- The nature of this work itself. He also claimed that women did not have, individuality ,and were solely guided by their habits or impulses. In this respect Crowley
- In the Philosophy of Right, believed the best solution was to surrender one's, individuality ,to the customs of the State, identifying right and wrong in view of the
- In a highly subjective sense, understood as a projection of the artist's, individuality , Sometimes it is used, on the contrary, in a very metaphysical sense (in
- Small equalitarian, kirk-based, self-contained communities that recognized the, individuality ,of their members and the need for cooperation. That vision also affected the
- Their own and that of others; the other which only thinks about its own, individuality ,and has absolutely no hesitation in sacrificing the individuality of others.
- Or values, then one challenge for developing communities is how to incorporate, individuality ,and differences. Indeed, as Rebekah Nathan suggests in her book, My Freshman
- Contrast and more emotionally appealing melodies, with sharpened character and, individuality , This period faded away in music and literature: however, it influenced what
- Are talking about person as consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little, individuality ,other than that expressed in the buy/not-buy decision. However, there is a trend
- Statement reflects Mrs. Eddy's doctrine regarding the uniqueness, unity,and, individuality ,of Christ Jesus' eternal, spiritual identity. Spiritual healing in the
- Categories: one which claims the right to full development for all human, individuality , their own and that of others; the other which only thinks about its own
- Coincide with the will of the State. Climates rejects Hegel's suppression of, individuality ,by pointing out it is impossible to create a valid set of rules or system in
- Self-motion, for Hegel, comes not from any pure or simple kernel of authentic, individuality , but rather, it is::" ... the bifurcation of the simple; it is the doubling
- Influential question in philosophy going forward, namely,the requirements for, individuality , It would be taken up by Nietzsche, John Dewey and Michel Foucault directly, as
- Humankind and its potential and a commitment to a form of society where a 'true, individuality ,' was irrevocably linked to 'the highest communist sociability' " Egoist
- Attitude of the 1940s and early 50s and more about making a statement about, individuality ,as well as developing an innate sense of community. Within the 1940s,English
- Corporation as a whole was labeled an" artificial person," possessing both, individuality ,and immortality. At around the same time, British legislation was similarly
- Individuality of the ancients. This connection is of such power that every, individuality ,is under its dominion, and yet at the same time can construct for itself an
- Has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering, individuality ,and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ, especially
- Sense of reaching more deeply into the psyche, to be" made whole with one's, individuality , " Max Ernst whose 1920 painting Murdering Airplane, studied philosophy and
- About its own individuality and has absolutely no hesitation in sacrificing the, individuality ,of others. The Tsar of all the Russia's belongs to the latter category of
- Decline of the Tang dynasty in the ninth century, Japan made a move toward its, individuality ,in culture and cuisine. The abandonment of the spoon as a dining utensil –
- To tradition or popular mass opinions and behaviors In relation to this view of, individuality , French Individualist anarchist Emile Armand advocates egoistical denial of
- Theories (...) It is thus in vain that one pretends to reduce finality to the, individuality ,of the living being. If there is finality in the world of life, it encompasses
- Plays a role "; and" sonority and manner of phrasing which mirror the, individuality ,of the performing jazz musician ". While jazz may be difficult to define
- Which individual freedom could exist. " They argued that" genuine freedom and, individuality ,could only exist in a free society" and that in contrast to" misanthropic
- Communitarian in nature. Identity stemmed from membership in a group more than, individuality , Markus Barth illustrates the inter-connectedness:" Election in Christ must be
- Of heredity. His two principles were the continuity of chromosomes and the, individuality ,of chromosomes. It is the second of these principles that was so original.
- And Individuality Sartre maintained that the concepts of authenticity and, individuality ,have to be earned but not learned. We need to experience death consciousness so
- Feared that too much intervention or coercion by the government would destroy, individuality ,and self-reliance, which he considered to be important American values. Both
- A horizontal collectivist, argued that equality does not imply a lack of unique, individuality , but an equal amount of freedom and equal opportunity to develop one's own
- It has also been used as a term denoting" The quality of being an individual;, individuality ," as so also with humanist philosophical positions and ethics. Etymology In the
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