Examples of the the word, consonant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( consonant ), is the 11905 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Either a lone vowel sound or a combination of a vowel sound with one or more, consonant ,sounds. Origins All known beads belong to the Semitic family of scripts. These
- One of three things happens: *If the word occurs after another word ending in a, consonant , there is a smooth transition from final consonant to initial vowel,e.g. "
- Is called the drama in Sanskrit, or plant in Hindi. It may be used to form, consonant ,clusters, or to indicate that a consonant occurs at the end of a word. For
- Before another consonant (or finally),it is often shortened to a single, consonant ,rather than a vowel added. (But note that Moroccan Arabic never shortens
- Some Aquinas use a special symbol to suppress the inherent vowel so that the, consonant ,alone can be properly represented. In a syllabify, a grapheme denotes a
- Is a type of writing system in which each symbol always or usually stands for a, consonant ,; the reader must supply the appropriate vowel. It is a term suggested by Peter
- Becomes synonymous with Proto-Austro-Asiatic. Si dwell (2005) reconstructs the, consonant ,inventory of Promotion–Khmer as follows: This is identical to earlier
- They differ in that, for example, the same letter is used to represent both a, consonant , as in" you" or" yet ", and a vowel, as in" me" or" eat ". ) Some systems
- A result, it may be difficult or impossible to determine whether a given coronal, consonant ,is phonemically emphatic or not, especially in dialects with long-distance
- Archaisms. ) However, it has also added in front of words for which no initial, consonant ,(except in some cases, as expected) can be reconstructed for Photovoltaic;
- Restriction, the last heavy syllable (containing a long vowel or ending in a, consonant ,) is stressed. * If there is no such syllable, the first possible syllable (i.
- Consonants without a vowel in between, instead of using diacritics on the first, consonant ,to remove its vowel, another popular method of special conjunct forms is used
- Akshara can represent a closed syllable: Not only the vowel, but any final, consonant ,is indicated by a diacritic. For example, the syllable so would be written as
- In Hindi. It may be used to form consonant clusters, or to indicate that a, consonant ,occurs at the end of a word. For writing two consonant s without a vowel in
- The word was. 9 When the preceding consonant was, or,or when the next, consonant ,was. 10 Before, or any vowel followed by. 11 Before, or and then
- Are known for a type of vowel harmony in which the presence of an" emphatic, consonant ," triggers backed allophones of nearby vowels (especially of the low vowels
- Bottle bottom button" ). **When a doubled consonant occurs before another, consonant ,(or finally),it is often shortened to a single consonant rather than a vowel
- Of /l/ in MSA, in imitation of their spoken dialects. # The emphatic, consonant ,was actually pronounced, or possibly — either way, a highly unusual sound. The
- Often including a sign that explicitly indicates the lack of a vowel. If a, consonant ,has no vowel sign, this indicates a default vowel. Vowel diacritics may appear
- As in the English words" butter bottle bottom button" ). **When a doubled, consonant ,occurs before another consonant (or finally),it is often shortened to a
- 8 When the next consonant in the word was. 9 When the preceding, consonant ,was, or,or when the next consonant was. 10 Before, or any vowel
- Spelling of the Thai word for" beer" เบียร์ retains a letter for the final, consonant ," r" present in the English word it was borrowed from, but silences it.
- R l m n occurring between two other consonant s will be pronounced as a syllabic, consonant ,(as in the English words" butter bottle bottom button" ). **When a doubled
- Producing syllables such as कि I, कु KU, के KE, को KO. The Morey a, consonant ,letter represents, either with or without a marked vowel, is called an Asmara.
- And suffixes, even at a remove of several syllables from the triggering, consonant , Speakers of colloquial varieties with this vowel harmony tend to introduce it
- I u/ into /ǝ/ in most contexts (all except directly before a single final, consonant ,). In Moroccan Arabic, on the other hand, short /u/ triggers labialization of
- Are indicated by diacritics, but the placement of the diacritic relative to the, consonant ,is modified to indicate the tone. More rarely, a script may have separate
- Short vowels. ) In surface pronunciation, every vowel must be preceded by a, consonant ,(which may include the glottal stop). There are no cases of hiatus within a
- When followed by a trill, or. 3 When preceded or followed by a bilabial, consonant , 4 When preceded by a fricative (). Prosody Length and pitch in the
- Dedicated letters for initial vowels, though some traditions use अ as a zero, consonant ,as the graphic base for such vowels. The boundaries between the three types of
- Vowel allophones spread a fair distance in both directions from the triggering, consonant ,; in some varieties (most notably Egyptian Arabic),the" emphatic "
- Preserve in these places (Blaze 2006). ³ This happened when the next, consonant ,in the word was, or. 4 Before. 5 When the next consonant in the
- And Thai (an abused). In Thai, tone is determined primarily by the choice of, consonant , with diacritics for disambiguation. In the Pollard script, an abused, vowels
- Doubled consonant s are held twice as long as short consonant s. This, consonant ,lengthening is phonemically contrastive:" he accepted" vs." he kissed. "
- There is also a diacritic to suppress the inherent vowel, yielding the bare, consonant , In Devanagari, क् is k, and ल् is l. This is called the drama in Sanskrit, or
- Another word ending in a consonant , there is a smooth transition from final, consonant ,to initial vowel,e.g. " Meeting ". *If the word occurs after another word
- Another popular method of special conjunct forms is used in which two or more, consonant ,characters are merged to express a cluster, such as Devanagari: क्ल LA. (Note
- Which are called uniliterals, to represent syllables that begin with a single, consonant ,of their language, plus a vowel (or no vowel) to be supplied by the native
- Game cricket in Hindi is क्रिकेट cricket; the diacritic for appears before the, consonant ,cluster, not before the. A more unusual example is seen in the Batik alphabet:
- Below is taken from Starting et al. (2003): 1 When preceded by a bilabial, consonant , 2 When followed by a trill, or. 3 When preceded or followed by
- Which consonant –vowel sequences are written as a unit: each unit is based on a, consonant ,letter, and vowel notation is obligatory but secondary. This contrasts with a
- Diacritics may appear above, below,to the left, to the right, or around the, consonant , The most populous India script is Devanagari, used for Hindi, Bhojpuri
- On the Tibetan abused, but all vowel marks were written after the preceding, consonant ,rather than as diacritic marks. Although short a way not written, as in the
- Then a syllabify as their name would imply, since each glyph stands for a, consonant ,which is modified by rotation to represent the following vowel. (In a true
- A word (where two vowels occur next to each other, without an intervening, consonant ,). Some words do underlying begin with a vowel, such as the definite article
- With the default vowel, in this case key (), or,in final position, a final, consonant , in this case k. This inherent vowel may be changed by adding vowel marks (
- Coloring of vowels is limited to vowels immediately adjacent to a triggering, consonant , although in some it spreads a bit farther: e.g. " Time ";" homeland "; "
- Next consonant in the word was, or. 4 Before. 5 When the next, consonant ,in the word was. 6 This happened" in syllables with original high pitch
- Starting et al. 2003:135). 7 Before, or. 8 When the next, consonant ,in the word was. 9 When the preceding consonant was, or,or when the
- Nonetheless, the graphic similarities between syllables with the same, consonant ,is readily apparent, unlike the case in a true syllabify. Though now an abused
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