Examples of the the word, reunification , in a Sentence Context
The word ( reunification ), is the 11922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Capital of Germany, thereby weakening the West German population's support for, reunification ,and the eventual return of the Government to Berlin. During the 1970s,the city
- In the history of East Germany. After German reunification Since German, reunification , Alexanderplatz has undergone a gradual process of change with many of the
- In 1967. East Berlin's partnerships were canceled at the time of German, reunification ,and later partially reestablished. West Berlin's partnerships had previously
- With varying degrees of regularity and success, but none resulted in a full, reunification , On 15 November 1983 the Turkish Cypriot North declared independence and the
- Archbishop of Melbourne, Daniel Man nix. Because of its" veto with a view to, reunification ," strategy, the DLP's preferences (see Australian electoral system) helped
- Of noise' created by Public Enemy's producers, The Bomb Squad. After the, reunification ,of Germany, an abundance of anti-immigrant sentiment emerged, as well as
- German Commandants of East Berlin Boroughs of East Berlin At the time of German, reunification , East Berlin comprised the boroughs of Images of East Berlin File:
- Of Germany, whose official residence is Schloss Bellevue. Since German, reunification ,on 3 October 1990,it has been one of the three city states, together with
- Biggest market economy in Europe, with " windows to the East and West ". Since, reunification ,in 1990,Germany has further extended its commitments and central position in
- Spreading the theme that emancipation was a stumbling block to peace and, reunification , Republican editor Horace Greeley of the highly influential New York Tribune
- Fled to West Germany for political and also economic reasons. Since Germany's, reunification , there are ongoing migrations from the eastern New Lander to the western Old
- Met in Erfurt, the first such meeting since the division of Germany. After, reunification , the city became the capital of the re-established state of Thuringia. Main
- Annexed by the French First Republic, ending Austrian rule in the region. The, reunification ,of the Low Countries as the United Kingdom of the Netherlands occurred at the
- Reasons, with only the third stanza sung on official occasions. Upon German, reunification ,in 1990,only the third stanza was confirmed as the national anthem. Melody The
- Have joined (the membership was also adjusted upwards in 1994 after German, reunification ,). Following this the Treaty of Nice imposed a cap on the number of members to
- Of Cyprus. In acknowledgment of the Turkish Cypriot community's support for, reunification , however, the EU made it clear that trade concessions would be reached to
- By a series of full Census in Germany, with the most recent held in 1987. Since, reunification , German authorities rely on a micro census. The demography of the Federal
- Churches. After the East-West Schism, conventionally dated to 1054,a brief, reunification ,was agreed to between the Pope and a number of Eastern Orthodox bishops at the
- 2004 and demolished in July 2005. Cultural differences For many years after, reunification , people in Germany talked about cultural differences between East and West
- 1951,Germany has been at the heart of European Integration and after German, reunification ,in 1990 further promoted peaceful integration with its neighbors. Strong ties
- Of southern Unionists. Redefining the republic and republicanism The successful, reunification ,of the states had even grammatical consequences for the very name of the
- Theater under the name of Bauhausbühne (" Bauhaus Stage" ). After German, reunification , a reorganized school continued in the same building, with no essential
- The Greek and Turkish politicians resulted in a broad agreement in principle to, reunification ,as a bicameral, bi-zonal federation with territory allocated to the Greek and
- The whole island and hoping that it would provide a significant enticement for, reunification ,resulting from the outcome of ongoing talks. However, weeks before the UN
- Remove most of the rest. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German, reunification , which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990. Background Post-war Germany
- Republic of Cyprus has been to secure the withdrawal of Turkish forces and the, reunification ,of the island under the most favorable constitutional and territorial
- In Hesse were to memorize the three stanzas. On 7 March 1990,months before, reunification , the Constitutional Court declared only the third stanza of Hoffmann on
- Be reached to stimulate economic growth in the north, and remains committed to, reunification ,under acceptable terms. Though some trade restrictions were lifted on the north
- Was the largest demonstration in the history of East Germany. After German, reunification ,Since German reunification , Alexanderplatz has undergone a gradual process of
- Of the Cold War. The relocation of the government was completed in 1999. Since, reunification , Germany has taken a more active role in the European Union and NATO. Germany
- Candidate Lassos Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos had a reputation as a hardliner on, reunification ,and based his stance on international law and human rights. By mid-March, the
- To Catholic corporatism and anti-secularism, dropping Austrian pretences of, reunification ,with Germany as long as the Nazi Party remained in power. In August 1933
- Here alongside the year in which they made their debut:: a) Before German, reunification ,in 1990 occasionally presented as West Germany, representing the Federal
- Transit systems and Public transport is available in most areas. Since German, reunification ,substantial efforts have been necessary to improve and expand the
- Thus formally ending the existence of East Berlin. East Berlin today Since, reunification , the German government has spent vast amounts of money on reintegrating the two
- In the 1990s. 15 large protected areas were designated following Germany's, reunification , Each of them is provided with state-financed administration and a park ranger
- Already entered into history—51 years earlier it marked the Kristallnacht. " As, reunification ,was not official and complete until 3 October, that day was finally chosen as
- With its thousands of staff, to the U. S. Baghdad embassy today. " German, reunification ,in 1990 made Berlin the nominal capital of Germany again. This decision did not
- German); The Thorn Birds (only Austrian German dubbing). Before the German, reunification , East Germany also made its own particular German version. For example: Olsen
- Monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank. Two decades after German, reunification , standards of living and per capita incomes remain significantly higher in the
- It adopted a position of" equidistant" to the CDU and SPD. Following German, reunification ,in 1990,the FDP merged with the Association of Free Democrats, a grouping of
- And is one of the new federal states that were re-created in 1990 upon the, reunification ,of the former West Germany and East Germany. The capital is Potsdam.
- Since been revealed that Mountbatten had been favorable towards the eventual, reunification ,of Ireland. Funeral The President of Ireland, Patrick Hillary, and the
- German exclave surrounded by the Berlin Wall (1961–1989). Following German, reunification ,in 1990,the city regained its status as the capital of Germany, hosting 147
- Trade and continued support for the National Government. The one significant, reunification ,came in 1946 when the Liberal and Liberal National party organizations in
- Come into conflict, with the Theban kings conquering the north, resulting in, reunification ,of Egypt under a single ruler during the second part of the 11th Dynasty.
- It overtaking the UK as Europe's largest economy. 1991–2007: Integration and, reunification ,With the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1991 the Eastern states had to
- Has several development agencies working in Africa and the Middle East. German, reunification ,After the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Treaty on the Final Settlement With
- Korea, Angola,Mozambique and Cuba when the former East Germany existed until, reunification ,in 1990. The (socialist) German Democratic Republic (East Germany) however
- As general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. *1990 – German, reunification ,: An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. *1991 – Gulf
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