Examples of the the word, foremost , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foremost ), is the 6480 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Processed into expandable graphite for many uses, such as flame retardants. The, foremost ,deposits are found in Austria, Brazil,Canada, China,Germany and Madagascar.
  2. S Southern Cross Hotel was built and named in 1962 and was one of the city's, foremost ,hotels during the decade. The hotel was demolished in 2005 and replaced by the
  3. Just like due they are considered to be yin in nature, and defined first and, foremost ,by the functions of nurturing and moisturizing the different structures of the
  4. Kt FRS (14 November 1797 – 22 February 1875) was a British lawyer and the, foremost ,geologist of his day. He is best known as the author of Principles of Geology
  5. And various sciences, Peirce considered himself a logician first and, foremost , He made major contributions to logic, but logic for him encompassed much of
  6. To the mutiny and rebellion of the previous year, the settlement was first and, foremost ,a repository for political prisoners. The Cellular Jail at Port Blair when
  7. Community paper, became the country's daily paper in 1990 and" remains the, foremost ,source of information on local and foreign affairs. " Apart from The Borneo
  8. And desired academic recognition, although he was never accepted into Paris's, foremost ,school of art. Culturally, Rodin possessed a unique ability to model a
  9. From Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor and Thorns often met there, and it became the, foremost ,outlet for black metal records. In its basement, Aarseth founded an independent
  10. NAB PL signed a new National Agreement which achieved three things: *First and, foremost , it governed player contracts that set up mechanisms to end the cross-league
  11. His courtiers who deserved the exalted title of" Falcon of the Quraish" (, foremost ,leader of the Prophet's tribe). The obsequious courtiers naturally replied "
  12. 2008 after two years of preparation. The north face is also one of Scotland's, foremost ,venues for winter mountaineering and ice climbing, and holds snow until quite
  13. Given by Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century AD. Archimedes Palimpsest The, foremost ,document containing the work of Archimedes is the Archimedes Palimpsest. In
  14. At games. In Italian football Roma are a club with many rivalries; first and, foremost ,is their rivalry with Lazio, the club who they share the Studio Olympic
  15. Sharply and radically from this idea. They argue that a video game is first and, foremost ,a game, which must be understood in terms of its rules, interface,and the
  16. Upon the sultan. Alp Asian, who took great pride in his reputation as the, foremost ,archer of his time, motioned to his guards not to interfere and drew his bow
  17. Is that of Khasekhemwy. From the fifth dynasty, the deity Khentiamentiu, foremost ,of the Westerners, came to be seen as a manifestation of the dead pharaoh in
  18. Electrical components, automobile distributor caps, and other insulators. The, foremost ,usage of Bakelite today is in the industrial sector for insulation of wires
  19. From 1158 to 1192 and Archbishop of Land from 1178 until his death. He was the, foremost ,politician and church father of Denmark in the second half of the 12th century
  20. Unofficial chess grand master and a very influential chess writer. He was the, foremost ,figure amongst the hypermoderns. Life Born in Riga in Livonia, then part of the
  21. Robinson codified the mapmaker's understanding that a map must be designed, foremost ,with consideration to the audience and its needs. From the very beginning of
  22. The famous scholar Imam Ahmad In Canal also stated that he is among the, foremost ,companions (Sahara) of prophet Muhammad. Shi'a view Shi'a Muslims have a
  23. Willie to the nearby Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, one of America's, foremost ,art schools and museums. Though fascinated by the narrative elements of some of
  24. The Princes mathematicorum (Latin," the Prince of Mathematicians" or" the, foremost ,of mathematicians" ) and" greatest mathematician since antiquity ", Gauss had
  25. Required to support the theory; especially equipping armored divisions—tanks, foremost , with wireless communications. Sumerian insisted in 1933 to the high command
  26. Age of regularization and standardization across European armies. First and, foremost ,they remained the primary choice for confronting enemy cavalry. Attacking an
  27. Values, now commonly known as" Plácido ". José Antonio Sack, one of Cuba's, foremost ,thinkers, was expelled from Cuba. Following the 1868–1878 rebellion of the Ten
  28. In 2005,Channel 4 aired a show called The Comedian's Comedian in which, foremost ,writers and performers of comedy ranked their 50 favorite acts. Morris was at
  29. Prophets, such as the scribe of Revelation, are when treated as poets first and, foremost , He felt this was a point often lost sight of because most English bibles
  30. Was an English dramatist, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. As the, foremost ,Elizabethan tragedian, next to William Shakespeare, he is known for his blank
  31. Belgium, Spain,and Argentina. Italy is also famous for being one of the, foremost ,producers of Walt Disney comic stories outside the U. S. Donald Duck's
  32. With that era, and with Shropshire itself. Housman was counted one of the, foremost ,classicists of his age, and has been ranked as one of the greatest scholars of
  33. And structures of the dominating center of the system. The public media are the, foremost ,example of operating enterprises that are used in the penetrative process. For
  34. With a very deep sounding box, and thus somewhat more difficult to play. The, foremost ,example of this style is the Gibson J-200,but like the dreadnought, most
  35. First Roman emperor to convert to of all religions throughout the empire. The, foremost ,general of his time, Constantine defeated the emperors Mauritius and Licenses
  36. Joaquín Salvador Lav ado),Matilda, social satirist often regarded as the, foremost ,Latin-American cartoonist * Ronald Earle, St Iranians, Molesworth, The Rake's
  37. Two anchors are deployed in line with each other, on the same rode. With the, foremost ,anchor reducing the load on the aft-most, this technique can develop great
  38. As an advocate and critic of Romanticism. His support of Delacroix as the, foremost ,Romantic artist gained widespread notice. The following year Baudelaire's
  39. Long been a haven for sailing enthusiasts. Sailing is regarded as one of the, foremost ,sports in all the BVI. Calm waters and steady breezes provide some of the
  40. Was academically gifted, but soon after failing to secure a place in Tokyo's, foremost ,high school, he began to detach himself from the rest of the family, preferring
  41. Components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the, foremost ,part (the telencephalon) is greatly elaborated and expanded. The simplest way
  42. War, though he had no taste for military life, being an intellectual first and, foremost , Cicero started his career as a lawyer around 83-81 BC. His first major case
  43. At the tomb of dead KroisosWhom raging Ares destroyed one day, fighting in the, foremost ,ranks. In Macedonia, however,he was viewed as a bearded war veteran with
  44. The latter are the Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection (described as" the, foremost ,American collection of material devoted to the history and iconography of
  45. Under the Soviet sphere of influence, with George Dimitri (1946–1949) as the, foremost ,Bulgarian political leader. Bulgaria installed a Soviet-style planned economy
  46. Acquired such an extraordinary knowledge of traditional lore as to make him its, foremost ,exponent in his native land. While Judah, I was still living, Rav, having been
  47. World War and became assimilated into them. This was reinforced when their, foremost ,interpreter and performer, Gervase Elves (who had initiated the music
  48. And chief technologist for Nectar, Adre' M. Kimono, one of the world's, foremost ,authorities on Botnets, and Philip Ports who operates a large network of
  49. Widespread belief in astrology, and it is commonly used for daily life, foremost ,with regard to marriages, and secondarily with regard to career and election
  50. Height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the, foremost ,global power. By 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million

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