Examples of the the word, periodically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( periodically ), is the 6495 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Network Time Protocol. *Radio clocks keep time with a quartz crystal, but are, periodically ,(often daily) synchronized to atomic clocks (UTC) with time signals from
  2. Gear train. *Computer real time clocks keep time with a quartz crystal, but are, periodically ,(usually weekly) synchronized over the internet to atomic clocks (UTC)
  3. To missionary labors preaching to the people of the Laminate nation, which, periodically , went to war against the Nephrite nation. They lived and taught among the
  4. The former colonial power. Relations with neighboring Libya, and Sudan vary, periodically , Lately, the Idris Debt regime has been waging an intermittent proxy war with
  5. A form of volatile memory which also requires the stored information to be, periodically ,re-read and re-written, or refreshed, otherwise it would vanish.:; Static
  6. Function of the time of year, and consequently the aberration also varies, periodically , This effect was used in 1727 by J Bradley to determine the speed of light as
  7. Are used in signal analysis and other fields for a convenient description for, periodically ,varying signals. For given real functions representing actual physical
  8. Over religious communities, even going so far as to order the abbots to appear, periodically ,before their respective bishops to receive reproof or advice, as might be
  9. Displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously or, periodically ,rotating among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are used for various
  10. Nova Scotia in 1821,Tupper was trained as a physician and practiced medicine, periodically ,throughout his political career (and served as the first president of the
  11. Pollution" and" electron pollution ". He told Colors magazine in 2003 that he, periodically ,breaks his fasting with a cheeseburger and a cola, explaining that when he's
  12. Day of historical Adelaide or coven. Mari was said to reside in Mount Abbot;, periodically ,she crossed the skies as a bright light to reach her other home at mount
  13. Reversing a policy originally instituted by Brigham Young. The church has also, periodically ,changed its temple ceremony, gradually omitting certain controversial elements.
  14. Sagebrush). The Bolls later bought a cottage near Dugout and lived in it, periodically ,until 2001 when they donated it to be used as an artist' residence. *
  15. For many years, the gene for such markings is a recessive and continued to, periodically ,appear in Quarter Horse foals. Thus, it is believed that some Quarter Horses
  16. By monitoring the size of the sets, the system can perform garbage collection, periodically , rather than as-needed. Also, the need to touch the entire working set each
  17. Time with a pendulum, but were wired to a master clock in the building, and, periodically , received a signal to synchronize them with the master, often on the hour. Later
  18. Is applied by the player to make the hairs sticky. Bows need to be re-haired, periodically , Baroque style (1600–1750) cello bows were much thicker and were formed with
  19. The victims might have had in their teeth. Members of these groups were killed, periodically , The capos and sonderkommandos were supervised by members of the SS; altogether
  20. Mean they are now increasingly part of artillery units. *Calibration:, periodically ,establishing the" normal" muzzle velocity of each gun as it wears. Originally
  21. Evacuation and abandonment of Londinium, was rebuilt by the Saxons, but was, periodically ,destroyed by Viking raids and storms. As the focus of trade and population was
  22. Workers work part-time in the major cities, returning home to the countryside, periodically ,with their earnings. Today, the People's Republic of China has dozens of
  23. When needed, although Knight has also incorporated using a zone defense, periodically ,after eschewing that defense for the first two decades of his coaching career.
  24. Of bonding and playing. Indoor scratching A natural behavior in cats is to, periodically ,hook their front claws into suitable surfaces and pull backwards. This marks
  25. Power stations in the UK. CND was formed in 1957 and since that time has, periodically ,been at the forefront of the peace movement in the UK. It claims to be Europe
  26. 64 AD) until Galaxies (311 AD),persecutions against Christians erupted, periodically , Consequently, Early Christian ethics included discussions of how believers
  27. There are a total of 5 different species of marine turtle that are sighted, periodically ,in the islands, the most common of these being the endangered loggerhead sea
  28. Bolting. If plants bolt despite precautions, the plant can be, periodically ,re-sown through the growing season, thus producing fresh plants as older plants
  29. The cyclic model, a variant of the erotic model in which collisions occur, periodically , In the latter model, the Big Bang was preceded by a Big Crunch and the
  30. Finishes protect the adobe wall from water damage, but need to be reapplied, periodically , or the walls can be finished with other nontraditional plasters providing
  31. Attorney General. The list of designated individuals and companies is amendeded, periodically ,and is maintained by the Office of Foreign Asset Control at the Department of
  32. Unit using a pump, avoiding the need to drain water from the indoor unit, periodically ,when running in cooling mode. A drawback of split portable units compared with
  33. Stellar aberration, because it causes the apparent position of a star to vary, periodically ,over the course of a year. The maximum amount of the aberrational displacement
  34. An electrostatic charge, which aids in the adherence of pollen. Female bees, periodically ,stop foraging and groom themselves to pack the pollen into the scope, which is
  35. Not widely used nor dependable. In the major cities, public bus transport runs, periodically ,and taxis are common. In smaller towns, there are mostly hi aces and/or taxis.
  36. In front of the star (or else that the star itself has a darker region that is, periodically ,turned toward the Earth. ) For his report he was awarded the Copley Medal. In
  37. By gears from the shaft of the second hand. *Digital clocks display the time in, periodically ,changing digits on a digital display. *Talking clocks and the speaking clock
  38. And if well managed, are reasonably safe. Septic tanks have to be pumped, periodically ,by a honey wagon to eliminate non-reducing solids. Failure to pump a septic
  39. Family spent most of WWII at Craigowan Lodge. The Lodge has been in the news, periodically ,since 2005,because the Queen often spends the first few days of her summer
  40. Been underwater. It was not a smooth process, however,and the seaway would, periodically ,rise to cover parts of the region throughout Horseshoe Canyon times before
  41. Of the working set can be allowed. This will cause programs to 'freeze ', periodically ,(and generally unpredictably),making real-time and time-critical
  42. And maintain a user group for each OF in their directory. The scripts are run, periodically ,to update the group to match the OU's account membership, but are unable to
  43. For these conditions. The same law required the National Academy of Sciences to, periodically ,review the science on dioxin and herbicides used in Vietnam to inform the
  44. 1509–1564) and John Wesley (1703–1791). The fact that Christendom has, periodically ,grafted instrumental music into the worship service probably obscures, for
  45. A remit of public service obligations which it must fulfil. The remit changes, periodically , as dictated by various broadcasting and communications acts, and is regulated
  46. Both screen axes. The player controls a spaceship in an asteroid field which is, periodically ,traversed by flying saucers. The object of the game is to shoot and destroy
  47. From an IT vendor (e.g. Microsoft, Cisco,etc.). In general, must be renewed, periodically , or may be valid for a specific period of time (e.g., the lifetime of the
  48. And guilt if their spouse objects to their behavior. Some cross-dressers have, periodically ,disposed of all their clothing, a practice called" purging ", only to start
  49. In such a way that they rarely need to be emptied or maintained other than, periodically ,cleaning the air filter. Most portable air conditioners are refrigeration based
  50. Zombies' game mode, it was shipped with only one map for this game mode, and, periodically , releases new ones with $10 DLC). Modifications Many games produced for the PC

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