Examples of the the word, slogan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slogan ), is the 6501 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A signal about what was actually happening behind the gates of Auschwitz. The, slogan ,can also be seen at the Dachau concentration camp, Gross-Rosen concentration
  2. Decade. Red Sox fans know as the season of the" Impossible Dream. " The, slogan ,refers to the hit song from the popular musical play" Man of La Manchu ". 1967
  3. Following the 7/7 bombings in London, the BNP released fliers with the, slogan ,;" maybe now it's time to start listening to the BNP ". Griffin claimed that
  4. For its popularity across the philosophical spectrum. It was used as a campaign, slogan ,by the Labour Party in the 1945 general election; Clement Attlee said they
  5. Group were Roman Catholics. (1994) * Back to Basics, a government policy, slogan ,portrayed by opponents and the press as a morality campaign to compare it with
  6. At a BNP St George's Day rally, wearing BNP badges and T-shirts, with the, slogan ," Love Britain or Fuck Off ". A retired police officer, John Plaza, stood as a
  7. Frei" was placed at the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps. The, slogan ,'s use in this instance was ordered by SS General Theodor Like, inspector of
  8. Phrase Albeit yacht free. It was adopted in 1928 by the Weimar government as a, slogan ,extolling the effects of their desired policy of large-scale public works
  9. State Museum, and a replica has been placed over the gate. Use by the Nazis The, slogan ," Albeit yacht free" was placed at the entrances to a number of Nazis
  10. And perhaps better known, phrase to describe the city is" City of Smiles" – a, slogan ,first coined by the city council in the 1930s as an advertising slogan , and
  11. As a dangerous figure by the Johnson campaign, which countered Goldwater's, slogan ," In your heart, you know he's right" with the lines" In your guts, you know
  12. First European Social Forum (ESF) was held in November 2002 in Florence. The, slogan ,was" Against the war, against racism and against neoliberalism ". It saw the
  13. The Spirit of Christmas. The name of the song is a parody of the popular, slogan ,What Would Jesus Do?. Food Network show On August 23, 2009,Food Network
  14. The" Silicon Hills" nickname in the 1990s. However, the current official, slogan ,promotes Austin as" The Live Music Capital of the World ", a reference to the
  15. Marketed only in the New York City and the San Francisco Bay areas, under the, slogan ," Do the Math ", By the end of 1994,Atari reported that they had sold
  16. Finally ended with their most recent lawsuit in 2007. Slogans Apple's first, slogan ," Byte into an Apple ", was coined in the late 1970s. From 1997 to 2002,Apple
  17. 1997–2002,Apple used the slogan Think Different in advertising campaigns. The, slogan ,had a lasting impact on their image and revived their popularity with the media
  18. No data was lost due to the non-volatility of this storage),gave birth to the, slogan ," Newton never dies, it only gets new batteries ". Later efforts and
  19. School of Fine Arts. (The studio name derives from a former BYU promotional, slogan ," The World's Most Unusual University ". ) Bob Jones, Jr. selected a speech
  20. Introduced in 1989 with the launch of the iconic" Face" advertisement. The, slogan ,was dropped in 2001,after having been overtaken by Lufthansa in terms of
  21. Party was elected to make their tax package better. They campaigned with the, slogan ," No GST on food ". In 1999,after negotiations with Prime Minister Howard, Meg
  22. Of his Presbyterian Scottish subjects, adopted " No Bishop, no King" as a, slogan ,; he tied the hierarchical authority of the bishop to the absolute authority he
  23. Members of the anti-globalization movement respond that the pro-globalization, slogan ," growth is good for the poor ", is purposefully misleading. They argue that
  24. As well as at Fort Brendon in Belgium. It has been claimed that the, slogan ,was placed over entrance gates to Auschwitz III / Luna/Monowitz. Prime Levi
  25. Use of the tax funds would be patronage for ambitious British officers. The, slogan ," No taxation without representation" summed up this American position. London
  26. Climbed to the top and showered the bankers with fake dollar bills carrying the, slogan ," No is for Ozone Layer Destruction ". A number of the demonstrators were sent
  27. Of the dictatorship he heads through their television sets, with the, slogan ," Big Brother is watching you. " Today the series is produced by Miller-Boyett
  28. City Limits. In recent years, some Austenite have also adopted the unofficial, slogan ," Keep Austin Weird ". This interpretation of the classic," Texas-style "
  29. And tax American colonists without their consent, summarised at the time by the, slogan ," No taxation without representation ". Disagreement over the American
  30. That have been operated. The campaign coincides with the adoption of the, slogan ," To Fly. To Serve ", which appears on the BA's coat of arms. BA had an
  31. For their product. These signs can be images, words,fonts, colors,or, slogan , The underlying level is made up of hidden meanings. The combination of images
  32. A million, which dwarfed the rival social democratic unions. " By the 1880s,the, slogan ," propaganda of the deed" had begun to be used both within and outside the
  33. 1982 – late 1980s –" En American, tenemos lo Que TU buses. " (Spanish, slogan , translated to" At American,we've got what you're looking for" ).
  34. But" a strong, disciplined organization with the ability to back up its, slogan ,'Defend Rights for Whites' with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch
  35. But is also meant to bolster support of local independent businesses. The, slogan ,has been interpreted many ways since its inception, but remains an important
  36. Airways advertising is" The Flower Duet" by Léo Delibes. This, and the, slogan ," The World's Favorite Airline" were introduced in 1989 with the launch of
  37. Is made up of hidden meanings. The combination of images, words,colors, and, slogan , must be interpreted by the audience or consumer. The“ key to advertising
  38. Of concentration camps and second commandant of Dachau Concentration Camp. The, slogan ,can still be seen at several sites, including over the entrance to Auschwitz I.
  39. Into an Apple ", was coined in the late 1970s. From 1997 to 2002,Apple used the, slogan ,Think Different in advertising campaigns. The slogan had a lasting impact on
  40. A counter-event to the World Economic Forum held in Davos at the same time. The, slogan ,of the WSF is" Another World Is Possible ". An International Council (IC)
  41. Rival, Virgin Atlantic, quickly adopted the British flag along with the, slogan ," Britain's national flag carrier ". On 6 June 1999,BA CEO Bob Ailing
  42. Since 1989. The recent version of this melody was shown in 2007,with a new, slogan ," Upgrade to British Airways ". In September 2011,BA launched its biggest
  43. They hope to have finances for the trail next year. Music As Austin's official, slogan ,is The Live Music Capital of the World, the city has a vibrant live music scene
  44. And went through a name change to Reprise Corporation (the name came from the, slogan ,Integrating the Enterprise). The idea was to integrate Borland's tools
  45. Image and revived their popularity with the media and customers. Although the, slogan ,has been retired, it is still closely associated with Apple. Apple also has
  46. Is a German phrase meaning" work sets you free" or" work liberates ". The, slogan ,is known for having been placed over the entrances to a number of Nazis
  47. Brochures and local politicians to refer to the town with the tongue-in-cheek, slogan ," The world's smallest big city" reflecting the fact that the city has
  48. Carnival rides, concerts and food. " Alaska Grown" is used as an agricultural, slogan , Alaska has an abundance of seafood, with the primary fisheries in the Bering
  49. A slogan first coined by the city council in the 1930s as an advertising, slogan , and which subsequently is used widely in popular culture today. Main sights *
  50. Which had been founded specially for this purpose, and advertised with the, slogan ," From Russia with Love" ( on NEW:" From Russia With Fun! "). Because he was

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