Examples of the the word, harness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harness ), is the 6494 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The flex wing pilot is suspended beneath the wing by a strap attached to his, harness , The pilot lies prone (sometimes supine) within a large, triangular,metal
  2. Overcheck, the carbon, de Rogue, grazing reins, draw reins and the" batting, harness ," or" batting rig ". However, most of this equipment is used for training
  3. Following birth. Most domesticated horses begin training under saddle or in, harness ,between the ages of two and four. They reach full adult development by age five
  4. During and after the Cold War, and both governments made several attempts to, harness ,it as an intelligence gathering tool. According to skeptics, clairvoyance is
  5. Home to an auto racetrack, Flamboro Speedway and Canada's fastest half-mile, harness ,horse racing track, Flamboro Downs. Another auto racetrack, Cayuga
  6. Are not required in pair skating and ice dancing. Rink equipment Some rinks use, harness ,systems to help skaters learn jumps in a controlled manner. The ice rink
  7. 826 (1997). Future power generation Scientists are investigating ways to, harness ,the wind energy within the jet stream. According to one estimate, of the
  8. Seafood, a campaign of concerts, sporting events and other activities to, harness ,the power of media, celebrities and concerned citizens to help fight hunger.
  9. It was not until the early 20th century that the Haber process was developed to, harness ,the atmospheric abundance of nitrogen to create ammonia, which can then be
  10. Anatole Process, or GAP) in the 1970s,Turkey launched an ambitious plan to, harness ,the waters of the Tigris and the Euphrates for irrigation and hydroelectricity
  11. Bulgaria Image: Jacquard. Loom. Hooks. JPG|Close-up view of comber board, harness , mails, weights (Lingoes) and warp with 1040 ends File: WLAN - jpa2003 -
  12. For certain talents. For example, Standardbreds are known for their speed in, harness ,racing. Some breeds have been developed through centuries of crossings with
  13. Is punched out of the card or the card is solid. The hook raises or lowers the, harness , which carries and guides the warp thread so that the weft will either lie
  14. Hames in the collar. The traces attach from the hams to the load. This type of, harness ,is needed for heavy draft work. A hybrid type, known as a" dollar "
  15. Complex that, in order to manage it successfully, programmers need to, harness ,every trick and abstraction possible. When expressing the abstract nature of
  16. Specifically measured by the amount of energy a civilization is able to, harness , The Kaddishes scale makes provisions for civilizations far more
  17. That he derived as a solution: a shell or cloud of objects enclosing a star to, harness ,as much radiant energy as possible. Such a feat of astroengineering would
  18. But does not have rigid hams. Both types will also have a bridle & reins. A, harness ,that is used to support shafts, such as on a cart pulled by a single horse
  19. And saxophone player and producer (b. 1926) *1986 – Billy Haughton, American, harness , driver and trainer (b. 1923) *1989 – Laurie Cunningham, English footballer (
  20. The world. They host a huge range of classes, covering all the mounted and, harness ,disciplines, as well as" In-hand" classes where the horses are led, rather
  21. S appointments were designed to keep both the moderate and Radical factions in, harness , To fill the late Chief Justice Taney's seat on the Supreme Court, he named
  22. Added to the guitar, or a" classical guitar strap" ( also called a" guitar, harness ," or" neck strap" ) can be used, which supports the guitar by hooking into
  23. As knives (for cutting their parachute bridle after impact or cutting their, harness ,lines and straps in case of a tree or water landing),light ropes (for
  24. Legions, the mail hauberk of the early medieval age, and the full steel plate, harness ,worn by later Medieval and Renaissance knights, and breast and backplates worn
  25. Seen mainly for pulling and plowing competitions rather than farm work. Heavy, harness ,horses are now used as an outcross with lighter breeds, such as the
  26. The generation of hydroelectricity, Nehru also launched India's program to, harness ,nuclear energy. For most of Nehru's term as prime minister, India would
  27. Possible to play while standing up if the player uses a neck strap or similar, harness , or if the seat strap is tied to the belt. Sometimes a device called a balance
  28. Of a series of military commanders who had employed him. Carleton saw a way to, harness ,the anxieties that had been stirred up in New Mexico by the Confederate
  29. The late 20th century those they characterized as" ruling elites" sought to, harness ,the expansion of world markets for their own interests; this combination of the
  30. Century Age of Enlightenment in all European countries. By about 1400 the full, harness ,of plate armor had been developed in armories of Lombardy Heavy cavalry
  31. And then to the load. This is used only for lighter loads. A collar and hams, harness ,has a collar around the horses' neck with wood or metal hams in the collar.
  32. An aluminum alloy or composite-framed fabric wing. The pilot is ensconced in a, harness ,suspended from the airframe, and exercises control by shifting body weight in
  33. Psychotherapists using an existentialist approach believe that a patient can, harness ,his anxiety and use it constructively. Instead of suppressing anxiety, patients
  34. The popularity of hang gliding. Pilots may carry a backup parachute in the, harness , In case of serious problems the parachute is deployed and carries both pilot
  35. To Veronica if she does not cooperate. Veronica instead tricks J. D. by using a, harness ,to make it look like she has hanged herself. Heartbroken, he reveals his plan
  36. Across the chair seat prior to sitting down, or 2) a neck strap or shoulder, harness ,attached to the top of the boot joint. Occasionally a spike similar to those
  37. Organization Deutsche Weekend was formed in 1907 by Hermann Thesis to, harness ,the new potentials of mass production, with a mind towards preserving Germany
  38. Style. These differ in how the weight of the load is attached. A breast strap, harness ,has a wide leather strap going horizontally across the horses' breast
  39. As the Monster Mile, hosts two NASCAR races each year. Dover Downs is a popular, harness ,racing facility. It is the only co-located horse and car-racing facility in the
  40. And politicians but largely ignored the common people and thereby failed to, harness ,Confederate nationalism by directing the energies of the people into winning
  41. Abilities of American students. This campaign states that it plans to, harness ,the power of interactive games to help achieve the goal of students excelling
  42. Water imagery is also related to the divine and nature, and the poet is able to, harness ,tap into nature in a way Kublai Khan cannot in order to harness its power.
  43. As on a cart pulled by a single horse, will also have a saddle attached to the, harness ,to help the horse support the shafts and breaching to brake the forward motion
  44. The four-beat walk, which averages; the two-beat trot or jog at (faster for, harness ,racing horses); the canter or lope, a three-beat gait that is; and the gallop.
  45. Beach, Austrian-American actress (d. 1996) * 1940 – Here Million, Canadian, harness , racer * 1942 – Luna Passed, Syrian/Arab actress and United Nations Goodwill
  46. A bridle or other headgear. Many horses are also driven, which requires a, harness , bridle, and some type of vehicle. Sport Historically, equestrians honed their
  47. Is the appropriate production of different sets of goods. The government can, harness ,land, labor,and capital to serve the economic objectives of the state.
  48. Universe is a hypercomputer, and it is possible to build physical devices to, harness ,this property and calculate non-recursive functions. For example, it is an open
  49. Steering and stopping should be done with the legs and seat. Harness A horse, harness ,is a set of devices and straps that attaches a horse to a cart, carriage
  50. Horse collar by the 5th century was also a great improvement from the breast, harness , allowing the horse to haul greater weight without heavy burden on its skeletal

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