Examples of the the word, disregard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disregard ), is the 6499 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Focal point. Some virtue ethicists hold that consequentialism theories totally, disregard ,the development and importance of moral character. For example, Philippa Foot
  2. Regarding the subject: academic researchers and members of the mainstream press, disregard ,any critics and study the subject in the canonical viewpoint. Critics don't
  3. Marriages contracted for several years' were prohibited; and any who might, disregard ,this regulation were to be 'punished as fornicators' ". By the 18th century
  4. Suck out Mildred's blood with a machine and insert new blood into her. Their, disregard ,for Mildred forces Montag to question the state of society. Later, he finds out
  5. User Data gram Protocol (UDP) and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), disregard , MTU size thereby forcing IP to fragment oversized data grams. IP addressing and
  6. Modern English usage to apply to any outrageous act or exhibition of pride or, disregard ,for basic moral laws. Such an act may be referred to as an" act of hubris "
  7. Of defendant liability for" deliberate ignorance" and" reckless, disregard ," of the truth; # Restoration of the" preponderance of the evidence" standard
  8. Came under heavy fire for the continuation of the polarization policy, its, disregard , for social problems and other important issues in Ecuadorean politics. Retired
  9. Of military glory, but from incapacity, military habits, and habitual, disregard ,of laws and constitutional provisions, altogether unfit for the office. "
  10. To suppress dissidents. Credible reports surfaced of widespread violence and, disregard ,for human rights by the security forces during these operations, and the level
  11. Output function at all is known as a semiautomaton or transition system. If we, disregard ,the first output symbol of a Moore machine, \omega (s_0),then it can be
  12. Were very popular because of their comedic content, but the public tended to, disregard ,his messages and enjoy his work as pure entertainment. He was acutely aware of
  13. Dubbed because of the illiteracy. Occasionally, dubbing teams can show some, disregard ,for the meaning and setting of the movies, regardless of their perceived
  14. Though names do not yet exist to distinguish the various types. Some alphabets, disregard ,tone entirely, especially when it does not carry a heavy functional load, as in
  15. Items from a dumpster is technically theft. However, the police will routinely, disregard ,dumpster divers due to the zero value of the items—there is only one case known
  16. Acquired a large public audience as a critic of the then Labor government's, disregard ,of civil liberties; his writings from this time are collected in Writing By
  17. Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which reads," Whereas, disregard ,and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have
  18. In this regard, Amnesty International has shown concern for the continuous, disregard ,on the recommendations issued by the agency to prevent the alleged abuses to
  19. Presley expressed respect for African American performers and their music, and, disregard , for the norms of segregation and racial prejudice then prevalent in the South.
  20. By its practitioners, who may dislike the term for its perceived connotation of, disregard ,for safety). Many of the skills involved in caving can also be put to use in
  21. Are two to four heads tall. Some anime works like Crayon Shanahan completely, disregard ,these proportions, such that they resemble Western cartoons. For exaggeration
  22. Has said," Gernsback's venality and corruption, his sleaziness and his utter, disregard ,for the financial rights of authors, have been so well documented and discussed
  23. Magnificent, who controlled Renaissance Florence. Note that these definitions, disregard ,some alleged dictators,e.g. Benito Mussolini, who are not interested in the
  24. And perhaps even mystery that surrounds expertise does not cause the layman to, disregard ,the opinion of the experts on account of the unknown. Instead, the complete
  25. His committing crimes, but he ascribes this meaning to his past. However, to, disregard ,one's activity when one, in the continual process of self-making, projects
  26. That was marred by infamous controversies. During his rule, Elagabalus showed a, disregard ,for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos. He replaced the traditional
  27. Theology, based on warnings by Jesus to Jews not to use him as an excuse to, disregard ,it, and they support efforts of those such as Messianic Jews (Messianic
  28. Explanations ad hoc and lacking rigor, and state that they are used simply to, disregard ,the negative experiments—symptoms of pathological science. Attempts at
  29. Include deaths arising from" intentionally or knowingly reckless and depraved, disregard ,for life "; this brings into account many deaths arising through various
  30. Followers formally reorganized themselves outside, and with specific, disregard ,for the church's governing laws. He says the same is true of Pace when he
  31. Which argues that those using the term are manipulating their audience to, disregard ,the topic under discussion, either in a deliberate attempt to conceal the truth
  32. Half human ". The BBC's FAQ for the program notes that" purists tend to, disregard ,this ", instead focusing on his Gallifreyan heritage. The very first episode
  33. The science of morality, arguments he believes scientists happily and rightly, disregard ,in other domains of science like physics. For example, a scientist may find
  34. The Chilean repressive regime before, during,and after the coup, with reckless, disregard ,for the lives and well-being of the victims and their families. The United
  35. Of the synoptic and the" theological" approach of John, and began to, disregard ,John as a historical source. Current scholarship, however,emphasizes that all
  36. On grasses and aquatic plants, They will select the leaves of one species and, disregard ,other species surrounding it. Capybaras eat a greater variety of plants during
  37. Scientists filed suit against the Board of Directors, alleging a willful, disregard ,for the Manual of the Mother Church in its financial dealings. The suit was
  38. Behaviorism — when people strive for external compliance with the law, yet, disregard , the importance of inner devotion. Prophetic Inspiration After the Prophets
  39. Class, it sets the stage for the Tales to reflect both a respect for and a, disregard ,for upper class rules. Helen Cooper, as well as Mikhail Bakunin and Derek
  40. Injury or despicable conduct which is carried with a willful and conscious, disregard ,for the rights of others ". Biafra's appeal was denied; he had to pay the
  41. Measures:" I do not think there is another legislature in Europe that would, disregard ,such suffering as now exists in the west of Ireland, or coldly persist in a
  42. Italian Lazaro Spallanzani (1729–99) was among early physicians to, disregard ,Galen's theories, and in 1780 he gave experimental proof on the action of
  43. Of his superiors for his arrogance and dictatorial ways, and also for his, disregard ,of convention when it obstructed military effectiveness. For example, he set up
  44. Of screen space through the use of numerous repeated camera setups,a, disregard ,for the traditional 180-degree axis of action around which Hollywood scenes
  45. Was among the largest on the Eastern Front and was marked by its brutality and, disregard ,for military and civilian casualties. It was among the bloodiest battles in
  46. Previously, reproaching him for having taken the oath of allegiance in apparent, disregard ,of his duty to the pope. Blackwell had survived the arch priest controversy of a
  47. The public to invest in risky companies, despite many of the companies ', disregard ,for basic financial and even legal principles. In spite of this, however,a few
  48. Or intentional poisoning with heavy water is unlikely to the point of practical, disregard , Heavy water was first produced in 1932,a few months after the discovery of
  49. Killed more men than Cecil B. Demise. " This was in reference to DeMille's, disregard ,for the safety of his actors. With Demise renowned for his flamboyance and
  50. Me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is loyalty and, disregard ,for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with me until I

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