Examples of the the word, exotic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exotic ), is the 6481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Because of its attractive grain. Warwick bass guitars are also well known for, exotic ,hardwoods: most of the necks are made of Bangkok, and the fingerboards wedge
  2. Ancient Egyptians engaged in trade with their foreign neighbors to obtain rare, exotic ,goods not found in Egypt. In the Predynastic Period, they established trade
  3. Detailed flower bouquets, which typically consisted of tulips, roses and an, exotic ,species. Legacy, were among those to uphold the Bosschaert dynasty which
  4. Usually refers to quarks - baryons made of three quarks (B + + 1). Other, exotic ,baryons have been proposed, such as pentaquarks — baryons made of four quarks
  5. After translation and translocation to the endoplasmic reticulum, as in, exotic ,sea-dwelling organisms such as cone snails. They are also abundant components
  6. Survived human impact quite well, and it is commonly found in hedges or among, exotic ,trees. More recent introductions could become a serious threat, like
  7. The pair (m, n ) is said to be regular, otherwise it is called irregular or, exotic , If (m, n ) is regular and M and N have I and j prime factors respectively
  8. In Geneva. Name nature419_6906_439/> name BBC20021030/> Other, exotic ,atoms have been created by replacing one of the protons, neutrons or electrons
  9. Then Bannock and Mike left, and Maize Williams brought in Bobby Farrell,an, exotic ,male dancer from Aruba. Singer Marcia Barrett (also from Jamaica) joined the
  10. Inferior plastic ferrules. A quality cue can be expensive and may be made of, exotic ,woods and other expensive materials which are artfully inlaid in decorative
  11. 1819. Shortly after this discovery, the Santa Caves became renowned for their, exotic ,setting, impressive architecture, historic artwork, and long-forgotten history.
  12. 10−21 s. 6Be is also very short-lived with a half-life of 5.0 × 10−21 s. The, exotic ,isotopes 11Be and 14Be are known to exhibit a nuclear halo. This phenomenon can
  13. Not be a coincidence that this trend coincided with a national obsession with, exotic ,flowers which made flower portraits highly sought after. Although he was highly
  14. Usually takes one of three meanings: *One whose travels are unusual and often, exotic , though not so unique as to qualify as exploration. *One who takes part in a
  15. Cuisine revolves around meat. It is rich and aromatic, with a liberal use of, exotic ,spices and ghee (clarified butter). Lamb, chicken,and fish are the most
  16. Declined in popularity. In popular music, it is now generally considered, exotic ,or old-fashioned to include the accordion, especially in music for
  17. It was believed that some experiments showed the existence of pentaquarks — ", exotic ," baryons made of four quarks and one antiquary. The particle physics community
  18. Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials. * The development of, exotic ,energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons
  19. Of time travel and teleportation technology. * The development of unusual and, exotic ,propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program. * Activities related to a
  20. For Type Ia supernovae. Precise modern models of the Big Bang appeal to various, exotic ,physical phenomena that have not been observed in terrestrial laboratory
  21. Became an increasingly important center on the trade route with the orient, as, exotic , luxuries were in high demand in Rome. Although the Romans had a more hostile
  22. Available, they typically feature delicacies like liver, chicken feet or other, exotic ,meat dishes that might deter Western customers. In New York's Chinatown, the
  23. The action as happening in America. In addition to making a relatively, exotic ,sound, Weill manages to incorporate the jazz style in the song without making
  24. Another TRS-80 clone),the Luxor ABC 80 and the Apple II. They also sold the, exotic ,Olivetti M20,a very early 16-bit personal computer that was one of the very
  25. Neoclassicism, it is a deeply-felt style which is individualistic, beautiful, exotic , and emotionally wrought. Although Romanticism and Neoclassicism were
  26. Hosting of magnificent games in Rome. It lasted a number of days, and a host of, exotic ,animals were killed, including elephants, giraffes,tigers, rhinoceroses
  27. Typical pets such as dogs/puppies and cats/kittens Kelly was also shown to keep, exotic ,animals such as deer, possums,a bear named Fair child, some goats, a raccoon
  28. Scanlines as the monitor's electron beam traced the screen line by line. This, exotic ,technique did not leave many CPU cycles available for other processing, so this
  29. Hip hop as other groups had done. Torch has said," What the Americans do is, exotic ,for us because we don't live like they do. What they do seems to be more
  30. Increased populations of native pure fish (Galaxies maculate),whereas the, exotic ,brook trout (Javelins fontinas) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss)
  31. Vegetables, and the selection is vegetarian-friendly. This new cuisine has, exotic ,ingredients like mangos and portabello mushrooms. Brown rice is often offered
  32. In 1995. The study found that there was" no verifiable evidence" of, exotic ,felines loose in Britain, and that the mauled farm animals could have been
  33. BDSM subculture. Padded handcuffs, latex and leather garments, as well as more, exotic ,items like soft whips for fondling and TENS for erotic electron stimulation can
  34. Hangar 51" government warehouse of the Indiana Jones films stores, among other, exotic ,items, the Ark of the Covenant and an alien corpse from Roswell. The television
  35. During the 1850s,new plantations were established around the house, and, exotic , conifers were planted in the grounds. Prince Albert had an active role in these
  36. Brazil nuts and a few other products of minor importance, such as pelts and, exotic ,forest produce (resins, barks,woven hammocks, prized bird feathers, live
  37. Suggested that the road's main purpose was to transport local and, exotic ,goods inside and outside the canyon. Someone also suggested that these large
  38. The black hole causing it to slow down. Formation and evolution Considering the, exotic ,nature of black holes, it may be natural to question if such bizarre objects
  39. In March 1514 King Manuel I of Portugal had sent to Pope Leo X a huge and, exotic ,embassy led by Tristan the Cuba, who toured the streets of Rome in a
  40. Dynasty times, leather armor was made out of various animals, with more, exotic ,ones such as the rhinoceros. Mail, sometimes called" chain mail ", made of
  41. In Farmhouse (" Caesar on Pharmacist" ), both drawing on the heroic and, exotic ,success established with Amur. His late opera based on William Shakespeare's
  42. Of heterosexual anal sex behaviors and suggests that there is a role for the, exotic ,in the sexual repertoires of some heterosexuals" " For a certain number of
  43. Higher-technology collector feasible. Such collectors can use relatively, exotic ,technologies, such as vacuum insulation, and reflective concentration of
  44. 2007 Educational Forum. Cuisine Beninese cuisine is known in Africa for its and, exotic ,ingredients and flavorful dishes. Beninese cuisine involves lots of fresh meals
  45. Being the annual Crop Over festival July/Aug),sightseeing, cave exploration, exotic ,drinks and fine clothes shopping. Attractions, landmarks and points of interest
  46. Topology. Grothendieck introduced Grothendieck topologies having in mind more, exotic ,but geometrically finer and more sensitive examples than the crude Paris
  47. Ordinary matter as neutrinos or free electrons; however, it may also include, exotic ,species of non-baryonic dark matter, such as supersymmetric particles, axions
  48. And continental crust; this difference may act as an isotopic signature. The, exotic ,17B exhibits a nuclear halo,i.e. its radius is appreciably larger than that
  49. Test; Al-Hakam): situated in the east of Algiers, it extends over and contains, exotic ,plants and gardens. It was created in 1832 by A. Hardy. * Villa Abd-el-Hair
  50. Execution, everyone sings the" Bewares Song ", in which they long for that, exotic ,city" where the sun is shining. " But Bewares has been destroyed by an

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