Examples of the the word, biodiversity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( biodiversity ), is the 6485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taylor and Wilson,2003). Extinction There was a progressive decline in, biodiversity ,during the Maastrichtian stage of the Cretaceous Period prior to the suggested
  2. Vertebrates at the time fared poorly through this event with large losses in, biodiversity ,; reptiles continued to diversify due to key adaptations that let them survive
  3. Are able to move on after doing permanent damage to the natural capital and, biodiversity ,of a nation, in a manner impossible for that nation's citizens. Activists '
  4. Honduras, Nicaragua,and Panama. Central America is part of the Mesoamerican, biodiversity ,hotspot, which extends from Northern Guatemala through central Panama. It is
  5. Hatch and lower pHs can kill adult fish. As lakes and rivers become more acidic, biodiversity ,is reduced. Acid rain has eliminated insect life and some fish species
  6. When one cultivar is planted on a large acreage. Because of the low, biodiversity , nutrient use is uniform and pests tend to build up, necessitating the greater
  7. The Convention has three main goals: #conservation of biological diversity (or, biodiversity ,); #sustainable use of its components; and #fair and equitable sharing of
  8. Have been discovered in Borneo since 1996,underscoring its unparalleled, biodiversity , In the 18-month period from July 2005 until December 2006,another 52 new
  9. Sampled and studied in ecosystems has made them useful as indicator species in, biodiversity ,studies. Morphology Ants are distinct in their morphology from other insects in
  10. Data (specimens, observations,etc. of living organisms),i.e. primary, biodiversity ,data In non-profits * Action for Boston Community Development, Inc. (BCD),a
  11. Hinterlands of Northern Borneo. Further deforestation and destruction of the, biodiversity ,are anticipated in the wake of logging commissions, hydroelectric dams and
  12. Biological Corridor which stretches from southern Mexico to Panama,Belize's, biodiversity ,– both marine and terrestrial – is rich, with abundant flora and fauna. Belize
  13. Suggested ecological crisis induced by events at the K–T boundary. Furthermore, biodiversity ,required a substantial amount of time to recover from the K-T event, despite
  14. Type, however,is a compromise, as it has an intrinsic in homogeneity. The, biodiversity ,characteristic of each extinction, especially the diversity of fauna and
  15. The central countries (Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador) have least, biodiversity , President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, however,established diplomatic relations
  16. To genetically fingerprint phage communities or populations and estimate viral, biodiversity ,by metagenomics. The lysis of bacteria by phages releases organic carbon that
  17. The Earth's ecosystems, and is considered the driving force in the loss of, biodiversity , Estimates of the amount of land transformed by humans vary from 39 to 50 %. Land
  18. History of Indonesia with concluding remarks on importance of biogeography and, biodiversity ,that are frequently cited in modern conservation circles. * 1864:
  19. Corcovado National Park, is internationally renowned among ecologists for its, biodiversity ,(including big cats and tapirs) and where visitors can expect to see an
  20. Governments and/or local communities that provided the traditional knowledge or, biodiversity ,resources utilized). * Access to and transfer of technology, including
  21. Many plants, birds and rocks. Although Lapland was a region with limited, biodiversity , Linnaeus described about 100 previously unidentified plants. These became the
  22. Is part of the Mesoamerican Biodiversity hotspot, boasting 7 % of the world's, biodiversity , As a bridge between North and South America, Central America has many species
  23. Functioning of the ecosystem and can permanently alter species composition and, biodiversity , By catch, the capture of unintended species in the course of fishing, is
  24. The year. With the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado, sustaining the greatest, biodiversity , In the south, the Araucanía pine forest grows under temperate conditions.
  25. Has been affected. Expansion of pastures for cattle raising has reduced natural, biodiversity ,in the savannas. Swine effluents constitute a serious environmental problem in
  26. River system has a high incidence of endemic among freshwater mollusks and, biodiversity ,is high. In Alabama, vast forests of pine constitute the largest proportion of
  27. Declines are thus perceived as one of the most critical threats to global, biodiversity , A number of causes are believed to be involved, including habitat destruction
  28. In the afternoon to adopt recommendations on inland waters biodiversity , marine, biodiversity , invasive alien species and biodiversity and climate change. The current
  29. Stretches more than. It is the richest tropical forest in the world in terms of, biodiversity , There are over 2,100 species of fish currently recognized in the Amazon Basin
  30. Ecology Like all Central American countries, Costa Rica is considered part of a, biodiversity ,hotspot. According to the Indio, about 4.5 % of the world's biodiversity can
  31. On inland waters biodiversity , marine biodiversity , invasive alien species and, biodiversity ,and climate change. The current chairperson of the SBS TTA is Dr. Affair
  32. Deforestation and land degradation, livestock is also driving reductions in, biodiversity , Land transformation and degradation Land transformation, the use of land to
  33. Has only about 0.25 % of the world's landmass, it contains 5 % of the world's, biodiversity , Around 25 % of the country's land area is in protected national parks and
  34. To be low. If abiotic stress does not have a strong presence in an area,the, biodiversity ,will be much higher. Name "/IN"> brass"/> This idea leads into the
  35. Plenary convened in the afternoon to adopt recommendations on inland waters, biodiversity , marine biodiversity , invasive alien species and biodiversity and climate
  36. The southern countries (Costa Rica and Panama) of the region have more, biodiversity ,than the northern countries (Guatemala and Belize),meanwhile the central
  37. And one of them is abiotic stress. If an environment is highly stressful, biodiversity ,tends to be low. If abiotic stress does not have a strong presence in an area
  38. On sustainable development agreements, including the conventions on climate and, biodiversity , The Ministry of Environment was created in late 1992,after President Color
  39. Honoured by having craters on Mars and the Moon named after him. *A center for, biodiversity ,research in Sarawak named in his memory was proposed in 2005. *The Geography
  40. Of plants, animals,and insects crucial to the food chain. The high level of, biodiversity ,creates a high level of biological activity, which has attracted human activity
  41. Flora and fauna. Belize is also a leader where it comes to protecting its, biodiversity ,and natural resources. Recent (July 2010) information from the
  42. National Nature Reserve was established in August 1983. It is of significant, biodiversity ,value as it is in the flow of the Indonesian Through flow ocean current from the
  43. On the in-depth reviews of the work programs on agricultural and forest, biodiversity ,and SBS TTA’s modus operandi for the consideration of new and emerging issues.
  44. Governments and/or local communities that provided traditional knowledge and/or, biodiversity ,resources. * National reporting on efforts to implement treaty commitments.
  45. Of a biodiversity hotspot. According to the Indio, about 4.5 % of the world's, biodiversity ,can be found in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is home to about 12,119 species of
  46. Anthropogenic biomes Humans have fundamentally altered global patterns of, biodiversity ,and ecosystem processes. As a result, vegetation forms predicted by
  47. Remaining forests, which survive almost exclusively in the mountains. Fauna The, biodiversity ,of Andalusia extends to its fauna as well. More than 400 of the 630 vertebrate
  48. Then. These projects are part of a vision to protect and restore the indigenous, biodiversity , Niger Since 1975,Niger has celebrated Arbor Day as part
  49. Along the border with Thailand have resulted in habitat loss and declining, biodiversity ,(in particular, destruction of mangrove swamps threatens natural fisheries);
  50. Evolutionary creationists maintain that, although evolution accounts for, biodiversity , evolution itself is cosmological attributable to a Creator deity. When

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