Examples of the the word, inhibit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inhibit ), is the 6491 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Uncontrolled apoptosis, when stimulated. Treatments aiming to, inhibit ,apoptosis work to simultaneously inhibit the expression of pro-apoptotic
  2. But typically occurs at night. The stabilizing effect of Lake Erie continues to, inhibit ,thunderstorms and enhance sunshine in the immediate Buffalo area through most
  3. Executive function. Briefly, this is the ability of an individual to initiate, inhibit , sustain, and switch attention and is involved in the organization of complex
  4. Apoptosis can be blocked by use of Flips (FLICE- inhibit ory proteins, which, inhibit ,caspases-8 and -10),Bcl-2 (which prevents cytochrome c release and the
  5. Reuptake inhibit ors Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibit ors, inhibit ,the neuronal reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). These
  6. Anti-inflammatory. Newer NSAID drugs, COX 2 inhibit ors, have been developed to, inhibit ,only PTGS2,with the intent to reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal side
  7. In the thyroid gland, and can bind to receptors on osteoclasts to directly, inhibit ,osteoclast activity. Osteoprotegerin is secreted by osteoblasts and is able to
  8. Terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and, inhibit , other oxidation reactions. They do this by being oxidized themselves, so
  9. And track sharing with intercity and freight services on parts of the network, inhibit ,higher frequencies on some tracks. The main systems include: *Trail in
  10. Failure. Originally synthesized from compounds found in pit viper venom, they, inhibit , angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE),a component of the blood
  11. To be able to use language. Disorders of consciousness Medical conditions that, inhibit ,consciousness are considered disorders of consciousness. Differential diagnosis
  12. Apoptosis. Several viruses encode viral homology of Bcl-2. These homology can, inhibit ,pro-apoptotic proteins such as BAX and BACK, which are essential for the
  13. Of academic writing is to" inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and, inhibit , clarity," titled The Dynamics of Interbank and Monological Imperatives in
  14. And medical schools. The extracts are generally no longer used to reduce or, inhibit ,tumor growth, for which verifiable results have been found in vitro and in
  15. Oral contraceptives, some antibiotics, antidepressants,and antifungal agents, inhibit ,cytochrome enzymes in the liver. They reduce the rate of elimination of the
  16. Inhibitors such as clavulanate, sulbactam, and tazobactam in vitro, inhibit ,most SBS, but the clinical effectiveness of beta-lactam/beta-lactamase
  17. And activity, and decreased need for sleep. Generally, hypomania does not, inhibit ,functioning like mania. Many people with hypomania are actually in fact more
  18. It suggested that if one is planning a restful holiday, and they do not wish to, inhibit ,their bodybuilding lifestyle too much, they should overtrain before taking the
  19. By the 1960s thought the main therapeutic action of tricyclics was to, inhibit ,norepinephrine reuptake, but it was gradually observed that this action was
  20. To remove damaged tissue. As a result, excessive antioxidant levels may, inhibit ,recovery and adaptation mechanisms. Antioxidant supplements may also prevent
  21. Antimicrobial activity and many plant products have been shown to, inhibit ,growth of pathogenic bacteria. A number of these agents appear to have
  22. Are controlled by a number of chemical factors that either promote or, inhibit ,the activity of the bone remodeling cells, controlling the rate at which bone
  23. Bacteriostatic antibiotics slow their growth or reproduction. Antibiotics that, inhibit ,cell wall synthesis: the Beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillin derivatives (
  24. The cost of screening and diagnosis and the challenge of obtaining payment can, inhibit ,or delay diagnosis. It is particularly hard to diagnose autism among the
  25. Is more. SET, NET,and DAT correspond to the abilities of the compounds to, inhibit ,the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine,and dopamine, respectively. The
  26. Effects (antipyretic, anti-inflammatory,analgesic) to other NSAIDs and, inhibit ,the same enzyme cyclooxygenase, they do so in an irreversible manner and unlike
  27. When Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch observed that an airborne bacillus could, inhibit ,the growth of Bacillus anthracite. These drugs were later renamed antibiotics by
  28. These signals may positively (i.e., trigger ) or negatively (i.e., repress, inhibit , or dampen) affect apoptosis. (Binding and subsequent trigger of apoptosis by
  29. The adenovirus E1B 19K protein. Some viruses express cascade inhibit ors that, inhibit ,cascade activity and an example is the Coma protein of cowpox viruses. Whilst a
  30. Aspirin and the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), inhibit , cyclooxygenases, leading to a decrease in prostaglandin production. This
  31. Church of England has tended to influence Anglican self-identity, and, inhibit , engagement with the broader society in favor of internal debate and dialogue.
  32. Booster Systems Engineer Jenny M. Howard acted quickly to command the crew to, inhibit ,any further automatic SOME shutdowns based on readings from the remaining
  33. To common antibacterials. For example, some resistance-modifying agents may, inhibit ,multidrug resistance mechanisms, such as drug efflux from the cell, thus
  34. For reducing the incidence of heart attacks. 40 mg of aspirin a day is able to, inhibit ,a large proportion of maximum thromboxane A2 release provoked acutely, with the
  35. Change associated with apoptosis. Bcl-2 proteins are able to promote or, inhibit ,apoptosis by direct action on MAC/MMPP. BAX and/or Back form the pore, while
  36. Antagonize the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 pathway, or introduce SMAC mimetic to, inhibit ,the inhibit or (Maps). The addition of agents such as Herceptin, Iressa or
  37. Most commonly used for neuropathic pain as their mechanism of action tends to, inhibit ,pain sensation. Specific forms and uses Combinations Analgesics are frequently
  38. Witnesses of crimes from taking any action. Even in policed societies, fear may, inhibit ,from reporting incidents or from co-operating in a trial. * Victims, on their
  39. The secondary stage, the lager clears and mellows. The cooler conditions also, inhibit ,the natural production of esters and other byproducts, resulting in a "
  40. Furthermore, many viruses express p53 inhibit ors that can bind p53 and, inhibit ,its transcriptional transactivation activity. Consequently, p53 cannot induce
  41. Scottish musical community, and has proven that her profound deafness does not, inhibit ,her musical talent or day-to-day life. Aztlan Underground is a fusion band from
  42. Act by antagonizing the serotonin 5-HT2C receptor which normally acts to, inhibit ,norepinephrine and dopamine release, thereby promoting outflow of these
  43. Speed with which it may dry and the possible presence of phytotoxins that may, inhibit ,germination, and the possible tie up of nitrogen by incompletely decomposed
  44. By the COX2 (inducible) enzyme. The COX2 inhibit ors were thus developed to, inhibit ,only the COX2 enzyme (traditional NSAIDs block both versions in general).
  45. To compete with Penicillin G for renal tubular secretion. Aspirin may also, inhibit ,the absorption of vitamin C. Chemical properties Aspirin, an acetyl derivative
  46. Action on MAC/MMPP. BAX and/or Back form the pore, while Bcl-2,Ball or Mcl-1, inhibit , its formation. Direct signal transduction Two theories of the direct initiation
  47. About possible benefits of Aloe gel taken internally. Components of Aloe may, inhibit ,tumor growth. There have been some studies in animal models which indicate that
  48. Alertness and reduces drowsiness while the patient is active, but does not, inhibit ,normal sleep. These medications can also restore sexual drive, although this is
  49. Treatments aiming to inhibit apoptosis work to simultaneously, inhibit ,the expression of pro-apoptotic factors and promote the expression of
  50. The infected cell to undergo apoptosis. Most viruses encode proteins that can, inhibit ,apoptosis. Several viruses encode viral homology of Bcl-2. These homology can

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