Examples of the the word, infected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infected ), is the 6496 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tips with snake venom, human blood, and animal feces to cause wounds to become, infected , There are numerous other instances of the use of plant toxins, venoms, and
  2. System had eleven grades, arranged according" to the degree to which they are, infected ,with potentiality ", expressed in their form at birth. The highest animals laid
  3. But the infection had been spread to the people of Asia Minor. Mecca became, infected ,in 1349. During the same year, records show the city of Mail (Mosul)
  4. Arrested a German agent with similar intentions. Germany and its allies, infected ,French cavalry horses and many of Russia’s mules and horses on the Eastern
  5. Seaborne, from complications of bovine tuberculosis, contracted after drinking, infected ,cow's milk as a boy. Turing's religious faith was shattered and he became an
  6. In microbial mats at the surface, and up to 70 % of marine bacteria may be, infected ,by phages. They have been used for over 90 years as an alternative to
  7. A pair of vultures feasted daily on his liver. Trojan War Apollo shot arrows, infected ,with the plague into the Greek encampment during the Trojan War in retribution
  8. Involving both asexual and sexual reproduction. Typically, a host is, infected ,via an active invasion by the parasites (similar to mitosis),which divide to
  9. Cells begin to secrete various toxins that cause the lysis or apoptosis of the, infected ,cell. In order to keep the cytotoxic cells from killing cells just for
  10. Following the AIDS outbreak in the 1980s. Every patient was treated as if, infected ,and therefore precautions were taken to minimize risk. Other conditions which
  11. Antigens can be released back into circulation upon the destruction of the, infected ,cell, again. Endogenous antigens are antigens that have
  12. Treatment, particularly emergency medical treatment of those who might be, infected ,with illnesses such as HIV, or hepatitis to reduce as much as possible
  13. Smallpox is dangerous because of the highly contagious nature of both the, infected ,and their pox. Also, the infrequency with which vaccines are administered among
  14. Agents, having witnessed the death of many soldiers from sepsis resulting from, infected ,wounds. Antiseptics killed the patients' immunological defenses more
  15. Of the bacteria, which are in turn endosymbiosis (or parasites) of the, infected ,plant. The Ti and RI plasmids can also be transferred between bacteria using a
  16. Rupturing and leaking out. After this the body will usually repair the old, infected ,cavity. Magnesium sulfate is therefore best applied at night with a sterile
  17. Or cerebral abscess) is an abscess caused by inflammation and collection of, infected ,material, coming from local (ear infection, dental abscess, infection of
  18. Nora's self-discovery, but the other characters also have depth and value. The, infected ,Dr. Rank and Nora both suffer from the irresponsibility of their fathers: Dr.
  19. Files, forcing the display of many obscene advertisements (composed mostly of, infected ,Flash coding); these and the main application logged browsing details and sent
  20. Penetrative objects with insufficient lubrication. This wound typically becomes, infected ,as a result of the normal presence of feces in the rectal area, and then
  21. Attachment point to T lymphocytes, the key cell in cell-mediated immunity. Once, infected ,by HIV, patients produce antibodies to the more changeable parts of the viral
  22. Transmission program. Botswana has reduced HIV transmission from, infected ,mothers to their children from about 40 % to just 4 %. Cancer The Cancer
  23. Major affect on fish welfare, and it is important for farmers not only to manage, infected ,stock but also to apply disease prevention measures. However, prevention
  24. The region, is present, with 45 species recorded. Despite its only wells being, infected ,with cholera or contaminated and undrinkable. Once they had landed on Ashore
  25. Plague were used for biological attacks, often by flinging famines such as, infected ,corpses and excrement over castle walls using catapults. In 1346,during the
  26. Of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) paste. This works by drawing the, infected ,pus to the surface of the skin before rupturing and leaking out. After this the
  27. Is transmitted through contact with blood, semen or other body secretions of an, infected ,person. Hepatitis B and C are transmitted primarily through blood contact.
  28. Expression of viral proteins coupled to MHC proteins on the surface of the, infected ,cell, allowing recognition by cells of the immune system (such as Natural
  29. Who died of the plague in 1348,noted a distinct form of the disease which, infected ,the lungs and led to respiratory problems Causes Medical knowledge had
  30. Because their manager thought the red dye could cause wounds to become, infected ,(as noted in The Sporting News Baseball Guide during the 1940s when each team
  31. It can kill the horses it infects and mortality may go as high as 90 % of the, infected ,horses during an epidemic. Bruce Parts is a computer programmer and advocate
  32. Cell count falls below 200. Viral infection Viruses can trigger apoptosis of, infected ,cells via a range of mechanisms including: *Expression of viral proteins
  33. System (such as Natural Killer and cytotoxic T cells) that then induce the, infected ,cell to undergo apoptosis. Most viruses encode proteins that can inhibit
  34. Rounds of lateral gene transfer. Sex-as-syngamy (fusion sex) arose when, infected ,hosts began swapping denuclearized genomes containing co-evolved, vertically
  35. Suffer from the irresponsibility of their fathers: Dr. Rank for the father who, infected ,his family, Nora for the father she likely married to protect. Dr. Rank's
  36. Was bitten by an insect while on holiday in Burnham-on-Sea. The bite became, infected , and his wife died in his arms from septicemia following an amputation. The
  37. Managed to keep the chain of infection without a break until they reached, and, infected , peoples and rodents who had never encountered it. The ensuing Black Death may
  38. Health conditions arise. Many people are hospitalized each year after becoming, infected , and some die as a result. Acinetobacter Baumann On November 5,2004,the
  39. The HIV- infected white men were unaware of their infections,67 percent of the, infected ,black men were unaware. " It has been estimated that" 184,991 adult and
  40. Type of EW is a direct insect attack against crops; the insect may not be, infected ,with any pathogen but instead represents a threat to agriculture. The final
  41. Of sexual transmission. It is possible for sexually inactive persons to get, infected ,with bacterial vaginosis. Rather, BV is a disordering of the chemical and
  42. Had become obstructed by replicating Y. pests several days after feeding on an, infected ,host. This blockage results in starvation and aggressive feeding behavior by
  43. To farmers and ranchers. Bear meat must be cooked thoroughly as it can often be, infected ,with Trichina spirals, which can cause trichinosis. Culture Names The
  44. While 1 in 6 Americans (16.2 percent) between the ages of 14 and 49 is, infected ,with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2),the infection rate is more than
  45. Hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are, infected ,by these feelings and also experience them. " The value of art, then,is one
  46. Salmonella typhimurium bacteria in the city of The Dallas, Oregon. The attack, infected ,751 people with severe food poisoning. However, there were no fatalities. This
  47. The Mongol army under Jane Beg was suffering the disease, they catapulted the, infected ,corpses over the city walls to infect the inhabitants. The Genoese traders fled
  48. He finishes his time at the isolation camp, where he is sent because his son is, infected , he wants to return there, because this would make him feel closer to his lost
  49. From the blood. If those antibodies are not present, either the person is not, infected , or the infection occurred a very long time ago, and the B cells generating
  50. Releasing apoptotic agents and virions into the surrounding tissue. #The, infected ,CD4+ cell may also receive the death signal from a cytotoxic T cell. Cells may

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