Examples of the the word, vocational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vocational ), is the 6492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Manufacturing and polishing. Employment is supported with NVQ or City & Guilds, vocational ,qualifications. All courses and qualifications at Dartmoor are operated by
  2. Which goes from sixth to ninth grade. Basic education is followed by Middle, vocational ,education (Education media vocational ) that comprises tenth and eleventh
  3. Study. Other colleges and universities, as well as secondary schools and, vocational ,programs that teach computer science, emphasize the practice of advanced
  4. Known as Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, it specializes in, vocational ,education. The college has over 53,000 students enrolled on full-time and
  5. And Esperanto from 1966 to 2004,after which time instruction moved to, vocational ,colleges; there are state examinations for Esperanto instructors. The Senate of
  6. At the undergraduate level. The term can also refer to schools which offer a, vocational , business, engineering,or technical curriculum. The term can either refer to a
  7. As a day and night school for secondary and technical education. In 1903,the, vocational ,education component of the college was designated a Central Institution and was
  8. Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. History Threw College Caltech began as a, vocational ,school founded in Pasadena in 1891 by local businessman and politician Amos G.
  9. There are also numerous other institutes for primary, secondary,technical, vocational ,and adult education. Infrastructure Railway The InterCityExpress main line #28
  10. Of 16,after which students may continue on to a baccalaureate, to intermediate, vocational ,education, to intermediate-level schooling in arts and design, to intermediate
  11. Of social psychology was ranked No. 2,dispute resolution was ranked No. 5, vocational , education No. 2,and elementary education, secondary teacher education
  12. Arthur Amos Noyes, and Robert Andrews Millikan in the early 20th century. The, vocational ,and preparatory schools were disbanded and spun off in 1910,and the college
  13. Names of individual colleges, many having started as a teacher' college or, vocational ,school (such as an A&M — an agricultural and mechanical school) that ended up
  14. Established have been named as" college ". There are several professional and, vocational ,institutions that offer post-secondary education without granting degrees that
  15. Vocacional) that comprises tenth and eleventh grades. It may have different, vocational ,training modalities or specialties (academic, technical,business, and so on.
  16. Of years of establishment, a certain firmness to the foundation in economic, vocational ,and legal aspects. Prior to this, the monastery would be a mere priory, headed
  17. Estate is subject to county property taxes, school district property taxes, vocational ,school district taxes, and,if located within an incorporated area, municipal
  18. Of population literate. Highly developed system of apprenticeship training and, vocational ,schools supplemented general secondary schools and institutions of higher
  19. Are frequently sponsored by religious institutions. Some public and private, vocational ,schools are available, particularly in the field of agriculture, but this too
  20. These secondary schools have traditionally focused on academic, rather than, vocational , subjects and ability levels (for example, collegiates offered Latin while
  21. Into Primary, Middle and High schools since the beginning of 2007. Tertiary and, vocational ,Darwin's largest University is the Charles Darwin University which is the
  22. To providing employment and performance of useful work made the inclusion of, vocational ,and academic training a mandatory minimum of 10 hours per week, to provide
  23. Unit, as in the AND Colleges. * Most Takes, which offer certificate and diploma, vocational ,courses, are styled" TAKE colleges" or" Colleges of TAKE ". Some private
  24. Provider of tertiary education in the Northern Territory, it covers both, vocational ,and academic courses, acting as both a university and an Institute of TAKE.
  25. Level courses and operates the Hotel Hurrahing in Barton. Tertiary level, vocational ,education is also available through the multi-campus Canberra Institute of
  26. Society of King's Inns is the only educational establishment with runs, vocational ,courses for barristers in the Republic and degrees of Barrister-at-Law can only
  27. Normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as, vocational ,education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions
  28. Between secondary school and university. It usually offers a wide range of, vocational ,courses and adult education. Most students are aged 16-18,but there many
  29. Strong primary school education. A segmented secondary school program includes, vocational ,training, basic education, college preparation and advanced placement. Higher
  30. Students can attend one of the six technical colleges in the country, or take, vocational ,training courses in teaching or nursing. The best students enter the University
  31. Tertiary," post-secondary ", or " higher" education (e.g., university, vocational , school for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part
  32. Secondary or high schools, gymnasiums,lyceums, middle schools, colleges,or, vocational ,schools. The exact meaning of these terms varies from one system to
  33. Undergraduates to graduate school in virtually every academic, professional and, vocational ,field. Columbia is a racially diverse school, with approximately 52 % of all
  34. But at an off-campus location in downtown Cadillac. Adults can attend the, vocational ,or cosmetology school with tuition or financial aid for certification. Cadillac
  35. Sadomasochists. Public knowledge of one's BDSM lifestyle can have devastating, vocational ,and social effects (Persona non grata) for sadomasochists. The reason for
  36. Subjects and ability levels (for example, collegiates offered Latin while, vocational ,schools offered technical courses). Some private secondary schools in Toronto
  37. Threw College of Technology, before acquiring its current name in 1920. The, vocational ,school was disbanded, and the preparatory program was split off to form an
  38. The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 shifted agricultural education back to its, vocational ,roots, but the scientific foundation had been built. After 1906,public
  39. General in the U. S., refers in Canada to either a post-secondary technical or, vocational ,institution, or to one of the colleges that exist as federated schools within
  40. Northeast of downtown Los Angeles. Although founded as a preparatory and, vocational ,school by Amos G. Threw in 1891,the eponymous college attracted influential
  41. Grades (Elementary School) Secondary education is provided by gymnasiums and, vocational ,schools. Croatia has eight universities, the University of Zagreb, University
  42. Well as some 14-16 year olds sent from their schools on a part-time basis for, vocational ,study that the schools are not equipped to deliver. Most FE colleges offer A
  43. Of the population had university qualifications. The number of Adelaideans with, vocational ,qualifications (such as tradespeople) fell from 62.1 % of the labor force
  44. Which was established in 1985 as an institution of higher education and, vocational ,training. The Al-Maktoum Institute was established in Dundee in Blackness Road
  45. Public services Education Baku has many universities, junior colleges, and, vocational , schools. Many of Azerbaijan's the most prestigious universities are in Baku
  46. Colleges in Malaysia are a network of educational institutions whereby, vocational ,and technical skills training could be provided at all levels for school
  47. Institutions include thousands of preschools, general secondary schools, and, vocational , schools,including specialized secondary schools and technical schools.
  48. Institutions previously designated as colleges to universities, and all of its, vocational ,technology schools to technical colleges. (Previously, only the four-year
  49. Village outside of Hanoi. The center provides medical care, rehabilitation and, vocational ,training for children and veterans from Vietnam who have been affected by Agent
  50. That teach conservation, the approach differs according to the educational and, vocational ,system within the country, and the focus of the school itself. This is

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