Examples of the the word, generalize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( generalize ), is the 6498 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As well as many other types of compounds. Toxicity Although it is difficult to, generalize ,on the toxicity of such a broad class of compounds, simple ketones are, in
  2. And modules, direct and inverse limits. The concepts of limit and colimit, generalize ,several of the above. Universal constructions often give rise to pairs of
  3. From all other languages in that you can always trust your natural tendency to, generalize ,patterns. ... The same neuropsychological law — called by Jean Piaget
  4. This is the method of generating functions. Laurent series, generalize ,power series by admitting terms into the series with negative as well as
  5. Orthogonality between vectors (zero inner product). Inner product spaces, generalize ,Euclidean spaces (in which the inner product is the dot product, also known as
  6. An integration in order to find the volume of a paraboloid, and was able to, generalize ,his result for the integrals of polynomials up to the fourth degree. He thus
  7. Ordered sets). In topology, directed sets are used to define nets, which, generalize , sequences and unite the various notions of limit used in analysis. Directed
  8. Quality of studies performed varies, making it difficult to compare them and, generalize ,about the results. Certain groups have been historically under-researched (
  9. Known, even though a number of promising candidates exist. Attempts to, generalize ,ordinary quantum field theories, used in elementary particle physics to
  10. Are indexed by the n-element set \math bf_n. From this point of view, one may, generalize ,the DFT to representation theory generally, or more narrowly to the
  11. For which it is unstable. Higher order tensors Gaussian elimination does not, generalize ,in any simple way to higher order tensors (matrices are order 2 tensors);
  12. Arithmetic We can define arithmetic operations on cardinal numbers that, generalize ,the ordinary operations for natural numbers. It can be shown that for finite
  13. 2 we have the above relationship between the means. For arbitrary n≥2 we may, generalize ,this formula, as noted above, by interpreting the third equation for the
  14. Sum of topological spaces, and * the free product of groups. ) Both formulas, generalize ,to arbitrary products. Furthermore, the latter formula is a special case of the
  15. Memory to make aiming adjustments while years ago the term was used to, generalize ,and/or categorize those archers who did not use a mechanical or fixed sight.
  16. And conscientiousness" and an artist must“ not arbitrarily model or, generalize ,his originals for speculative purposes” which he considered proved by
  17. Cofinality can be similarly defined for a directed set and is used to, generalize ,the notion of a subsequence in a net. Examples * The cofinality of a partially
  18. By the notion of a linear complex structure. Hypercomplex numbers also, generalize ,R, C,H, and O. For example this notion contains the split-complex numbers
  19. Find the volume of a paraboloid. Using mathematical induction, he was able to, generalize ,his result for the integrals of polynomials up to the fourth degree. He thus
  20. The three types of geometry, and he defined the concept of a manifold, which, generalize , the ideas of curves and surfaces. The 19th century saw the beginning of a great
  21. Were considered unintelligent, with no abstract thinking ability, unable to, generalize , and driven primarily by a herd mentality. However, modern studies show that
  22. From its common usages. The dimension of Euclidean -space is. When trying to, generalize ,to other types of spaces, one is faced with the question“ what makes
  23. Professor Arden Lenora observed that" Last time, it took nine years for us to, generalize ,from a special to a nonspecial, hard-to-factor number" and when asked whether
  24. Because it has not yet been proven that songbirds have the semantic ability to, generalize ,from patterns. http://tuvalu.santafe.edu/~johnson/articles. Chimp. HTML There
  25. Is with the assumption that the nucleus is orbited by one electron, we can, generalize ,this result by letting the nucleus have a charge q = Z e where Z is the atomic
  26. Are directed at members of the sang ha; later Mahayana texts, which often, generalize ,monastic norms to laity, require this of lay people as well. The early texts do
  27. Absolute value for real numbers given in (2) – (5) above, can be used to, generalize ,the notion of absolute value to an arbitrary field, as follows. A real-valued
  28. To the representation theory of finite groups. More narrowly still, one may, generalize ,the DFT by either changing the target (taking values in a field other than the
  29. Ideology Any attempt to lay out the ideology of a musical genre is bound to, generalize ,to the extent that some traits are unfairly emphasized, while others are laid
  30. From the (x, z ) and (x, y ) planes, respectively. Generalizations One can, generalize ,the concept of Cartesian coordinates to allow axes that are not perpendicular
  31. With precisely one element of, and vice versa, this defines a bijection. We now, generalize ,this situation and define two sets to be of the same size if (and only if)
  32. For curl and curl F. Unlike the gradient and divergence, curl does not, generalize ,as simply to other dimensions; some generalizations are possible, but only in
  33. Does not depend on their order (the axiom of commutativity). Abelian groups, generalize ,the arithmetic of addition of integers. They are named after Niels Henrik Abel.
  34. Unpleasant events and thus are unpleasant in their literal meaning, used to, generalize ,a bad event. " Having your ass handed to you "," left for the rats ","
  35. Implicitly in terms of polynomials, starting from the rational numbers. One may, generalize ,this to" closed-form numbers ", which may be defined in various ways. Most
  36. The absolute value for real numbers can be used, with a slight modification, to, generalize , the notion to an arbitrary vector space. A real-valued function on a vector
  37. The n (finite or infinite) bins whose probabilities are denoted by PN. As we, generalize ,to the continuous domain, we must make this width explicit. To do this, start
  38. Object to another ", then higher-dimensional categories allow us to profitably, generalize ,this by considering" higher-dimensional processes ". For example, a (strict)
  39. a)h to ƒ near a (i.e., for small h). This interpretation is the easiest to, generalize ,to other settings (see below). Substituting 0 for h in the difference
  40. Trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. Prevalence is difficult to, generalize , but research has estimated 10–15 % of the general population as having at
  41. 1-t)^\, dt \franc. Calculating products The gamma function's ability to and, generalize ,factorial products immediately leads to applications in many areas of
  42. Such a grouped is literally just a group. Many concepts of group theory, generalize ,to groupies, with the notion of functor replacing that of group homomorphism.
  43. Cause drooling. Although most episodes are brief, seizures sometimes spread and, generalize , Seizures are typically nocturnal and confined to sleep. The EEG may
  44. B2) is given by φ g o φ o f. See HOM functor. Representable functors: We can, generalize ,the previous example to any category C. To every pair X, Y of objects in C one
  45. Generators for binary forms using a complex computational approach. Attempts to, generalize ,his method to functions with more than two variables failed because of the
  46. Values of the Gamma function for calculated values. It might be tempting to, generalize ,the result that \Gamma (1/2) \sort \pi by looking for a formula for other
  47. After three decades of amassing material, Boasians felt a growing urge to, generalize , This was most obvious in the 'Culture and Personality' studies carried out by
  48. However, the above formulas for logarithms of products and powers do not, generalize ,to the principal value of the complex logarithm. The illustration at the right
  49. Argue that sex and gender are socially constructed, that it is impossible to, generalize ,women's experiences across cultures and histories, and that dualism and
  50. From all other languages in that you can always trust your natural tendency to, generalize ,patterns ... The same neuropsychological law ... — called by Jean Piaget

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