Examples of the the word, ski , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ski ), is the 6503 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Helicopters are also present such as a US LHD or LA amphibious assault ship a, ski ,jump is not included as this would eliminate one or more helicopter landing
  2. Unemployed. * In 1976 Rick Sylvester ski ed off Canada's Mount Asgard for the, ski ,chase sequence of the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me, giving the wider
  3. File: Many 10. JPG|Many File: Flag range. JPG|Flag is a popular, ski ,destination in Turkey File: Babies nordmanniana Flag 3. JPG|Flag as seen in
  4. Area as a tourist center. Camera remains in operation today, as the oldest, ski ,resort in the Midwest. Tourism has since become an important sector of Cadillac
  5. Simultaneously). Relay The relay teams consist of four biathletes, who each, ski ,(men) or (women),each leg ski ed over three laps, with two shooting rounds;
  6. Country ski ers. There are also special distance ski races, sometimes called, ski ,marathons, like Vasaloppet in Sweden, Birkebeineren in Norway, the Canadian
  7. Basic concepts A biathlon competition consists of a race in which contestants, ski ,around a cross-country track, and where the total distance is broken up by
  8. As of November 16, 2009. Janice Cosmetic is the most successful female alpine, ski ,racer in the history of the Winter Olympic Games. She is the only woman to win
  9. For the world's the fastest cross country ski ers. There are also special distance, ski ,races, sometimes called ski marathons, like Vasaloppet in Sweden, Birkebeineren
  10. Of pine, known as Macedonian pine or minus peace, as well as a well-known, ski ,resort. Covering an area of 1,798 km². And with a population of 122,173 (1991
  11. 2005,Santiago de la España (Jaén) experienced a temperature of and the, ski ,resort at Sierra Nevada National Park—the southernmost ski resort in
  12. Of Biathlon, which adds rifle marksmanship to ski ing. Modern cross-country, ski ,competition is experiencing a revolution that is resulting in greater
  13. The men ski legs of 7.5 km (in 2005-06: 6 km) and the women, ski ,6 km each. From 2007 only one team per nation is allowed to compete. Total
  14. Of assaulting a shop assistant by simply jumping over a counter wearing a, ski ,mask. The court said: Scottish law also provides for a more serious charge of
  15. Canberra stands as an exemplary city design and is located halfway between the, ski ,slopes and the beach. It enjoys a natural cooling from geophysical factors. The
  16. Soldiers, as an alternative training for the military. The world's first known, ski ,club, the Trail Rifle and Ski Club, was formed in Norway in 1861 to promote
  17. South of the city center, at the northern slope of the Swabian Jura, the Postal, ski ,lifts are located. The ski ing area comprises two platter lifts that have a
  18. In fifth place, you shoot at lane five. ). As in sprint races, competitors must, ski ,one 150 m penalty loop for each miss. Here again, to avoid unwanted congestion
  19. Professional wrestling personality *1969 – Patrick Carbon, Swedish alpine, ski ,racer * 1969 – Fernando Via, American baseball player * 1970 – Walt Williams
  20. People during the Spanish conquest. Skiing and snowboarding are practiced at, ski ,centers located in the Central Andes, and in southern ski centers near to
  21. Collins and Boulder, southern Colorado (including Pueblo),and a few western, ski ,resort counties. The Republicans are strongest in the Eastern Plains, Colorado
  22. Army from 1914 to 1916. There he rose to the rank of captain in the, ski ,patrol and was awarded a medal for being wounded at the Russian front. He
  23. Although the Su-33 does launch with a light fuel and weapons load from a, ski ,jump. Another disadvantage is on mixed flight deck operations where helicopters
  24. Population Economy The city is mainly a tourist and resort center, serving many, ski ,lodges. Emigration The city and the region around has been the center of a
  25. With a vertical or rolling takeoff on a short flat deck on STAR carriers. A, ski ,jump works by converting some forward rolling motion of the aircraft
  26. Distribute the weight of the ski er and allow the ski er to move quickly. Typical, ski ,dimensions are 2 meters in length, about 5 centimeters in width and one to four
  27. 6,348 m and 6,282 m, respectively. Throughout the central Andes there are many, ski ,resorts of international repute, including Portillo, Valle Nevada and Terms de
  28. Rodney Hampton, American football player *1971 – Piano Street, American alpine, ski ,champion * 1972 – Kenny Logan, Scottish rugby player * 1972 – Sandrine Tested
  29. Where ski ing is replaced by a cross-country run, and archery biathlon (or, ski ,archery),where the rifle is replaced by a recurve bow. There have also been
  30. Indoor sports would be held in Barcelona, while outdoor sports would be held in, ski ,resorts in the Pyrenees, maintly La Molina. FC Barcelona is a sports club best
  31. Skiing is part of the Nordic ski ing sport family, which also includes, ski ,jumping, and a combination sport of cross-country ski ing and ski jumping called
  32. Are practiced at ski centers located in the Central Andes, and in southern, ski ,centers near to cities as Osorio, Puerto Vargas, Temuco and Punta Arenas. While
  33. 2005. It is now officially titled UPC-Arena. The Sun Valley Resort has a short, ski ,trail called Arnold's Run, named after Schwarzenegger in 2001. The trail is
  34. Usually the preferred one, being the fastest. No equipment other than ski s and, ski ,poles may be used to move along the track. Minimum ski length is less than the
  35. Other than ski s and ski poles may be used to move along the track. Minimum, ski ,length is less than the height of the ski er. The rifle has to be carried by the
  36. Every year. Alberta is an important destination for tourists who love to, ski ,and hike; Alberta boasts several world-class ski resorts such as Sunshine
  37. The Western Slope include Glenwood Springs with its resort hot springs, and the, ski ,resorts of Aspen, Breckenridge,View, Crested Butte, Steamboat Springs, and
  38. To attain sufficient air velocity and lift to sustain normal flight. Without a, ski ,jump launching fully loaded and fueled aircraft such as the Harrier would not
  39. Sports (Alpine and Nordic ski ing, snowboarding,tobogganing, snowshoeing, ski , tours ) can be practiced in most regions from December to April. In summer, the
  40. Sport tourism, and conventions. One example of sport and nature tourism is the, ski ,resort at Sierra Nevada National Park. As for cultural tourism, Andalusia has
  41. In the standing round. In case of a miss, the two non-shooting biathletes must, ski ,a penalty loop of 150 m. The ski ers must enter the shooting area together, and
  42. It. The highest honor, the Courier de Bois Gold, is given to those who, ski ,the entire distance and camp out overnight, bringing all their food and gear
  43. Smaller carriers, has a ski -jump ramp at the forward end of the flight deck. A, ski ,jump is a fixed ramp at the end of the flight deck with a curved incline. This
  44. Hut – can mean a second home of any size, but refers to one located in a, ski ,resort. Outside southern Ontario and southern Quebec, these second homes
  45. Of the 1940s. Throughout the 1970s,Canada's winning World Cup men's downhill, ski ,team was called the" Crazy Canucks" for their fearlessness on the slopes. It
  46. For tourists who love to ski and hike; Alberta boasts several world-class, ski ,resorts such as Sunshine Village, Lake Louise, Marmot Basin, Norquay and
  47. Also includes ski jumping, and a combination sport of cross-country ski ing and, ski ,jumping called Nordic combined. Free-technique cross-country ski ing is also the
  48. Of and the ski resort at Sierra Nevada National Park—the southernmost, ski ,resort in Europe—dropped to. Sierra Nevada Natural Park has Iberia's lowest
  49. His motorcycle license until July 3,2006. Schwarzenegger tripped over his, ski ,pole and broke his right femur while ski ing in Sun Valley, Idaho,with his
  50. Championships 2007 in Anthony, the sequence was women–women–man–man. The men, ski ,leg of 7.5 km (in 2005-06: 6 km) and the women ski 6 km each. From 2007 only

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