Examples of the the word, semantic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( semantic ), is the 6488 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A Brythonic substratum and heavy influence point out that many toponyms have no, semantic ,continuation from the Brythonic language. A notable example is" Avon" which
  2. Information contained in Openly, ResearchCyc includes significantly more, semantic ,knowledge (i.e., additional facts) about the concepts in its knowledge base
  3. Both Belgian Dutch and Belgian French have minor differences in vocabulary and, semantic ,nuances from the varieties spoken respectively in the Netherlands and France.
  4. In the compiler. # Semantic analysis is the phase in which the compiler adds, semantic ,information to the parse tree and builds the symbol table. This phase performs
  5. Two categories: episodic memory which stores specific personal experiences and, semantic ,memory which stores factual information. Types There are two types of
  6. Understanding of Human empiricism, stressing an epistemological, rather than a, semantic ,reading of his project. According to this view,Hume's empiricism consisted in
  7. In this line of interpretation, Cernach is taken as an epithet with a wide, semantic ,field —" angular; victorious; bearing a prominent growth" — and Conall is
  8. Became prominent, many computer architects tried to bridge the so called, semantic ,gap,i.e. to design instruction sets that directly supported high-level
  9. To solve the halting problem. Although conservative heuristic methods for, semantic ,garbage detection remain an active research area, essentially all practical
  10. Declarative and procedural forms. Declarative memory--grouped into subsets of, semantic ,and episodic forms of memory--refers to our memory for facts and specific
  11. Reduplication is often shown with a tilde. Lexical affixes (or, semantic ,affixes) are bound elements that appear as affixes, but function as
  12. Letter. **Combination of left or right-click and the mouse wheel. Standard, semantic ,gestures include: Multiple-mouse systems Some systems allow two or more mice to
  13. Its singular contribution to AI and psychology in general is the notion of a, semantic ,network. One of the first cognitive psychologists, George Miller is well known
  14. Observation because it has not yet been proven that songbirds have the, semantic ,ability to generalize from patterns.
  15. Information to the parse tree and builds the symbol table. This phase performs, semantic ,checks such as type checking (checking for type errors),or object binding (
  16. The language is due to John C. Reynolds, and it best exhibits its syntactic and, semantic ,purity. Reynolds's" idealized" Algol also made a convincing methodological
  17. Know until x. check_something () returns The problem of precisely identifying, semantic ,garbage can easily be shown to be partially decidable: a program that allocates
  18. Between syntactic garbage, those objects the program cannot possibly reach, and, semantic , garbage,those objects the program will in fact never again use. For example:
  19. Open to debate. The front end is generally considered to be where syntactic and, semantic ,processing takes place, along with translation to a lower level of
  20. Such as color or shape to experiential abstractions such as a specific cat to, semantic ,abstractions such as the" idea" of a CAT to classes of objects such as "
  21. ML. The conceptual integrity of the language made it one of the main objects of, semantic ,research, along with PCF and ML. ILL implementations timeline To date there
  22. The technical problem: how accurately can the message be transmitted?: The, semantic ,problem: how precisely is the meaning 'conveyed '?: The effectiveness problem:
  23. Freeway, a self-learning conversation simulator (Chatterbot) which uses, semantic ,net to organize its knowledge in order to imitate a very close human behavior
  24. Anti-realism in the sense that Emmett uses the term is also often called, semantic ,anti-realism. Hilary Putnam's" internal realism" Despite being at one time a
  25. The medial temporal lobe were removed, including the ability to form of new, semantic ,knowledge and memories. The dissociation in H. M. between the acquisition of
  26. A verb in a verb-initial sentence is marked as singular regardless of its, semantic ,number when the subject of the verb is explicitly mentioned as a noun. Numerals
  27. Such as topographies, in which each character represents a word, morpheme,or, semantic ,unit, and syllabifies, in which each character represents a syllable. Alphabets
  28. Contain phonetic parts, and are composites of phonetic components and, semantic ,radicals. Only the simplest characters, such as men 人 (human),RI 日 (sun)
  29. Arbitrary input program P, and uses X if and only if P finishes would require a, semantic ,garbage collector to solve the halting problem. Although conservative heuristic
  30. Or all of the following operations: lexical analysis, preprocessing,parsing, semantic ,analysis (Syntax-directed translation),code generation, and code
  31. Natural language. However, for various reasons, several lexical, syntactic and, semantic ,ambiguities remain. Names of functions The ambiguity in the style of writing a
  32. Parallel sign-mediated interactions are governed by syntactic, pragmatic and, semantic ,rules, and are possible because of the decentralized" nervous system" of
  33. Composition and sound synthesis. * http://www.racer-systems.com/ Racer,a, semantic ,web reasoning system and information repository. *
  34. Contain much ambiguity and inconsistency. The many exceptions to syntax and, semantic ,rules are time-consuming and difficult to learn. Mathematical notation
  35. Supply (or the debasement of the means of exchange). They argue that this, semantic ,difference is important in defining inflation and finding a cure for inflation.
  36. Compilation. Typically, the preprocessing phase occurs before syntactic or, semantic ,analysis; e.g. in the case of C, the preprocessor manipulates lexical tokens
  37. Corresponds to the person. For example, the triconsonantal skeleton is the, semantic ,core of the word 'hear '; its basic conjugation is 'he hears '. If the subject
  38. Then phonologically, although some logo graphs are compounds conveying both, semantic ,meaning (the" radical" ) and phonological information. Ethnic Chinese often
  39. Theory of mind proposes that concepts are mental representations, while the, semantic ,theory of concepts (originating with Frege's distinction between concept and
  40. Music),the softness or loudness of a sound or note * Force Dynamics,a, semantic ,concept about how entities interact with reference to force * Neural
  41. Class name to within the scope where the class is declared. Depending on the, semantic ,rules of the language, there may be additional restrictions on local classes
  42. Theory, an extension of universal algebra having many new features allowing for, semantic ,flexibility and higher-order logic, came later; it is now applied throughout
  43. Are impossible objects. Pictures or photographs may also be ambiguous at the, semantic ,level: the visual image is unambiguous, but the meaning and narrative may be
  44. Contractions or acronyms (including initialism),with which they share some, semantic ,and phonetic functions, though all three are connoted by the term "
  45. Words (and often only to a certain subset of words, such as nouns, or, semantic , content words). Such systems are examples of argots à clef, or " coded argots.
  46. In 1972,Ended Turning proposed the distinction between episodic and, semantic ,memory. With the recent advances in neuroimaging technology, there have been a
  47. As to be essentially meaningless. Lexical ambiguity is contrasted with, semantic ,ambiguity. The former represents a choice between a finite number of knowns and
  48. Categorized as pictographs, and 80–90 % as phonetic complexes consisting of a, semantic ,element that indicates meaning, and a phonetic element that indicates the
  49. Miller is well known for dedicating his career to the development of WordNet,a, semantic ,network for the English language. Development began in 1985 and is now the
  50. 1949),a category (in particular a" category mistake" ) is an important, semantic ,concept, but one having only loose affinities to an ontological category.

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