Examples of the the word, plea , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plea ), is the 6482 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 17 % of State inmates and 5 % of Federal inmates submitted either an Alford, plea ,or a no contest plea , regardless of the type of attorney. This difference
  2. And 5 % of Federal inmates submitted either an Alford plea or a no contest, plea , regardless of the type of attorney. This difference reflects the relative
  3. Be to enter a guilty plea . The Court ruled that the defendant can enter such a, plea ," when he concludes that his interests require a guilty plea and the record
  4. Is some factual basis for the plea . Defendants usually enter an Alford guilty, plea ,if they want to avoid a possible worse sentence were they to lose the case
  5. Cannot proceed. Pleas of" solo contender" ( no contest) and the" Alford, plea ," are allowed in some circumstances. In England, Wales,and Northern Ireland
  6. Hearing usually follows. The court is not required to accept a guilty, plea , During the hearing, the judge assesses the offense, the mitigating factors
  7. In March 2009,the Minnesota House of Representatives characterized the Alford, plea ,as:" a form of a guilty plea in which the defendant asserts innocence but
  8. That has been made. Court has discretion whether to accept this type of, plea , " The U. S. Attorneys' Manual states that in the federal system, Alford plea s
  9. Of his history of dishonesty, and because he was delivering it as part of a, plea ,bargain agreement after being convicted of conspiring to attack U. S. military
  10. A reasonable jury could find him guilty, and he wants to take advantage of a, plea ,offer that has been made. Court has discretion whether to accept this
  11. Alford guilty plea and the Alford doctrine) in United States law is a guilty, plea ,in criminal court, Under the Alford plea , the defendant admits that sufficient
  12. Mamet-written movie Glengarry Glen Ross An Alford plea (also called a Kennedy, plea , an Alford guilty plea and the Alford doctrine) in United States law is a
  13. A plea made voluntarily by the defendant. The Court held that a ruling that the, plea ,was entered into voluntarily is implied by the act of sentencing. In October
  14. Is sometimes required of a defendant who plea ds guilty to a crime in a, plea ,bargain in exchange for a reduced sentence. In this instance, allocution can
  15. Character Blake in the David Mamet-written movie Glengarry Glen Ross An Alford, plea ,(also called a Kennedy plea , an Alford guilty plea and the Alford doctrine)
  16. The case against them at trial. Court and government usage This form of guilty, plea ,has been frequently used in local and state courts in the United States, The
  17. The mass deportation of Jews to the camp. Starting with a, plea ,from the Slovakian rabbi Weissmann in May 1944,there was a growing campaign
  18. Lookup=An doc. +2+1 On His Return (" De Credit" ). Decides ', plea ,for his return and removal of civil disabilities.
  19. Idaho Court of Appeals, the Court commented on the impact of the Alford guilty, plea ,on later sentencing. In the 1999 South Carolina Supreme Court case State v.
  20. The individual that his best decision in the case would be to enter a guilty, plea , The Court ruled that the defendant can enter such a plea " when he concludes
  21. Find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Origin The Alford guilty, plea ,originated in the United States Supreme Court case of North Carolina v. Alford
  22. Readiness of State courts, compared to Federal courts, to accept an alternative, plea , " In the 1995 case State of Idaho v. Dowry before the Idaho Court of Appeals
  23. Mitigation is absolute. If a judge or magistrate were to refuse to hear such a, plea , or obviously fail to properly consider it, then the sentence would, without
  24. Flees from him, praying to the gods for mercy as she runs. The gods hear her, plea , and change her into a Myrrh tree, so her father cannot kill her. Eventually
  25. To thirty years in prison, after the trial judge in the case accepted the, plea ,bargain and ruled that the defendant had been adequately apprised by his lawyer
  26. A post-indictment arraignment or PIA, the defendant is allowed to enter a, plea , Form of the arraignment The wording of the arraignment varies from
  27. Accepted by a court even where the defendant does not admit guilt. In an Alford, plea , defendant has to admit that he has reviewed the state's evidence, a
  28. Guilty or not guilty. Generally speaking in private, civil cases there is no, plea ,entered of guilt or innocence. There is only a judgment that grants money
  29. 8,1905. | group=N} } Although he was born" Alexander ", at age 10,he made a, plea ,to his father to have a middle name like his two brothers. For his 11th
  30. Use force to maintain possession of federal property. His speech closed with a, plea ,for restoration of the bonds of union. The South sent
  31. In October 2008,the United States Department of Justice defined an Alford, plea ,as:" when a defendant maintains his or her innocence with respect to the
  32. Judge acted appropriately in accordance with the rules for acceptance of a, plea ,made voluntarily by the defendant. The Court held that a ruling that the plea
  33. Should not now be passed upon you? ". The defense counsel will then make a ", plea ,in mitigation" ( also called" submissions on penalty" ) wherein he or she
  34. Glen Ross An Alford plea (also called a Kennedy plea , an Alford guilty, plea ,and the Alford doctrine) in United States law is a guilty plea in criminal
  35. Of a return to peaceful activities resulting from peace with Sparta, and a, plea ,for leniency for citizens suspected of complicity in an oligarchic revolt are
  36. The court enters a plea of not guilty for a defendant who refuses to enter a, plea , The rationale for this is the defendant's right to silence. Pre-trial Release
  37. To escape her forced betrothal to a Roman senator, had sent the Finnish king a, plea ,for help – and her engagement ring – in the spring of 450. Though Honor may
  38. House of Representatives characterized the Alford plea as:" a form of a guilty, plea ,in which the defendant asserts innocence but acknowledges on the record that
  39. Good character and good works (if any). In Australia, the right to make a, plea ,in mitigation is absolute. If a judge or magistrate were to refuse to hear such
  40. Prove guilt. " The Minnesota Judicial Branch similarly states:" Alford Plea: A, plea ,of guilty that may be accepted by a court even where the defendant does not
  41. With other guilty plea s, the judge must see there is some factual basis for the, plea , Defendants usually enter an Alford guilty plea if they want to avoid a
  42. Him or her. In response to arraignment, the accused is expected to enter a, plea , Acceptable plea s vary among jurisdictions, but they generally include" guilty
  43. The entry of a conviction in the charged crime. Upon receiving an Alford guilty, plea ,from a defendant, the court may immediately pronounce the defendant guilty and
  44. Frequently used in local and state courts in the United States, The form of, plea ,is not allowed in courts of the United States military. In 2000 the United
  45. Can enter such a plea " when he concludes that his interests require a guilty, plea ,and the record strongly indicates guilt. " The defendant plea ds guilty, but
  46. Military. In 2000 the United States Department of Justice noted," In an Alford, plea ,the defendant agrees to plea d guilty because he or she realizes that there is
  47. Apprised by his lawyer, Doris Bray. The Supreme Court held that for the, plea ,to be accepted, the defendant must have been advised by a competent lawyer who
  48. The book became a bestseller in Russia. Solzhenitsyn begins this work with a, plea ,for" patient mutual comprehension" on the part of Russians and Russian Jews.
  49. And hard punishment" ). Today in common-law jurisdictions, the court enters a, plea ,of not guilty of a defendant who refuses to enter a plea . The rationale for
  50. In United States law is a guilty plea in criminal court, Under the Alford, plea , the defendant admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the

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